Balding general - last hope edition

How fucked are you?
I'm only 25 and I'm already fucked, pic related

Is there a salvation?
What about that japanese research, and the italian guy who was going to announce his discoveries on a internatinal congress?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>huge widow's peak since I was 14
>hair still thick as fuck
feels good man, hope it stays like that for a long time

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The research is promising but will take years to get on the market and years more to become affordable. You'll need to do something else in the meanwhile.

>How fucked are you?
gonna be taking the shave pill in a year. i'll be turning 30
>Is there a salvation?
not for me, i'm fuckin fucked m8y. dad, three uncles, grandfather all same exact pattern

Reminder finasteride legitimately works, horror stories are bullshit, actual side effects are completely reversible but usually go away in the first month anyway

i started minoxidil + dermarolling + finasteride and i'm seeing new hair growing where i didn't have even when i was 14. Hope in a year i have a head full of hair.

Just for fun see if you can grow hair on your palms.

you need to act now. once you've started balding, its much harder to regrow it. Rogaine and Fin are very effective with minimal risk. stop taking creatine, the risk is not worth it. prolong your hair for as long as possible.

How do you even start with dermarollers, been interested in them for a while

I bought a 0.5mm one and been using every 4~5 days man. But i want to buy the MYM dermapen. If you can afford one, i suggest start with that. Or just use a dermaroller but use one of those because they increase the results of minixidil 4x.

What if I use it with Propecia and not Rogaine? Latter was getting to be a pain in the ass so I stopped

OP here. I already take finasteride for years(no side effects) and Im still balding.
I guess if I didnt take it my baldness would be even worse

topical or oral?

you can't. minoxidil ctivates existing hair follicles, it doesn't create new ones. if someone dropped boiling oil on your head, there's no amount of minoxidil that would make your hair grow back.

I mean, just using micro needling will stimulate hair growth, that's a fact but why not taking 5 minutes of your time to use rogaine and increase the results 4x? But yeah, just micro needling and propecia will work just fine, will be better if you add rogaine

Oral, it's cheap as fuck because it's prescribed at 5x the dose for prostate health and derms usually don't mind writing prescriptions for it
So basically just Google it and buy one? Thought it'd be more complicated

Buy a MYM dermapen if you can and adjust the needles in 0.25mm (EOD) or 0.5mm (every 4~5 days) or 1mm (every 10~14 days) you can play with those sizes without having to buy a brand new dermaroller.

Alright thanks, I'll get off my ass and actually order one. Where did you get it, though

Fucking japs, at least they are trying
Pls suceed we believe in you also thanks for JAVs

Stop shilling fin you morons it has disastrous consequences.

If you want a hair transplant in future, will finasteride compromise the effects of the surgery in any way? I hear they give fin to people post surgery.

For u

I'm from brazil so shit is extreme expensive here. I bought mine from a chinese site called dhgate

Ah, burger here so I'll go figure it out. Again thanks

>How fucked are you?
Well actually not that bad *knocks on wood*
I have a noticeable thin spot on top and a widows peak but my hair is still pretty thick and alright. I’ve been balding (or at least I think) since about 19/20. 25 now and nothing has changed. I use minox twice a day 6 days a week, dermaroll once a week with 1mm and use keto shampoo about twice a week. So far I was able to pretty much stop it.
This pic is my spot on top, deliberately parted so you can see it.

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And this is my widows peak with hair pulled back

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It's only like £60 for a 6 month supply, but Propecia is four times the price. Am I just paying extra for the brand name or are there risks to taking non-brand medication?

I take Propecia and it costs me like 30 cents a month lmao

Oh to answer your question, generics are the exact same medication

Are you sure it's not stress-related hair loss? You're not really Norwooding.

Where do you get it from? lol. need uk shipping
yeah i thought so

The Japanese thing is promising but is still more along with implant route which 90% of Jow Forums won't be able to afford. The italian guy was literally just topical finasteride or something iirc and the results he showed were less impressive than regular oral ingestion of fin.

Just make an appointment with a dermatologist and try the pill if they think there's still time for it to work, you faggots

>Propecia/finasteride 1mg has NOT been proven to:

>Reverse a receding frontal hairline.
>Reverse hair loss which is ONLY in the temple regions (the area at sides of the forehead).
>Restore hair to entirely bald areas.

Wtf is the point? I'm only thinning at the temples and I've only noticed because it's literally smooth there. Am I just wasting money?

Dermatologist or my primary or someone prescribed it

It's not made for that purpose so nobody was bothering with extensive testing, that doesn't mean it doesn't work. Anyway if you have any sort of follicle left, even with virtually invisible hair it'll work with that but not somewhere COMPLETELY bare

Imagine blocking DHT because of hair loss. It's the equivalent of being a cuck

Thanks for the info, user
Have to 2D test boost

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Any thoughts on the study showing rosemary oil is as effective as monoxidil?

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Can DHT be blocked locally just to the scalp?

DHT isn't the testosterone you're thinking of, stop trying to lecture people on shit you have zero knowledge of

I got weakened and less frequent erections, reduced libido brain fog and breast tenderness from it. Had none of these issues whatsoever prior and non after stopping the drug. There's a vested interest in pushing the drug as hair loss sites are popping up all over the internet selling the shit. Probably worth a try anyway but the sides are real.

Get more sun fagget and your hairline might stop receding.

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I got none of that but again, I did say it was reversible

Ahh shit, I remember when I first found out I was balding. Had a helicopter pad on the crown. I was only 19 and my mates bullied the shit out of me. Finally shaved it and now waiting till I hit 40 to grow a big viking beard and be alpha dad.

You could try taking pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto extract first to see how you respond. Both are mild 5ar inhibitors and I can confirm they do indeed work because I got mild sides from them like on finasteride only less.

I also wanna know

What's the difference between this and dutasteride?

I know ppl that take fina on the week days and dura only on the weekends
Duno why

I took it getting on to 10 years ago, made my balls hurt constantly, it didn't go away until I stopped taking it
I have definitely noticed it being pushed harder these days, its really started hitting me in the face the last few months. I'm not sure whether to just put it down to "entrepreneurs" trying to find markets, influencers being funded or what.

>Finally shaved it and now waiting till I hit 40 to grow a big viking beard and be alpha dad.
I hope you already have a wife or are putting effort in to it, its not just gunna happen bro.

Its also been proven to not be that much more effective than a placebo.

Literally believe your hair isn't thinnning and will regrow. Chant grow grow grow if you have to.

Delayed hopping on finasteride because of all of the negative connotation that comes attached with it. Finally took the plunge at 26 because I realized hair is life. Sorta pissed that I let the internet scare me cause I have no sides. Feels good to wake up everyday knowing my follicles are stronger than they were the day before. The existential dread that comes from the opposite of this experience is a nightmare. Imagine waking up each day knowing that you have less hair than you had the day before. Fuck. Cure this shit already.

21 years old
What do I even do here?
Am I beyond help?

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You are fine

19, 20 in 3 months. Around 10 months ago I noticed how receded my hairline has gotten and now my scalp is thinning. I predict by 25 I will be bald. I've heard not fapping helps but I'm sure that's just a NoFap myth. Gonna try it out anyways.

Bruh I've had a spot like this my entire life. My hair grows a little blonder there as well. It hasn't grown at all by I monitor it more closely than fucking scientists tracking polar ice caps.

How the fuck is this fine?
Also anyone know about starting fin in the military? Should I talk to my PCM?

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Finna'steride is gay and sucks shit, enjoy your broken dick and no muscle. Literal trannies use it as a hormone blocker, dht is what makes you a fucking man.

Get a topical DHT blocker, because you still want to be a man everywhere except your scalp, right? Right.

How do you know if you’re balding?

Are you losing hair at a rapid rate?
Does your hair seem whispy? Thin in some areas? Especially temples and crown?
Does your hairline not look as good as it used to?
If any of your answers is yes, there's a possibility and you shoukd look into it just in case

Whats the best topical DHT blocker?

My life is over at 35

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1.5mm once a week or 2 is ideal, better results than minoxidil alone.

Thats normal


Take the original propecia, there are countless of people saying the hairloss continued when they switched from the original to generic, me included (switched back to original 1.5 months ago hoping it'll work again).

Further proof that Jow Forums perpetuates BDD

It is working again?

Yeah gonna need you to cite your sources for your bullshit. Bunch of ass blasted bald faggots in these threads that are so anti-finasteride that it borders on mental illness.

@everyone in this thread
This is me at 21 and I have zero (0) insecurities about it
What the FUCK are you complaining about?

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embrace that shit boi.
pump it up, shave head, get fat beard, be a man.

Topical finasteride,boys. Give it a try. Will receive mine tomorrow. Hopefully,it work because everything else has failed..Essential oils,Supplements(Saw palmetto,biotin etc.),Dermarolling,rogaine

ok that is very weird. can it be hormonal imbalance? its doesnt usually start until 25 something. im 25, i started to thin, ill shave as soon as it becomes noticeable.

You just have a fucked up hairline. Dont worry. I have a slightly better one than you and I was afraid at first, but it didnt move in years now so whatever

Dont believe anyone who says essential oils are effective. They are all shills.
I shave my head clean for a year and used FIVE different essential oils with rogaine twice a day everyday.
When I finally grew my hair out,it looked thinner than it ever did and for the first time,people commented on my hair loss.

You think the oils incriesed the hair loss?

I never said or implied its Testosterone you dumbfuck hairlet. I would even go so far and say it's more important than Testosterone.
Did you know the best steroids to build lean muscle mass are actually DHT derivatives you fucking moron?

If it weren't their hair it would be something else. There's nothing worse than a "man" crying over his hair.

Imagine believing the pharmajew saying you don't need DHT. Since when does the body produce hormones you don't need?

>I don't have any side effects
How the fuck do you know? Imagine being this retarded. It's not like you can measure lost potential gains or energy levels. It's intended effect is a side effect in itself. It fucking dampens DHT, dumbfuck. This is supposed to be used by prostate patients and not fucking hairlets.

you can try with nizoral but it will still get into your bloodstream

Reminder that this is a paid shill and finasteride is chemical castration

as a guy who is actually bald I hate guys like you. nobody will notice you are balding for a few more years, go enjoy your life instead of worrying about this shit.

ironically the finasteride ruining your brain is probably the reason why you are so paranoid and unable to enjoy life

That looks like a natural hairline, don't worry about it unless it starts getting super thin around the edge that it currently is at. Right now it looks pretty thick on the edge so you have nothing to worry about. Just lift and become Vegeta-mode.

no one gives a shit if youre 35 and balding, if youre 21 and balding its fucked

DHT suppression does not result in reduced muscle mass or strength.

>20 weeks
hahahahahahaahahahahaha. COPE

What do you think would happen if you suppressed your test by 80% for 20 weeks?

Wait a second. Did you even read that fucking study? The patients were taking Testosterone Enanthate. Now do that shit without adding testosterone.

>The primary outcome was change in fat-free mass from baseline measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. The selection of fat-free mass as the primary outcome was guided by our primary hypothesis, which was related to the role of 5α-reductase in mediating the anabolic effects of testosterone on muscle mass. Additionally, among various androgen-dependent processes, the dose-response relationships of testosterone are the most robust with fat-free mass. Finally, the issue of whether 5α-reduction of testosterone to DHT is obligatory for mediating its anabolic effects on the muscle has relevance to the safety of 5α-reductase inhibitors and nonsteroidal SARMs.

Imagine being a pubmed bro who just links studies without reading them. If DHT had no effect on gains, why do you think people take shit like Winstrol and Anavar.

20 weeks is 5 months r-tard, youd JUST yourself in that time if it did anything. n=139 is plenty for these type of studies

this is why there is a control group pal....

Again, you fucks did not even read the "study"

Why do you fucking coping hairlets try to defy human biology? DHT is absolutely needed. Otherwise explain to me now why DHT derivates work so well when it comes to building lean muscle mass.

Pro tip: you can't.


>believing a "study" made by pharmajews
>n=139 "plenty"

Imagine not only being a hairlet but also a mathlet. Imagine trying to defy human biology.

nigger i was debunking your >le 20 weeks n=139 arguments

Link a study showing DHT suppression results in reduced muscle mass/strength in humans versus a placebo.

Anectodal, since I started taking Fina a year ago I have put on 50lbs on my squat, to 440lbs.

Whats the matter with all the fags raging against finasteride, is it bald cope and regret for not trying it?

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Dude lol that's your temple. The widows peak is in the middle of the frontal hairline. Are all of you talking about your "widows peak" without knowing what it is?

>Link a study showing DHT suppression results in reduced muscle mass/strength in humans versus a placebo.
Your "study" even says that there are possibly other ways your body produces DHT apart from a5 reductase.

Also you still haven't answered my question. How come Winstrol and Anavar (opposed to "normal" Test) work so well when it comes to building lean muscle mass?

Lmfao imagine being a pharmajew shilling medication on Jow Forums

lmfao @ hairlets taking this poison

Shilling what you faggot? A drug that is on the market for 20 years and is cheap as fuck?