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Jow Forums ideals template
good body shit everything
where my homofascists at
based AF
pretty based aesthetic
good girls but pretty fuckboy aesthetic
What's this? A "How to be NPC lv 1" manual? Get a personality
Careful, son, don't cut yourself with that edge
NPC lv 2
You do you... I guess...
Someone should make one of these for Junger. I don't know what the girl ideal would be though.
Who is the guy in the "body", bottom-right corner?
You only think I'm joking but I'm going to start making a pompadour.
Again? B-but I’m not ready yet. Anyways, posting old grid as the few threads I posted it in died pretty quickly
Good, aesthetic bodies, top right has a pretty weak core though, might be just the lighting though. Hair is good in a basic way, style is SEX core and could use a bit more classy vibes. Girls are cute in a way, but look like they’d have mental issues
Good shit as usual, style and haircut especially. Gib sauce on right girl pls, don’t think you have so far the last two times I asked ;_;
R8 others
You sure seem to love triceps, could use some irl examples. Great hair, style is nice, Spike was very fashionable. Choice in girls is great as well, pretty good overall, could just use a good body pic
These threads are mental masturbation, rise above.
Gay as fuck
right girl is vicky from this is england
>I don't know what the girl ideal would be though.
pretty based
Where's the official template?
>fag clothing
>fag haircut
>wants a tomboy girlfriend
what is a Jow Forums approved hair cut?
And a see through version if you wanna fit the pics snugly to the frame
autistic as fuck
Havent watched enough of Part 4 to make a judgment
low effort
I need to read Sun and Steel
Art hoes and tattoos are not for me but I can respect someone's penchant for them
bland but if it works for you it works for you
What's the name of the statue to the top left?
Whatever doesn’t stop you from lifting and / or performing in whatever sports you do, beyond that you do you
Don't really like the hair or the fashion. Body is ok. Girls are top tier though
Good bodies, good style. The hair is meh and the girls are also meh.
Simple, but it works. The girls are really hot
I'm not sure what to think of this
Might be the best in the thread. Quality goal bodies, really good style, really good girls. The hair's not my thing, but overall this is really good.
Pretty based. Most of this aesthetic wouldn't work for me, but for a tall blond guy, this would look good.
Cringe thread?
Bereitschaft - Arno Breker
>tfw ever since i got Jow Forums a bunch of art hoes are always responding to my instagram story
i'm a married man. mother Mary pray for me