DO >count calories, all of them >calculate your TDEE at sedentary. It will save you a whole meal's worth of calories >buy scales, be accurate in your measurements. autistically accurate >learn how to cook and start cooking your own healthy meals. lean protein and green vegetables >develop sustainable healthy lifestyle habits >eat a lot of protein (1g per lb of goal body weight) >cardio. learn to love walking >start lifting weights! fatties have the advantage that they can build muscle while cutting, especially as complete beginners! >post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice
DON'T >eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count >eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible >drink your calories. alcohol, soda, fancy starbucks shit. forget it >be a retard
I had of very recently devoured two entire buckets of hot crispy fried chicken with sauce. YO I ATE 2 MUHFUGGIN BUCKITS OF KFC MY NIGGA LMAO WITH DIP N SHIT YOU KNOW IM SAYIN CUH
Evan Garcia
>Toddler didn't finish her breakfast >Ate the leftovers instead of throwing in the bin >Logged 1 x Weetabix in MFP
I literally can't lose weight, it's so fucking over for me. I don't gain it either though, I'm stuck at exactly 120 kilos.
Lincoln Rogers
Tell us more about your diet.
Benjamin Martinez
I ate 50g of Pringles yesterday, 250 calories of chocolate milk, and a small pizza from Pizza Hut with some plain garlic bread. Oh and I think a big plate of rice with beans and stuff.
Brody Jackson
I don't even have a meme to hand to respond to this
John Morales
well, do you at least REALISE that your diet is awful?
we were playing murder mystery tabletop RPG and I poured a little bit of whiskey for myself, I completely forgot that alcohol hits you like a sledgehammer when you're on keto so I immediately got drunk and drank half a liter in total which fucked up my calorie counting. Also the hangover on keto was 10x worse than regular hangover so I could barely workout the next day. There's a silver lining though, this finally strengthened my resolve and I won't drink any more alcohol until I reach my goal
Doesn't look like that much food to me but whatever. Yeah that'd why my new diet is just about 20g of dark chocolate in the morning with a cappuccino and a small tub of yogurt for the rest of the day. If I get hungry I'll take a bite of chilli pepper and blaze my insides, that will nuke my appetite and I won't want to eat. Maybe I'll get one of those Californian Reaper peppers for extra efficiency.
Zachary Walker
I feel you. I lost 15 kg since January and am hammered instantly now. Before I could drink for hours without much of a problem. Now I feel the very first beer.
It is nice though. I just drink less now. Cheaper and more healthy.
Benjamin Rogers
It's always a good thing to drink less alcohol.
Hunter Hernandez
It's time to binge! My stomach is full and I'm feeling warm but I think I can shove some lasagna down. I literally get erect when I'm trying to kms by eating nonstop fuck yeah
Ate 3 homemade hamburguers,and drinked a can of pepsi that mom later found out,please lord forgive me
Justin Miller
fuck im eatting like shit: 6 donuts yesterday,
Samuel Gonzalez
>ate some bread >2lbs heavier
Love and hate relationship
Christopher Richardson
I'm about to go on my now daily walk. 5AM where I'm at and I'm feeling good. Day 2 ahoy! Quick question though, how bad is Gatorade / Powerade zero? Logging it in MFP gives me zero calories but is there any adverse affects I should be wary of?
Sometimes it's like proana is the only way forward I gain fat if I even look at food.
Anthony Carter
This is why you're fat, going over 2200 calories and/or underestimating yer portions
Zachary Rogers
It gave me ED, took some months and it was pretty humiliating honestly.
William Reed
Had a sandwich this morning for the first time in a month, I felt fucking awful desu
I have just lost a stone, only eating turkey breast chunks, carrots and celery for lunch but I really wanted something different
Noah Williams
>gatorade gave me ED
can you prove that?
Lincoln Flores
that sounds like a fucking horrible diet man
Just cut out chocolate alltogether, replace it with veggies like I did and you will shed the weight and never feel hungry
Ryan Phillips
It's the same for me, I barely drink anything nowadays. A real night's out for me is three or four beers, and I do that like once a month. Used to be 10 drinks easy once a week. Honestly the biggest reason why I lost weight and kept it off is just drinking less. So keep that up user!
Austin Rogers
85% dark chocolate is super good. Smooth steady energy from the fats, you got magnesium and other things too.
Ayden Parker
If I could prove it I would sue them, but quitting it made all the incredible powerful sexual energy come back. Also it was powerade.
Jeremiah Rodriguez
fair enough, for me though i had to cut choclate, sweets out alltogether I would just end up binging them
Tyler Myers
Yeah I never had much of a sweet tooth to begin with
Nicholas Brooks
What type is that? Would love to get me a pocket scale
Man eating eating low carb makes me feel sleepy af. I am seeing good results though so im just gonna need to keep powering through the day. Not drinking everyday has been a love hate relationship. I really miss the feeling vodka gave me, but im saving a lot more money and losing weight faster than ever.
I lost a lot of weight and now im insanely skinnyfat so im staying for a bit longer with you guys, im gonna start lifting at maintenance~ish and see if it does anything after a few weeks. I'm going to use reddit ppl and theres a spreadsheet but im insanely week so do i put lifting only the bar as 20kg or does that count as 0kg?
Nathaniel Perez
>sleepy af Drinking lots of water helped me a lot with this, drinking around 3.5 liters a day now.
Caleb Brown
The bar counts as 20kg. Do phracks greyskull lp for a month before ppl trust.
Nolan Walker
that's impressive weight loss, good work user
Jack Williams
Do you just drink even when you're not feeling thirsty?
Sebastian Garcia
Nah, i wanna go almost everyday and i cant do chinups/pull ups either way so thats just 2 exercises.
Isaac Rogers
Have you stopped drinking altogether?
I had a SERIOUS drinking problem, would say its moderate now
I stopped drinking beer everyday and only drink gin & tonic now but I still have a problem with heavy drinking over the weekend
Will only drinking gin & tonic over the weekend fuck my weight loss up?
Alexander Gutierrez
yeah, these are extra calories and It’s also really common to retain water after a night (or day) of drinking alcohol. Alcohol acts first as a diuretic, meaning that while you are drinking you’ll urinate more. Then the day after, as your body is dehydrated from all that drinking, it will retain fluid to make up for the loss.
Julian Lopez
>be fat >eat söy Oof, you want like DD gyno?
Carter Morgan
Gin - 265 kcal / 100 ml - 1850 kcal a bottle 0.7 l Tonic - 35 kcal / 100 ml do the math
Jose Ramirez
>I had a SERIOUS drinking problem >drinking beer everyday >beer >SERIOUS drinking problem fucking lightweight
Jacob Nguyen
Unless you live in a trailer park this is a serious problem.
Isaac Collins
if you drink alcohol every day you have a drinking problem.
Jordan Walker
I was on about 8-15 cans of stella 5 days of the week while working, then on weekends that plus a bottle of whiskey
Also im english so we have proper beer not those faggot little 2% cans americans drink
Ayden Butler
Guys I'm fucking pigging out
Easton Diaz
Looking at myself in the mirror when I am tempted always works
Mason Ramirez
Maybe at first but now I have it almost scheduled. Be careful with drinking near sleepy time, that was the one big mistake I made in the beginning. No, I did not piss my bed, it's just annoying because it's just hard to sleep.
Kevin Bennett
how much do you drink now? that's a lot of boozing
Aiden Clark
The only drinking problem you would have is running out of beer.
Tyler Turner
you don't have to prove yourself to him mate
Dylan Walker
about a 70cl bottle of bombay sapphire over 2 days mixed with tonic water
Its the boredom that makes me drink I dont have many friends desu
Aiden Anderson
Please tell me, rice, potato, pasta, are these ok or aren't they? I feel like I'm getting memed by garbo buzzfeed tier information.
Also what are some good low fat sauces?
Wyatt Cooper
>Drinking an entire bottle of gin in 2 days Plenty of people at the AA will be your friend
Levi Collins
Carbs are fine, they just tend to be calorically dense for low nutritional value and satiety. CICO is all that reallt matters when it comes to weight loss.
Aiden Fisher
what is your caloric deficit in total?
Eli Smith
Not all of us drink bud kike piss water. Stella isn't a classy as you think bub
Isaiah Scott
might want to cut down on that, not for weight loss purposes but so your kidneys and liver don't go to shit. it's a slippery slope
Colton Cooper
>3 billion vegetables on this planet >eat only peas and carrots
Vegetables suck desu
Jordan Price
>started taking bronkaid to kill my appetite >now I have to force myself to eat my meals for macros >going under 1500 cal a day is now easy as pie
We're all gonna fucking make it bros.
Hudson Barnes
im shaped like a lady and i have no discipline, ive got drunk everyday this week.
Caleb Turner
Become a [spoiler]speedrunner
Matthew Smith
>Broccoli >Cauliflower >Mange tout >Baby corn >Peppers >Potatoes and sweet potatoes >Spinach >Sprouts
Bro eat your damn veggies
Wyatt Ross
> rice, potato, pasta It's fine but human rations are pretty small compared to what I thought was normal. As long as you don't go over your calories and you get your protein it should be fine.
> low fat sauces I don't know what sauces you're having. Spices, salt, pepper, lemon is cool, if you use cream or yoghurt maybe substitute it for quark/skyr.
Connor Murphy
damn that's so straightforward
Kevin Mitchell
I can't stand footering aboot with all these 20 calories vegetables that are marginally more nutritious than a glass of water. Give me a veg that at least puts a dent in my one five zero zero nigga
William Garcia
This probably isn't what you're looking for, but this sauce is 30 kcal per serving (2 tbsp) and is great on chicken breasts / thighs when you get tired of regular spices.
Walked for 5 miles today, feel absolutely drained. I’m ridiculously unfit.
Austin Garcia
I don't wanna be fat anymore and this beats eating junk daily anyway.
Owen Thomas
How often do you weigh yourselves? I've so far been doing it every morning, however the results that I get swing wildly inconsistent (-/+ 2-5 kg day to day in some cases).
Camden Hill
when i was losing weight i did once a week. it still lets you see a trend line and gets you less hung up / stressed out on every little pound and why you weigh more or less on a given day.
Anthony Lee
This is how I feel when I see people aiming to go below 150 lbs, I'm like not me my man.
Lincoln Taylor
Also every morning after taking a shower, I've had that problem too, but for some reason it helps me stay on my diet and when I go down a lot without expecting it it's like a gift I didn't remember I got for myself.
Nicholas Edwards
I use another method but it's quite effective and easy to get lol
Jose Hernandez
lethargy has been rampant lately, all I want to do is sleep I don't want to change anything though because it might pass eventually
Sebastian Wood
400 lb user here.
My legs still look like fat trunks. When will fat start fucking off?
My pitting edema was gone the first 2 months into 1200 cals a day. But they are still just gross fat guy legs.
Will it just take time?
Ayden Bailey
>will it just take time
Straight answer is yes. 400lb is big nibba mode but you can definitely do it.
Evan Cox
Thanks man. I'm 367 rn. Down from 450 in Feb. My legs just seem unchanged. It's conflicting with my confidence boost.
Aaron Collins
hate to tell you this but between 24 to [infinity] BMI all you do is deflate, becoming a smaller version of your current shape
Jeremiah Lee
I think my bmi is like 52. I'm looking at around this time next year to actually tone my shit and be my new self. Just really wanted to wear shorts this summer since after shedding 90 I'm actually enjoying hot weather more.
Gavin Clark
yeah so am I just not being uncomfortable sitting in my own sordid sweaty boxers with a fan blowing on me and the window open