F 19

post a pic and i’ll rate / tell u what girls generally look for

cut your fingernails

Attached: 2F381A71-F1D5-4D91-9A42-543BF0641AA4.jpg (987x1500, 139K)

Tuts or gtfo

Attached: me.jpg (597x800, 100K)

nothing noticeably wrong with you nice hands
wear grey / black / white
get a dog
give yourself a tattoo
go out

>give yourself a tattoo

aaand this is how we know this person is a fucking moron.

Tattoos are for losers.

>give yourself a tattoo
Why are thots always trying to ruin our lives?

Pic from mars, before the cut

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burn it off when you’re done with it

i too am a 19 year old girl, i can offer a secondary opinion

you look tall which is obviously good
train forearms
we can’t see legs but i’m hoping they’re not scrawny. i don’t know if this opinion is shared across the female sex but i personally like it when guys have very powerful legs
don’t give yourself a tattoo, jesus christ

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me at the height of my bulk

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sure you have a few girls you talk to, ask if they wanna get ice cream

Skinny fat Manley reporting in

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i’m you look p good, give your traps some love
and pls don’t ignore your lats user

join a fraternity

do you have a set hairstyle

My traps were ignored for so long but they've been getting love recently. Here's my back, more recent pic than before

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back again

looking pretty good!
best in thread in terms of attractiveness imo. the only thing i can critique is your messy room
philion pls go
your proportions are a little odd but it might just be due to height. a solid cut would do you good

post tits, tranny.

Please be my husband


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Nice. Happy trails are cute.
Damn, the shoulders are wiiiiide. You'll look great after the cut.
Seth Rogan? Is that you?
I wanna grab them tiddies
Again, be my husband.
This has me sweating, in a good way.
The veins on the legs is kinda gross to me but everything else looks great. Don't sweat the viens though, they're not a deal breaker.

Pic is not me, just my goal.

Attached: 1561326593794.jpg (819x1024, 77K)

>just my goal
Are you sure you want to turn black?When you turn black...

Going to need present picture

my face is nice i swear

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once again i’m , attached is the most recent, honest, full body picture of myself i have for reference and general shaming

you look, like, literally flawless. it’s been mentioned i think but some girls are put off by vascularity, but it doesn’t really matter imo
objectively terrifying way to cover your face; your arms and shoulders look decent and you somehow have an hourglass figure that could put at least 50% of women to shame.

Attached: 5296CD0C-8276-49CE-AD07-F154017B3334.jpg (750x979, 183K)

>cut your fingernails
No. I need long nails on my right hand for guitar. I clip the left down to the quick though. Looks weird as fuck but it works so much better than finger picking with your pads.

do u want to hold hands with me

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I think I look like shit but I wanna know what femanons think

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how long are those shorts, user
bonus points bc you look like a good dad
i would suggest cutting but your build looks good to a lot of women
you definitely have potential. embrace the bulk, work on chest and shoulders, and never skip legs.

The angle of your picture makes your legs appear short compared to the rest of your body. Are you going for bear mode?
Your back looks great. The rest needs some work. Keep going you're on your way. The flex pic shows you're doing something right.
Pretty average, arms look good, hips look good, need more core work.
This is the farthest I'll go.

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Do you get darker when you tan?
*please say yes*

I'm actually darker than what this picture shows due to the lighting in this office, but yes. Now post more bodies. We believe in you anons. You're all gonna make it.

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should I cut or bulk?

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What do you want to look like?
If you're aiming for girls, younger ones tend to like shredded twinks and older women tend to like bulkier men. But every girl is different and are usually happy with just a fit guy. Everyone that's posted in this thread can easily grab someone by just their bodies. The rest is up to grooming and not being an autist. So aim for what you want to look like.


Attached: vomit.gif (356x200, 2.12M)

I want to look like an aryan god. And I like black girls ;)

What if you are super sperg ?

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roiding for this lmfao

You Want to be black thot?

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Oh no no no this kid Thinks I’m roiding

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Keep lifting and reach those ayran goals.
What makes you a sperg? Is it habits? Twitches? Saying the right or wrong thing? Or just shy? Whatever it is, try to do what you can to correct it and practice. Just like lifting social skills take time and experience. Body looks good if that is you.
Just trying to get to a smaller figure by december and hopefully visable abs by next July. As for your images, you're perfect where you are in my opinion, keep going.
Looks good. Bulking?
I have this image saved from another thread. These last couple pics posted look like Chads.

024 here - As of right now I am stuck on if I should bulk or cut any tips?

I’m not really a sperg, I’m just asking how much difference it actaully makes to girls like do they care tons or a little. I’ve been trying cutting and getting leaner for that summer

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It looks better in the thumbnail

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I’m not the girl but I would say if you want to look your best in the next 1-2 months cut and if it’s longer maybe bulk for a short amount of time then cut

fuck it, another femanon chiming in
honestly, I wouldn't notice you
you look good but I wouldn't oogle
kylo ren mode, would bite your shoulders
top looks strong, legs look a little weak, but over all, I'd mire
You look good, hair could use some work. Also, it's a personal preference, but I hate the underwear
You'd look really good in a tank top, but I'd be a little disappointed when the shirt came off. Pls chest
your belly kinda looks like the monkey shirt gif.

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must of fallen for powerlifting meme

dyel reporting in

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Posting this because I'm at the gym and look shit shirtless anyways because pale
>tfw high quad insertions

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Look like you could develop a shredded swimmer's bod.

Overall good, but your legs look a bit weak. Would be too busy oogling to notice irl though
chest looks a little imbalanced. Wouldn't notice IRL. Your ears are cute
your chest is a little too big for my taste imo, but everything else is straight up cuddle mode
Not a fan of most of this, desu :( but you have a good foundation. Also, zebra print bed sheets are the worst
wouldn't notice you if we were at the beach

do men hit their dicks on accident when they dead lift?

Tbh I feel like my chest is too small

r8 me femanon

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Post body

It happened to me sometimes when I started

Post your body, femanon. Let's have a rate back :)

what you can't see are all the stretchmarks, hee hee!

She actually has a great thiccc black girl body but for some reason wants to thin down. I recognize that hand and manicure from a thread a couple of months ago.

sopa de macaco

uma delicia

Why don't you post any videos on YouTube anymore my guy.

just feels like your pecs protrude a lot in comparison to everything else around it
ouch :(
super good progress!! You'd look really good if you worked your shoulders

Thankfully not in my experience but I"m average tbqh

I... willingly posted my body to be rated by a nigger?

HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH shit. Time to rethink my life

I think there are 2 ladies here

>get a tattoo

that's a good physique (no homo)

Attached: 23a4s5d.jpg (2218x2713, 295K)

>I'll tell you what girls are looking for
>get a tattoo

Suddenly, I don't care about your opinion =O

A little small for my own personal preference, but otherwise you look good

Here. Pic from start of the month.
Not me, I'm normally a /a/ and /co/ fag. I haven't been on Jow Forums in years but noticed myself gaining weight and that needs to stop. My nails are shit bruh.
There's at least 4. The 19 yr old who started the thread, me, and two others that just posted. I'm pretty much done with rating here as some other girls has started to take over. I need to jog anyway.

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>just feels like your pecs protrude a lot in comparison to everything else around it
Isn't that kind of the point?

i used to fuck a black girl with this body type in college. came buckets inside her

>posts pic of yourself
>be a hated minority on the forum
>have a high bmi
>suggesting ppl get a tattoo to get noticed
whew, lass.

>get a tattoo
This and all further opinions entirely discarded

To be completely honest my jungle fever is so bad Im at full mast rn

wtf happened to this place? she didnt post tits did she? why is everbody posting pictures of themselves?

I dont know why black people post here if they already know the results...

I only realized halfway that it's supposed to be a "girl"

Yes, but for my personal preference, I think yours protrude a bit too much compared to the surrounding areas.

>suggesting ppl get a tattoo to get noticed
Not me dude, that was whoever started the thread. My first posts are and

>t.t.tattoos are degenerate!

god DAMN i miss mid-2000's Jow Forums and daily SG threads on /b/. this place is full of contrarian underage faggots. i guess technically that's what we all were back then too, so maybe it's time for me to leave

Low T

You need to cut

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Kek my old roommate was a chubby Korean guy, not great looking, but had a very outgoing personality and was able to maintain a harem of very average looking white girls. Had a fake tattoo on his arm and shoulder that he said helped him pick up chicks.


mirin boob gains

thicc, mirin milkers
but you are aware that a bit of weight loss could be a good idea
your fat distribution genetics seem to be alright
you go to the gym, right anonette ?

Believe me, I'm working on it. And yes, working with free weights at the gym at the apartment, starting kickboxing this weekend, IF and swimming at least once a week. I'm gonna make it.

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Depends on the length of your arms, torso, and penis of course

You have a lot to learn my young padawan. You cant be a true white supremacist if you dont fetishise black women.

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since you're throwing it out there, I'll add my pic too. Straight up jelly of your boobs

These are me:

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reposting a shitpost I dug out the archive
miron vascularity
hit chest my guy
you're gonna make it user

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if you have a vagina, get the FUCK off this board.