Whomst here /picklepilled/?

>God-tier cutting snack.
>Low calories.
>Cucumber hydration.
>Goes well with dry proteins

Why aren't you eating your pickles, user?

Attached: IMG_20190626_230506.jpg (4000x3000, 2.64M)

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Pickles are disgusting.

you have to be 18 to post on the board

I'm 27. Pickles are disgusting.

because i dont want my weeks worth of sodium in my snack. Sodium bloats your face and causes high blood pressure. Want a snack? Eat almonds

I am, I love pickles, I just use them sparingly

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Protip: eat pickle chips with chopsticks.

Pickle breath

>eat almonds
Yeah bro just 500 calories for a handful. Much better than pickles for cutting.

Pickles are fine as long as your doing the bickleing yourself, look up lacto fermented dill pickles on red ice tv

perfect for skellies dude

I am, I love pickling. Also love fermenting, have a really good batch of coritdo going right now.

I wish I liked pickles. They always look tasty but I can’t stand them.

You're also a faggot.

t. 28-year-old

I drink the pickle juice from the jar

Based and picklepilled

I hope that's not a plastic container...

My teeth are too messed up from ginding to enjoy them, the vinegar causes sensitivity problems.


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My new treat are pickled daikon

Here’s an eye opener; shot of Jameson followed by a shot of pickle juice. You’re welcome.

sodium makes you bloat

these things are god tier

Attached: spicy-pickle-chips.jpg (400x230, 89K)

It's also god-tier for hangover

Chewing Gum

The best snack for cutting is just not eating

make me some kraut, bro

Do you also eat s.oy?

I buy them because they taste good and are cheap.

I go through a container every few days.

1. shred cabbage
2. pour 1 tbsp salt : 1 liter water brine over it
3. seal jar airtight
4. release CO2 daily for 2 weeks
you're welcome

Cringe, bluepilled, and have sex.
>red ice
Fucking based.


I like this guy.

If you don't like pickles, you must have not gone through puberty properly.

The only people I know who don't like pickles

>low test beta bitches

nice. try carrot+ginger, brussels sprouts in place of cabbage in kraut, and asparagus

Hey OP you should try making Sauerbraten some time if you like brined food. Shits fucking wonderful.

>Bro if you don't like Doritos you're low test because I know girls and weak men who hate Doritos
Kys, it's preserved cucumbers.

> Pickle
LMAO lanklet

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Be careful I once drank a jar of pickle juice for electrolytes (like a dumbass) and shat until liquid was spraying out of my ass like a faucet. It was terrible, I cried and puked. I still like pickles though.

cope probioticlet.

>Implying you eat pickles for health benefits

that's what this thread is about retard

I eat a pickle before i head out to the gym. The sodium gives me a good pump and helps retain water while I'm lifting. Minor boost but it is noticeable nonetheless.

Shits delicious as fuck

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What the fuck is going on in that sandwich?

You guys need to give something like this a try.


Attached: Pickle Sandwich.jpg (750x563, 103K)


mayo, apples, red cabbage (pickled I think), pickles, delicious pork with skin on, bun. The bun looks like it would scrape your mouth hard as fuck tho

Post body

i'd love to no homo but I have no picture

I'm starting to look decent tho, need better pecs tho. how the fuck do you hit the pecs properly if you can't bb benchpress too well?


>how the fuck do you hit the pecs properly if you can't bb benchpress too well?
Bulk hard and keep increasing weight. Make sure you've got good form too, you really need to tense your entire body up and load it like a spring. This video is pretty good: youtube.com/watch?v=Ji5ieq8JdnQ
That's going to get your bench up, and then you should do flies to make significant pec gains.

Works magic for hangovers
t. an alcoholic Balt

I mean I know how to bench, I didn't make it clear, my bad. I have an injury so I'm slowly getting better at benching in terms of doing it correctly without overloading where the injury is.
I should have said I looked for other ways to hit the pecs properly. More flies seems to be the way to go then

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Anons, when you feel autistic, just remember that someone spent time creating and posted it

Fuck yeah, pickles, pickled garlic and olives are my go to snack. Lots of salt which I’m usually craving when I’m looking for a late night snack


Claussen spicy pickles are my favorite