Squat bad
Squat bad
This is how everyone should dress in the gym, so I can see all the ass meat.
Got my ass squeezed at work today
It wasnt so bad
This is basically how all the girls dress
What I wouldn't give to have him to use me as his personal toilet
>tfw stopped squatting and deadlifting because of knee pain
>now stick legs
>want to try again
>but afraid of knee pain
>don't want to buy new pants either
is having bigger glutes and legs worth it?
Kinda gay user
I went from ~150 to 290 which i just hit this week and i still wear a size 32 waist, only difference is slim fits fit a bit tighter on the legs now so i go for a looser but still tapered cut but that's fine since slim fit isn't in style like it was a few years ago
Gross and mental illness-pilled. The point of a nice ass is the shape, the soft yet firm feel. The bouncy feeling when you hit it from behind. The tight death grip of a muscular hole on your dick.