Feels thread

>mfw my gf of 11 months moved out today
>mfw i reallize how much im gonna miss her
>mfw my apartment is so empty and dull now

Hows everyone else doing tonight

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She's a worthless whore and you're better than her. Continue to improve yourself and you will meet whores who are less worthless

What do you mean by moved out. Was she just banging you to avoid rent and bills for a year?

Get a bf

Do people really not split the rent when their gf moves in

Get ferrets

Did she want it or did you? Tell us about it user

Does chivalry really not mean anything to this generation? Fucking useless manchild

It's okay fren, nobody will be in your life forever. It's best to think of people as pretty things to enjoy as they drift in and out of your life. Everyone is ephemeral and that is not really a bad thing because it lets you enjoy how beautiful everything is as it comes and goes like pebbles down a stream

>tfw had a gf of two years break up with me because she got bored of me
>haven't so much as held another girl since then
>gains and hobbies keep me happy but every night I go to bed thinking about if I could really live my life without anyone to keep me warm
I want to know what it feels like to have my presence wanted by another human being

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Can't afford my OCD medication anymore, been off of it for a year now and haven't gone to therapy.

Slipped back into bad habits. Agoraphobic and haven't been able to leave the house for 5 months now. My friend has been buying my groceries every month for me but I can tell he's getting tired of having to do it for me.

Also been pulling out my hair obsessively and now have like four 2" diameter bald spots on my head, no eyebrows or eyelashes left.

Spending up to 12 hours a day performing OCD rituals now. On the medication it was only like 2 hours a day and I could actually hold down a job. Now I can barely manage to do my data entry job from home.

Trying to figure out how to purchase a gun when I am having trouble leaving the house. Once I am able to work up the nerve I'm going to do my best to make it happen. I am scared of fucking up and failing if I hang myself, and getting rope would be more or less as hard as the gun for me. Someday I'll make it bros.