Black guys have started making this face at me as I walk past them

>black guys have started making this face at me as I walk past them
Have I made it?

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This means something different in black people. That's the face they make when they see something funny but don't want to say it in front of you.

Damn user, are you a niggerologist?
Because I have a large African American for you to examine

you seem to really know blacks. real deep like

every time a white person makes this face to me I have to resist the fucking urge to smash their face in, do they know how retarded they look?

You clearly don’t if you’re causing white people to make that face.

>he doesnt know

its just a lazy smile man its the corporate version of a facial expression

You're delusional

It's because we don't acknowledge you as human beings.

Shut the fuck up negro, you can go back to Africa and you won't have to see us that often, only when we come for resources to your shithole.

You not only live around nigs but actively seek their approval. You've unmade it you cuck

If only you africoons had any idea how badly whites want you out of our countries...

black people literally only have the nerves and facial motor control needed to create two or MAYBE three facial expressions. common knowledge.

never gonna make it, nigger. imagine being so insecure that your little pee brain regresses into full monkey-mode the second you are presented with some inkling of self doubt. The racists arent right about all black people, but they are spot on about you. p pathetic f.a.m.

How often do you look at black guys?

>I have to resist the fucking urge to smash their face in
yeah we know you're animals that's why we make that face

Unfortunately it seems my reflection has been possessed by some coon.
Oh how I wish he would go away.


What the heck you shitting each other for I would feel pretty wholesome if guys with genetic athletes and slave bred swole appreciated my work

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if it makes you feel any better i tend to make the face at people i find attractive

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Wait. Do white people make this face at each other? PLEASE don't tell me this is just a thing whites do to us coloreds. I thought they just didn't know what do to with their face in an awkward confrontation.

t. Minority

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im white and i make that face at every single person who i walk past who i happen to make eye contact with regardless of their race, but i am severely autistic

its the face of i dont feel like smiling and i dont want to fake a smile and look like a retard so ill make this retarded face instead

I make this face often when I don't know what face to make, particularly when interacting with other people. I also make it when I'm at a loss for words/actions, to signify slight distress, worry, disbelief etc. It is a multi-purpose face, and I didn't realise non-whites don't make it until recently.

It's like what this guy said I do it to everyone I make eye contact with when going somewhere. I'm lazy and dont really want to do a full smile or say hello to some random guy I walk across. Also, is this face really seen as the "white guy smile"? because if so that's fucking retarded.

You can tell is someone is a sociopath or psychopath by paying attention to their eyebrows.

Sorry you had to find out this way user

how do you get the ground niggers to stop following you?

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Elaborate ?

>you daft cunt

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Just take a shower