why is it that volleyball girls (and softball girls) have the best bodies of all athletes? Is it because of the constant jumping?
How Do Volleyball Players Get perfectly THICC Bodies?
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Gotta be because of the jumping. I mean I’m sure they do lunges and squats to supplement training but still
Fighters easily have the best bodies out of all athletes, but that's what happens when you cut down to single digit bodyfat to compete
Tall women just have better proportions naturally
Softball girls do not have great bodies. The UCLA girls team had an absolute UNIT as their DH, she could barely get around the bases.
That being said, high level volleyball girls get great bodies because:
>1. Only girls with insane genetics make it that far
>2. Most of these girls are daughters in families of generations of professional athletes
>3. These girls are stick-thin in highschool, then add 20lbs of pure muscle in college from working out 4 hours a day, they've always had low body fat
Source: Ex-girlfriend plays D1 volleyball and current girlfriend also played D1 volleyball
have you seen the average female fighter? no thanks
Their faces are ugly as my asshole.
you don't need to see their face when you have them bent over in doggy style
she has that retarded slavic look
>still no Dirlewanger black comedy
Why don't you just fuck dudes then, most of the female UFC fighters have Kleinfelter's anyways
They're athletic teenage girls, meaning they're at their peak physically anyways and working out for hours a day
it would be surprising if they were NOT hot, honestly
another thing: the girls who would be very self conscious in those outfits probably choose not to play, leaving only the fit girls to wear the booty shorts
This pic is very funny
The rostie with a great ass doesn't hide it, she shows it proudly on the left
The fat fuck (probably feminist), the number 13, hides it as if anyone would look at her
Cringe and bluepilled. Tall women are freaks of nature.
They make lots of high intensity movements in a small area. Basically like tennis but with less cardio and more power. Think of how long distance runners are skinny and short distance are muscular.
t. Sister was captain of her team and plays varsity volleyball as a freshman
>t. Absolute beta male
gonna need pics of your sis to confirm
women below 20% bf look like shit
>Basically like tennis but with less cardio and more power
so not like tennis at all, got it
post sister
post sis pics for scientific purpose
Women? gross
>brags about his 14 year old sister
If your 14 year old sister has any muscle whatsoever I will eat my fucking hat
>t. chubby chaser
>thinking 20% on a woman looks the same as it would on a man
I know what it looks like, look at how fat these disgusting pigs are
>implying sports make you look a certain way
>implying it's not athletes picking sports that favour their bodies
I'll start playing basketball and grow to 6'6" right retard?
>says he doesnt like slawic faces
>posts Dirlewanger
kek that is extreme
>what is doing sport-specific routines to allow you excel further
Yeah athletes never workout outside of competition
t. unathletic sack of shit that never competed in any sport and has no clue what he's talking about
The ones that are athletes have perfect porpotions cause their bodies adapt.The ones that do nothing and look like slender man or a fridge look awful.
Your opinion.In my HS the fucking volleyball players look like OP pic but not as tall.Ranging from 6feet to 5'4
t. defensive manlet
Keep telling yourself that your "genetics" were the reason you didn't make the JV team in highschool
They look like out of shape thots.DESU like a planket.No real shape.
What if one of them kicked you in the balls haha
anybody can play high school sports, the entire debate was clearly centered around college and professional athletes
Softball is a mix. For instance a few D1 teams pretty much exclusively recruit girls built like barbies and accentuate base running over power hitting. Softball philosophy is kinda all over the map so you get to see pretty interesting match ups where two teams have radically different kinds of rosters and approaches to the game.
They have to do sprints and squats for training.
There is no debate kek
Practicing a sport for 15+ years 100% has an influence on your musculature, how can you even debate that? My ex-girlfriend said her club coaches in *middle school* would literally put them on diets and workout plans specific to their positions. Nevermind the college coaches who had $500k budget to do transform their girls into literal volleyball machines.
>I called him a manlet I win haha r-right bros?
>club coaches in *middle school* would literally put them on diets and workout plans specific to their positions.
Absolutely needless overthinking to make it look like they now what they're doing, to keep schools paying their salaries, to keep the lie going. Exceedingly few people, besides those at the highest levels (NFL, olympic, etc), know shit about strength and conditioning for sports.
Again, you have no clue what you're talking about.
you missed the point of this thread, the debate is about what sport produces the most attractive women. no idea what you're talking about.
because they dont do any cardio
congrats ur retarded
>the absolute state of Jow Forums
Imagine coming on a fitness forum and claiming that working out 7 days a week doesn't change your body
I'm at a loss for what your point is here? That these girls would look like professional athletes if they sat on the couch their whole lives instead of working out? That's delusional.
To find out where this stupid debate came from. I don't understand it either
He's a manlet because he thinks 6'6" is freakishly tall. 6'6" would only be freakishly tall to a tiny little man.
>be a short girl
>have to have your baby cut out of you because you're too frail to give birth
no thanks femlet
>claiming that working out 7 days a week doesn't change your body
I literally never claimed that. Are you being retarded on purpose?
>implying sports make you look a certain way
I obviously didn't mean sports have no influence on how you look, I meant it's not the main factor when it comes to differences in how competitive athletes look on average.
I never said it's freakishly tall, 6'6" is just about the average height of high level basketball players.
I obviously didn't mean sports have no influence on how you look, I meant it's not the main factor when it comes to differences in how competitive athletes look on average.
If you're talking about only height, maybe? Musculature and build is from constant, repetitive practice using the specific muscles that athletes need to excel. Once all the athletes are of similar build and skill, only then are they separated by objective, unmodifiable attributes like height and eyesight. But before you even get to that level, the athletes that haven't put in the effort have already been weeded out.
>Basketball players have big delts from constantly raising their arms
>Volleyball players have big butts from squatting and diving and jumping
>Sprinters have huge quads from explosive movements
>Musculature and build is from constant, repetitive practice using the specific muscles that athletes need to excel.
>Basketball players have big delts from constantly raising their arms
>Volleyball players have big butts from squatting and diving and jumping
>Sprinters have huge quads from explosive movements
Christ you're dumb, you just don't get it huh. High level athletes (not middle school girls' volleyball for sure) spend ~half their training time in the weight room.
Basketball players train their shoulders for throwing power. Volleyball players train squats and cleans and plyo jumps. Sprinters squat half the day.
Seething manlet
That's exactly right, high level athletes look the way they do because they train those areas of the body extensively.
Glad we agree
But what you're saying is retarded, retard.
Let's go back to the OP: how do volleyball players get thicc bodies?
If it was just lifting and jumps, every other girl would look like volleyball girls. However, they don't, it's not that simple, because volleyball (or any sport for that matter) selects for a particular type of body at a high level.
Then, on top of that, people want to win so they train. But even controlling for training there are huge differences in the way athletes look, when looking at different sports.
Here, 30 seconds on jewgle: youtu.be
Basketball players have big delts because of roids though, same for sprinter quads
~Everyone at a high level is on drugs, but basketball players have bigger delts and sprinters bigger quads than most other athletes.
i want to smell their asses after a long workout. i bet their braps are amazing.
Nope your basic premise is wrong. Regular girls don't look like that because they haven't been playing volleyball for 15 years like these girls have. If you played basketball every day for 15 years, you would look like a basketball player, just shorter.
You're failing to separate genetics from training. Height is genetic, their bodyfat and musculature are from consistent training for years.
He doesn't understand that muscles come from working out
i dated a girl who danced for like 10+ years, she had amazing legs / ass
too bad she was crazy
Most high level sports girls are crazy. To get recruited at a good program, it usually requires tens of thousands of dollars in club sports just to be on the radar, so you only see super rich families shelling out that cash.
And that combination of being super athletic, rich, and attractive from exercising non-stop churns out some absolute sociopaths.
It always sucked ass seeing the white athletes at my school whipping around Range Rover's and BMW's that their daddy's bought them, knowing that they're getting free tuition when they need it the absolute least out of anyone
Good fucks though and there are a few diamonds in the rough if you can find them
>everyone at a high school level is on drugs
Severe DYEL cut from the team delusion right here
>No towering volleyball gf to playfully size bully me.
>You're failing to separate genetics from training. Height is genetic, their bodyfat and musculature are from consistent training for years.
How much muscle and fat you tend to carry when untrained is partly genetic (appetite, height, hormone levels) but is a decent predictor of how much muscle you can carry when competitive, how much muscle you can maximally carry is genetic, how useful your muscle is for your sport (fiber makeup) is genetic, neuromuscular efficiency is largely genetic. Bone density and frame size, both important in any sport but absolutely crucial in contact sports, are mostly genetic. I could keep going.
>Nope your basic premise is wrong. Regular girls don't look like that because they haven't been playing volleyball for 15 years like these girls have. If you played basketball every day for 15 years, you would look like a basketball player, just shorter.
Absolutely not true. Take 100 random young males off the street and have them seriously lift weights for 5 years: besides ~5 of them, the others will look nothing like elite powerlifters (even when accounting for "natty"ness). "Serious" beer league footballers look nothing like NFL players even after a decade, if they did they'd be in the NFL. Average girls they play volleyball (even seriously) for 10 years look nothing like elite volleyball players.
>high school level
I didn't say that, did I? Off yourself. At least the other guy is trying to argue.
The first paragraph about "genetics" is give or take, but not a factual predictor of squat. Your "genetic potential" is an immeasurable attribute. Professional hockey players tend to have birthdays earlier in the year, because pee-wee hockey teams have birthday cutoffs in December. That means kids born in January are usually bigger and more developed than the kids that barely made the age cutoff. These kids get more playing time, which makes them develop faster, which gets them more playing time, and eventually helps them play at a high level. This fact alone could predict any young athletes chance of playing at a high level.
High level volleyball players aren't perfect fucking statues, and their figures come from working out. Some girls are hotter than others due to bone structure, but they all get their figures from working out.
In order for a woman to be interested in competitive MMA in the first place, she's probably ugly or otherwise has been through shit in life.
Miesha Tate's pretty hot though.
>Is it because of the constant jumping?
*jump training
Jumping itself doesn't improve jumping as much at ballistic and dynamic exercises as well as max effort work.
Nfl players consistently having greater vertical jumps that nba players is empirical evidence of this.
Till she talks, so many better pictures you could have picked
I want them to dom me