Alright so every day is a specific muscle group, eh? Rest day, cardio, etc, you do a specific exercise a specific amount of reps and weight etc etc- I apologise but that shit is entirely too fuckin complicated for me. Has working out always been like this??
>Be me 25
>Skinny as fuck no matter what I do or eat
>Never needed the gym
>Want to build muscle
>Hurr durr I'll just lift a barbell a few times every now and then daily
>Nah bro you have to follow this specific program or nothing will happen
How the shit did uncivilized humans in the wild get muscle then??
>Ooga booga, Oog can't run today, must walk on arms today
I generally don't post on Jow Forums because of all this overcomplication. So please, be real with me Jow Forums, can you gain muscle by just increasing how active you are and the amount of muscle stress you face?? I'm not dedicating 2 hours a day to feel like pic related
Anti Routine
No just do you and stay a betaskellyfag
post body then post dick then post u sucking it
hypertrophy seen as a longterm progress is no binary condition. you can optimize growth or get 80%. do non-split routines and you get the 80% due to retardation.
>Ooga booga, Oog can't run today, must walk on arms today
You're hopelessly dumb but I laughed.
>Nah bro you have to follow this specific program or nothing will happen
>How the shit did uncivilized humans in the wild get muscle then??
>Ooga booga, Oog can't run today, must walk on arms today
It's not that you CANT do certain things. Theyre physically possible, obviously, but it's all about training efficiently and getting the most out of your time.
Can you do bicep curls 5 days a week? Sure. Will your biceps get bigger? Yes. Will you be disproportionate? Yes. Will your biceps be bigger if you trained them only 2 days a week, mixed with other compound lifts for overall mass? Probably.
Uncivilised humans in the wild developed muscle the same way every newbie does when they start training anything. It's just now we do it better.
OP I sincerely hope you are trolling if you have unironically grown to 25 years of age and are somehow still this stupid maybe you should go to the library not the gym
i really wanted to help, but OP is helpless.
>christ these millennials are fucking retarded
You can go for a non-routine, is just a lot harder to get any real gain out of it.
A lot of high level athletes follow a non-routine, which is actually their coach optimizing their program at every step.
Since you don't have a coach and don't know shit about programming, you're better off doing something tried and true for beginners (eg starting strength), and learning about programming.
Or you could just go with whatever you feel, it just won't be efficient but better than nothing.
>Can you do bicep curls 5 days a week? Sure. Will your biceps get bigger? Yes. Will you be disproportionate? Yes. Will your biceps be bigger if you trained them only 2 days a week, mixed with other compound lifts for overall mass? Probably.
reddit-style writing cringe
Just use less words to get your point across: it's more efficient to use a routine.
Your entire post is defeatist loser-talk
>Skinny as fuck no matter what I do or eat
If you believe that, then why waste our time with the rest of your post. Energy can not be created or destroyed. Mass is just slow-moving transformed energy. You cannot create it out of thin air, wishes, genetics, or magic pills.
Do SS you fucking retard. Or do SL 5x5. They are proven effective as beginner programs, they make sense, and they are so fucking simple you could train a goddamn golden retriever to do them.
>2 hours a day
See SS and SL. Done in an hour tops, with an accessory lift added.
You're making fucking excuses to avoid the hard work of learning, eating right, training right, sleeping right.
All of you are projecting entirely too much, it was a simple yes or no question. Looks like the answer is no, so I'm not interested. Thanks
>you never studied biology in your life and you don't fully understand photosynthesis?!
>What are you stupid?!
not OP but I find the "eating right" bit harder than anything. I get super autistic with counting calories and stuff and it tends to overwhelm me but also eating a bulk diet on top of a stressful fulltime job is hard af.
I don't think I would mind eating the same thing every day if it meant I'm getting the exact calories and protein I need to bulk but dunno how to plan a diet that can be easily made.
If you ever went camping or did self isolation in the woods where you need to survive you end up pretty jacked and lean. Look at farmers that are mostly manual or the Amish.
Right!!!!! That's my entire point!! LIFE ITSELF IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE YOU FIT. Unless you're an unhealthy dumbass, walk a few miles daily, don't use any lift assistance for things you can strong arm safely, fuck as much as possible, fuckin learn to catch fish with your hands while swimming. YOU'RE TELLING ME, ALLLLL those buff lumberjacks and mountain dudes do all these little faggy hamster wheel routines? I call bullshit. Prove me wrong.
I live in the fuckin back woods deep South Carolina, been here my whole life, when I think get buff I think go out and work the fuckin field not memorize a ton of magic powder dosages with specific ass muscle tearing
Majority of people in the past looked like shit
>How the shit did uncivilized humans in the wild get muscle then??
You don't need a routine to build muscle, you need one for consistent gains. If you just want muscle, go play some sport that involves resistance. If you specifically want to look good and build muscle proportionally, go lift.
I JUST want stupid unrealistic bulky barrel arms and tone out my abs just a little. You guys need to chill with the damn assumptions, not everyone wants to look like Ken Doll.
Well alright cool fuck you guys I'm going to go chop some wood
Read the thread dumbass. Of course manual laborers are going to get buff jesus christ. A program allows you to get faster results and use your time as efficiently as possible.
I didn't ask for easy.
Chicken rice and some veggies, how the fuck is thjat hard? Maybe something else for breakfast. How retarded are you?
Then go chop trees down in a mountain. The thread is literally about not doing anything hard and still expecting results.
That's pretty much what I already eat.
Fuck off faggot and dont come back
Lol y u mad?
>South Carolina
Not surprising given your posts in the thread...
We don't read no dang ol books bo
Don't understand the second part but ok jack
The answer is you're a retard who has little to no knowledge about biology, muscle growth or even history, considering most caveman weren't piles of muscle and tended to be lean skinny marathoners and very rarely weighing over 150lbs. You have a total lack of understanding in both your bodily mechanics and the history of your ancestors and how they trained and lived and as such are a twat and a retard.
Do a program, they were written by people who had more of a clue than you.
The Amish mostly have great grip strength and not much else, similar to most manual laborers
T. Lived near a small Amish community
You make me sick
Based OP working the marks into a shoot.
>someone posts a question asking how to avoid blisters from chopping wood in one of the threads today
>few days ago someone posted a pic of him and his grandpa standing next to wood
is that you user? Why are you constantly talking about chopping up wood?
You fucking illiterate shit kill yourself
No. I don't post here usually because of *this*. Yeah yeah newfags deserve cancer and decapitation K but holy shit is it really this hard for you people to fathom the idea that people aren't born with all this knowledge?
I'm under the impression the majority of Jow Forums is a LARP, Jow Forums and /b/ aren't even this toxic and useless
If you think any program commonly discussed on here is complicated, you are really just stupid. There is nothing difficult about following a list of things to do. It's about as complicated as buying groceries from a list. A fucking child could do it.
At a specific time every day, different shut every day. Sorry dude I work 10 hrs a day I don't have time to twerk in front of a mirror to look good for gay clubs or whatever it is you hamsters do.
I'm about to carry 50gal of water up three flights of stairs, you can keep your hamster wheel
Because it's pretty fucking obvious that questions about chopping wood go to >>/out/
That is literally where they belong
>He thinks it has to be at a specific time everyday
>He's too much of a lazy fatass to do maybe 45-minutes to an hour working out a day
Hi fatfuck
>Hey Jow Forums how can I quit my porn addiction
Sorry I'm not a neet? Maybe if there was something convenient but I don't really care and neither do you, you just want to argue and I'm enjoying how sensitive and defensive you are so fuck you lol
>doesn't understand theories
>doesn't want to apply theories to reality
>you're all hamsters
I think i read somewhere you work 10 hour days but somehow think you are different. Ive seen women that work more and still workout.
>So please, be real with me Jow Forums, can you gain muscle by just increasing how active you are and the amount of muscle stress you face??
That's the idea. You can do it consistently with guarunteed progress too if you program said activity and stress.
But fuck using the collective knowledge and experience of human sentience and intelligence.
>i dont care and neither do you
>you're sensitive
jesus christ, no wonder you don't understand basic physiology
Seriously I am just trolling now, I was serious, I came here civilized enough and you all came pouring in like I just shot your parents. Really think I'm going to listen to any of you at this point? Nah, I'll piss in your mouth lol
The second statement is unnecessary, kill yourself
No wonder you don't know my DNA sequence and astrological chart, I mean what are you, brain dead?
Sorry man. Just trying to get the point across as to why programs are so effective. Not trying to be a dick.
With shit like this, I don't care if I never get in good shape, I'm cool with it. It's a fair sacrifice to not have to deal with this barbaric douchebaggery
Yeah I'm sorry too. I get that they work. I'm sure aquaponics is better than hydroponics too but some people still choose hydroponics. Not everyone wants to have a PhD in every fucking activity they do
You think all lifters are like this? Go to a gym and talk to any one of them. They're cool, I promise. We're a bunch of miserable assholes who spend all of our free time and sexual release on the internet.
>You don't know my DNA sequence
that would require a sample from you and instruments/methods for characterization. If you understand genetics, this would imply you know physiology. But since you don't really know physiology, I assume you only said DNA to try to seem like your argument was somehow valid in trying to point out I don't know certain info either. Use better arguments next time.
>astrological chart
>brain dead
Why would you use these two in the same sentence to prove you are smart?
>actually thinks Jow Forums represents reality
>doesn't understand basics of working out
step off Jow Forums for a while and read a book.
You don't understand metaphors and I don't have time to explain them to you. Protip I NEVER ONCE IN THE ENTIRETY OF THIS THREAD SAID I AM SMART
But you know, I'm fucking Einstein I split atoms all day sure
what was the metaphor in your last comment then? Enlighten me mr sensitive
Maybe they are, but if they are like this then I'm risking the humiliation of the IRL version of this thread.
I'd rather clean my teeth with a shotgun on a Livestream
Some people really aren't concerned about doing the absolute ultra instinct best reality of things. Some people just like keeping things simple and doing them the old fashioned way.
Legitimately I apologise for making this so hard for you, I didn't come in here with the intention of hurting people
That's not an appropriate comparison at all retard. Why would you go ask a bunch of people at the gym
>Hey you're pretty buff
>Can you tell me how to deal with these blisters
Why the fuck would you ask them that when there is a bass pro literally next door?
>thinks that post translates to that metaphor
jesus christ, no wonder you dont understand how to make a routine. You don't even know how to create a metaphor
>Wants to keep things simple and do what works
>Instead of doing this basic low volume 5x5 program with 6 exercises that is the recommended program for beginners on/fit/ I'm going to develop a convulted exercise program where I do random shit and never make any progress
You're a moron or you're a jackass who keeps making excuses. One of the two
>still thinks Jow Forums represents reality
Are you in grade school or something? I could only imagine a bunch of children that are really into memes acting this way.
Well if it's not worth a bit of humiliation then you were never gonna make it in the first place.
Who the hell said anything about blisters??? Dude just fuck off already Jesus fuck do you want me to cut myself and take pictures? I'll do it if you'll kindly fuck the fuck off
1 as to 2 as 3 is to 4.
Is that not how metaphors work? School me Grand Master of all knowledge
I'd actually love to do this to show off my self destructive prowlice but I forgot that I'm still at work lol so I probably shouldn't be all bloody, my apologies! :^)
baiting this hard
try again
Hey dumbass it's right here
It's the thing this entire reply chain was based on dumbass
I can't believe that you're whining this much. This is nothing. If you said you were black instead of redneck then you'd see what it's like for polchan to be assholes to you.