The Deadlift is one of the easiest and most SIMPLE lifts you can do. Basic knowledge primer: lift the barbell off the floor. That's IT! Can it get any more ELEMENTAL than that?
Step 1: Put one of the long bars on the floor, then put some plates on it. Step 2: Get a shoulder-width grip. Here at BUG SPORTS we like an approximately shoulder-width grip, but you can also go inside or outside of shoulder-width, approximately. Step 3: Bend over and lift! Your body will naturally align itself the proper way, all you need to worry about is using the most effort possible. Just channel pure, raw, animal strength and get that thing off the ground! Step 4: As the bar lifts off the floor, round your back like a cat and breathe ALL THE WAY OUT! You want to train for lung maximalization, that means get all the air out of there. Step 5 (optional): At the top of the lift, when you're standing all the way up, twist your torso several times. Really get a good stretch and see if you can twist your body all the way around to the back.
The Deadlift is one of the great lifts because it's the lift that a beginner can take RIGHT NOW and start piling on heavy weight. So what are you waiting for? Get in the gym, load up the bar, and test your MAXIMUM POWER (AKA One Rep Max). Don't be afraid to keep putting more weight on if you manage to survive your first try.
>mixed rip lmaoing at your life 1p8 btw >>Back straight.
Josiah Morgan
>Step 5 (optional): At the top of the lift, when you're standing all the way up, twist your torso several times. Really get a good stretch and see if you can twist your body all the way around to the back. omfg wtf bbq
Hunter Watson
I did all the steps but now the barbell is in my ass. What went wrong?
Andrew Harris
t.b.h i cant even reach the bar because my flexibility/mobility is fucked, so i just do rack pulls and stretch so i can eventually do deadlifts from the ground
Landon Martinez
I wish. It took me a good 6 months or so of experimenting with different form techniques and cues to get my form down, and I finally realized that I'm built weird as fuck and as long as my back doesn't round on the pull then I might as well keep adding weight.
William Bell
Is it better to use a hex bar or regular bar. my deadlift is the weakest out of all my lifts since i only started DLing recently.
Charles Wood
best thread on Jow Forums right now.
Jeremiah Nguyen
>The Deadlift is one of the easiest and most SIMPLE lifts you can do Yeah, if your knees are straight, you're a manlet, and you don't have flat feet.
Asher Russell
>deadlift Aka the "virgin lift".
Carter Cruz
Lol just pick it up nigger >Ah bloo bloo I CAN'T pick something UP!!! That's impossible!!
Christian James
This, I suddenly couldn't deadlift off the floor with good technique, after lots of stretching I'm now able to do it again, feels good man.
Chase Morris
Doing what op says will give you sick hunch back gains and a wicked torso. You'll be like a 6'4 Quasimodo
Zachary Butler
i deadlift 5x10 5x a week
Logan Baker
Do you want to do deadlifts or kind-of-deadlifts?
Connor Wilson
Flexiblet here, what are some good stretches for ankle mobility?
Ayden Hill
stretching your ankle
Jaxson Evans
ankle stretches
Julian Evans
Stretch em on out
Gavin Johnson
Problem with dorsiflexion? Do in your warmup calf raises, deep squats and the things where you are like in a squat position with the other heel off the ground and you let a barbell rest on the end of the quad to stretch.