>One dimple on my face, right side which is even worse
>Indentation on my right ribcage
>Huge cock
Physical Deformity Thread - Post Em
>prick of discoloration in my left eye, people (mainly girls) will point it out and ask if they can get closer to look at it
>biggest cock anyone I've shown it to has seen
other than that nothing really else remarkable about me. im a virgin btw
>wide hips
>enormous penis
>missing a kidney
>missing a testicle
My guess is that when creating my character i had spent to much points on cock, height and face so i had to give up spare organs
ITT: the last gigachads remaining
Of all the places he could have chosen to get that tattoo he decided right above his dick was the best place
i just realised one of my ears is lower than the other lmao
dude you're a giant faggot for noticing that
I'm a woman
>174 cm
>Looks like a twink
>18 cm dong
I'm quite proud if my face was slightly more attractive
>small cock
Not impressed lol
That's not what your mom said ;^)
Me and my sisters all have heterochromia
What's wrong with his chin? Is it chin cancer?
post sister
Left bicep is shorter then right one and no is not bigger as in muscle but propaply tendon or some shit like that.
> Also enormous hugemongus magnus extra extreme extremly mangabalondozokas DICK
Its bad for me since im into petite girls.4'5 to 4'10.
Slight scoliosis. My neck isn't straight and I have to consciously extend my right leg while standing in order to not lean.
Walking is my biggest source of self-consciousness. Everyone else just walks lmao, but I have to focus 100% of my effort on walking correctly and even then I feel like I'm lumbering around like a retard.
Deadlifting with a hex/trap bar and flexing all of my back and core muscles causes my spine to temporarily align. Every vertebrae from my hips to my neck makes a loud *pop* sound that sometimes turns heads and it's the most orgasmic feeling.
I have Beckers Muscular Dystrophy
that's pretty cool
>My right glute is twice the size of my left glute and I have no idea why. I've had a couple doctors look at it over the years and they don't have a clue, either.
>Right tricep is half the size of left tricep.
My mom probably drank while pregante.
slight Pectus carinatum
It's not as bad as it could be
but fuck brehs, i just want an aesthetic chest
i can twist my feet all the way around because im autistic and have hypotonia in the lower half of my body LOL xddddddddddddddddddddd
at least my BJJ practicing brother said its an advantage in martial arts cus he rekons he couldn't "break my leg" or foot i cant remember what he said.
But if you don't do martial arts then it's just a detriment :^)
>head is deformed
>missing three toes
>penis is so large and in charge that i have to carry it in a wheelbarrow
Everybody who has the need to mention how big their dick is has a small dick.
>almost blind in left eye
>stupidly huge dick
>had a broken nose that is now leaning right a little bit
>slight pectus carinatum
>teeth kinda fucked up
>rippling muscle disease
My doctor just said one of my legs is about 1cm longer than the other. Usually the spine would have scoliosis to compensate for this but my spine is entirely straight, which in itself is healthy but causes problems mixed with the different leg length. I probably fucked one of my discs up while deadlifting and will go get a MRT next week. Jeff Cavalier I have failed you. I swear it wasn't my fault though, my form was good it was just that my body was retarded.
>severe hydroencephaly
>disease where skin turns into bark
>severe acne
>14 inch penis
>one eye droops when I don't get enough sleep
>tons of moles
>blue eyes
>and a massive c*ck
2 inch dick