Help out a newfag

Ok, /fit, high school is coming to an end, and I am social loser. However, before it all ends I want to show these faggots that I have MOTIVATION and WILLPOWER. I want to finish ripped, so, let me explain my physical shape:

6" 2

175 (note I lost 100 pounds)

Absolutely no prior experience with weight gain (ie muscles)

Very limited access to a gym, so I relie on home workouts

What I ask: a radical exercise routine that can allow me to: lift 150, bench 200, six pack and lift my own body weight consistently.

I do however have money to play with, and am willing to spend 500 on equipment. I understand "eat more, lift more faggot" but I dont quite understand which workout routines target which specific muscles. Thanks for listening to my plea

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Why do I get the feeling we're talking of a time scale of about a month?

Forget about fast results and proving a bunch of no marks wrong and start doing SS or SL. Then when you know what you want to achieve on about 6 months move onto a routine that will take you closer to that goal. Don't live your life to impress others. Live it for yourself.

This. Yeah I'm gonna give myself 8 months to achieve my goals. It's not a sex factor, it's a strength factor. I want to be capable. I dont want anything crazy, just decent, do you have links to maybe previous threads or other sources to base my routine on?

I can link you to the sticky which you should have read anyway. The routines you want are Starting Strength(SS) or stronglifts 5*5 (SL). Strong lifts has an app for tracking. Starting strength has an ebook you can get from various places.

Use your cash to buy a 7ft oly bar with 100kg of weight. A squat rack and a bench. That will set you up for a long time.

Ok, I will buy the bar, and book. This, book, I've heard it a lot, is it what you used to start? And what specifically does the book talk about, because when I mean 0 xp I mean it, I appreciate the suggestions and support man

Not OP but I need help.
I'm incredibly weak to the point grandmas lift more than I do.
For some machines I have to use the minimum weight available and I still struggle.

Will it take too long to get better? It's embarrassing.

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Different guy, but the book is worth it. It gives you a different mindset on how you look at exercise. It made me much more analytic and critical about what I do during sports. I often read articles now about exercises or movements, just to grasp the mechanics behind them.

And that you have to set goals. That sounds stupid to not do, but I just went to a sportschool e.g. Judo and did whatever the trainer told me. Exercise was a mindless thing before. Now I plan myself and it helps I getting stronger much quicker.

I once could bench 110 pounds, then I just stopped. Ikd why but I did, depression? I just hope I can reclaim that strength I once had

Care about your diet. You should eat at a surplus with 2.2g of protein per lbs of bodyweight(this number is disputable since some say lean bodyweight, others different proportions of protein per pound but stick with it because it's safe and it works).Since you are a former fatty you should know how much to eat and not pig out. As other anons said do SS or SL for like 6 months then look into other programs. Try not to look at weightlifting as a 8 month things after which you stop. You need to realize that it's something that you don't put a limit on, just like you don't say you will start playing a sport then quit after a year. Read the sticky and watch youtube videos for form. Compound with a barbell > anything but also do assistance supersizes after main lifts. Stay strong user, i hope you make it.

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i have one more year of high school too (to the jannies it may concern, i turned 18 last week so fuck off)

stop caring what all those losers think. im going to ruin all of my friendships and treat women like shit for the first time in my life because peace out niggas. literally gonna spend the entirety of next year in the gym

exercise, guess i had a stroke mid write


110 pounds is not a lot user, with correct eating and good program you can reach that again easily. Be regular with your training and train smartly, you will make it.

I know it's not a lot, I just want to get there and pass that

Buy this, or something similar:
Doesn't have to be this particular one, just don't spend any more than this since you only have a $500 budget.
With the ~$200 remaining get a cheap bench, and a rack that you can use for squats and bench press. Make sure the bench is tall enough for you and has a place to rack the weight from a bench press position and a squat position.

The starting strength book is good, but if you can't fit it into your budget, don't. Just go to, download the app, read everything, watch all the videos on proper form. It's good enough for now. You can pick up the book later when you have more money if you want a deeper understanding of things. In addition to any 5x5 program, if highly recomend you at least add bicep curls to the end of your routine on both the A and B days. Three "working sets" (not counting warmup) of 8-12 reps is a good place to start.

Shoot for 120-180g a protein a day at your weight, and try to get at least 1g carbs per 1g of protein. After the first few weeks, you'll find you don't get sore anymore. At that point, you can start "greasing the wheel" by adding in calisthenics on your off days. Just randomly do a few pushups, pull ups, squats, or ab exercises whenever you can, as often as you can on your rest days. This will help you burn more calories, make you more lean, help you get stronger, faster. If you do all of this, you'll make it well past your goals in a lot less than 8 months. Those are very modest goals, you should have no problem reaching them if you're consistent. Good luck.

You should buy a bicycle and some kettle bells and do some weighted bike rides.

Thanks user, you are a pro :)

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>2.2g of protein per lbs of bodyweight
While there is nothing wrong with this and it will definitely work, it's unnecessary to go this high unless you are on a deficit, and so it's a waste of money. All research has shown that the sweet spot for muscle protein synthesis is usually around 0.6-0.8g per lb of lean mass. However, if you are on a defecit, going as high as 1.5-2g/lb has been shown to spare more muscle mass.

You will. You will pass that and pass double of that and you will still continue. Don't give up.

Welllll here's the thing. I'm dumb skinny. Like when I was losing weight I cut my calorie intake to 1800, then at one point in my insanity I cut it to like 1200. I looked gaunt, but now I'm starting to eat around 2500-3000, any suggestions on HIGH protein foods? I know the basics, but is there any foods that have protien compact (besides protein powder )

Better to be safe than sorry. Since i have seen a lot of different numbers being thrown around I opted for the safest one as advice. Last thing i want is to sabotage someone trying to improve.

Thanks user

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>any suggestions on HIGH protein foods
Meat, eggs, fish, dairy. These should be staples in every meal you eat. Peanut butter on whole wheat combines into a complete protein as well and is really cheap. Top off a peanut butter sandwich with a 16 glass of milk and that's about 40g right there alone. 4 "extra large" eggs is about 28g. Add some shredded cheese and it's about 40g. Add some bacon or sausage and you're closer to 50g. If you ate all of that for breakfast you'd be at 90g already for dirt cheap. 1 large (full) chicken breast is about 70g. A typical large (split/half) breast is about 35g. 1lb of steak or beef is around ~80g, depending on how lean it is. 5oz of salmon is 36g.

Pic related is an example of my typical diet most days, but I'm on a cut right now. The "blueberry yogurt" recipe is 1c plain, whole milk Greek yogurt + 1 scoop vanilla whey + 1 cup frozen blueberries. The website the screenshot is from is by the way and I'd highly recommend it.

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Wow, great thread, OP. Inspiration posts. I used to be in your situation, but I managed to pull myself together by doing 100x100 Read The Sticky's every day. It was pretty easy to do just after the first session. I also made sure to only post on this website when I was 18 years old, as the rules require.

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Thanks, I eat alot of peanut butter and meat, so I think I got it figured out

Right. Thanks /fit this board for me is a resource that will lead me to victory, over myself. A life without vanity is no life at all, least that absolutely true for man

Keep in mind that every gram of protein you get from a nut, bean, or legume should be accompanied by a gram of protein from a grain ideally. Both are incomplete by themselves, but combine into a complete protein. Incomplete protein basically doesn't count towards your protein goals. Peanut butter + oats or while wheat is good, as is rice + beans, if you have the budget for the carbs.


>2.2g protein per lb body weight
this sounds like a lot of bullshit
at 220 lb I'm supposed to be eating over 450g of protein every day? are you sure it's not per kg, fella?

Because the daily /fat/ generals, "why yes I x, how could you tell?", boogie, brap, thicc, no fap, vegan, bait, and faggot/trap circle jerk threads are better? I would have agreed with you maybe five years ago, but these are some of the only Jow Forums related threads left these days. At least when a noob asks for advice like this, people actually start talking about fitness. Besides, his questions were specific to a budget and time frame, plus the sticky is shit and hasn't been updated in years.