Tell us about your gym twink

Tell us about your gym twink.

>why does skellies make the best gym twinks for testboost?

>that swedish guy with brown short hair, weighs in a 52kg and 165cm. Likes to work his arms, likes to mire me when we sit next to eachother in the dumbell mirror, sleak as fuck, tiny legs, but nice definition from trying. I watch him as he does his triceps lying down on a bench. He is trying so hard and grunts like a little 13 year old girl. He is probably 17 or 18. He comes in sometimes with his shorts showing his legs, he wish he was swole as me, but he is the twink of the gym. Last time before I saw him today, he followed me around doing whatever I did after.

>if he only smiled more. I bet he has a cute smile.

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Just fuck him already

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He doesnt know he is gay... yet.


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angry you are not as buff as scooby?

Thanks on the sauce on the twink

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no problem brother. wish you good luck

I cant wait for "pride" month to be over