Why are fat people like this under so many levels of denial?
Why do they have to try make outrageous claims that being this morbidly obese can still be healthy. Like if they just accepted that they were fat and unhealthy it would be nowhere near as infuriating as them trying to promote their shit life style and eating habits as healthy. Bitches like this arent trying to change the beauty standard of women, but are actively telling fat women that they are healthy and shouldnt change anything. How do we stop dumb cunts like this?
this bitch is ugly as fuck, as its actually hard to look at her face and not feel something is wrong
Aaron Clark
Are Americans really this delusional?
Luis Gonzalez
>brisbane She looks normal for the female population here, which is not good.
Sebastian Campbell
>Amerifats being amerifats
Brandon Scott
Look, I've been talking to this big tiddy jewess on bumble and fuck me if she isn't fat but I can't stop looking at her pictures. Every time I see them I get a fuckin boner. She wants to cook me dinner and breakfast and suck my soul through my dick like that bug from starship troopers. the chonk has got me. wish me luck, boys.
Adam Moore
Carter Morales
>big round ugly witch face fuckin' nope. the only fats that get away with it are pretty ones and shes got a face for a punching.
Nathan Allen
Why do many thots(especially fat ones) have these weird saggy type flat tits parted with that huge gap in the middle? Looks fukken disgusting
This, Jow Forums has always thought calling a girl ugly or fat when she's not gives them some kind of social credit when it really just makes us look retarded.
Daniel Gonzalez
Nah she's pretty fat. Look at there's mounds of fat tucked into her shorts.
Dylan Nguyen
American? She's fat by any medical definition and possibly obese. She has a gut tucked into her bikini for fucks sake.
You pretty much have to be a sheltered American to think that's a normal physique.
Parker Brooks
Fucking kek
John Walker
If you dont think she is fat you probably also believe in santa
Charles James
I absolutely fucking hate this chick. Found her instagram months ago where she posts constantly about her clean healthy diets and her iron will to stick to this amazing daily fitness routine and yet MONTHS later this fucking whale has not lost a single fucking pound of weight. Her followers are so fucking delusional to the point the simple concept of calorie in = calorie out is fucking witch magic and buzz terms like metabolism and genetics somehow justify how fucking fat this whore is. Fuck me I unironically fucking hate the modern fitness industry, I really fucking do.
Gavin Mitchell
Don't risk giving your seed to a jewess
Elijah Perry
First half she's spot on, second half she's an idiot.