Should I use assisted machine for chin/pull ups. Or just do bad form negatives untill I learn normal?

Should I use assisted machine for chin/pull ups. Or just do bad form negatives untill I learn normal?

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You'll progress faster doing assisted. It's less fatiguing so you'll recover quicker and you can do more volume.

You probably need to lose some body fat. Skellys can do pull-ups and dips, so you need to adjust your body composition before you can do them.

you can use bands instead assisted too

That’s perfection

I did assisted machine for a couple of months and saw no results.
It was only after I did negatives that I was able to do a single rep

How you could possibly fail at seeing results using the assist machine is beyond me. It's just doing the exercise at the lowest resistance and going up each time you manage to do 1 rep more than your scheduled reps.
Did you just pick a weight and think "yeah, that'll do me"?

Depends on routine. If you do (for example) 3x4-6 early in routine and PROGRESS in what assisted weight you use, assisted is superior. If you "finish" with Dips for 3xF or someshit it doesnt matter.

How the fuck people can have problems with chin ups/pull ups
I am a fucking dyel
Literally skeleton
I can pull myself up over 10 times no matter which technique
Is this only affecting fat people?



100% this. I literally didn't get stronger doing assisted and when I switched to doing negatives I went from not being able to do a single pull up to being able to do 4-5 after a few weeks. the assisted machine was a waste of time, did it for over 6 months with almost nothing to show for it

Bands > negatives > assisted.

The problem with assisted pullups is that people get lazy with them and never decrease the weight.

99.9% the reason you are having issues is due to your core strength.

I always had issues with pull/chin ups and gave up. Never really did score in my routine.

I added pretty intense core over the last 3 months. Last week I did pull ups just to see if i could, and i rocked them out easy.

Work that core.

>I added pretty intense core over the last 3 months
What do you do? I just did barbell stuff for a long time and have never focused on my core specifically. I just added weighted decline crunches or w/e it's called, but I could do more

It's a combination of moderate fat and very weak arms. I'd argue that arms are even more important

Sheeeeeeet tons of stuff.
I've discovered the key to core is variety.

Rollouts are my favorite.

Dig up a bunch of routines and start hitting them. Even if they look like some sissy workout, do it. They work different sections in different ways.
Dont overthink it and do what the program tells you. Progress in core isn't quick so dont expect immediate results

If you are doing pullups with your arms, you're doing it wrong.

Do negatives and partial chin ups. I would recommend working only on chin ups first because it is easier to achieve a complete chin up compared to a pull up. Once you can complete a single pull up it gets way easier to completing more pull ups per set.

Assisted machines alter the muscles you're using to pull yourself up because you are pulling your head vertically directly in between the bar, rather than in front of the bar. In my experience the machine also encourages pulling with the arms rather than the back as well.

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> pullups with arm focus

Plz no. You have to focus on your traps and lats. If you are doing it right you won't even need your thumbs. At least with the assisted version.

I'd suggest do both, use bands and try working on your bodyweight. Lat pulldowns and single lat pulldowns are also great for training the musclegroup needed to do pullups. But the biggest part is you being too fat. So unironically I'd suggest monitoring your nutrition as a first step.

Pushups. Do sufficiently difficult push-up progressions whole doing dip negatives and it will come fastest

>focusing on my arms
>have no idea about utilizing traps in a pullup
>only do these with a hook grip
>never do assisted

What am I doing wrong?

Nop OP but with chinups my hands/forearms are the ones giving up first, always. How can i improve? Just hang from the bar? Gloves didn't really help much.

>why is it easier to lift a skeleton person than an normal/overweight person
I hate fatties too but c'mon

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>The problem with assisted pullups is that people get lazy with them and never decrease the weight.
That's not an inherent flaw of the exercise though, just of dumb cunts.

>Just hang from the bar?
Deadhangs are a thing.

Forgot to mention i also do band assisted ones when i can't do normal ones anymore. Gives a weird help since max at the beginning of movement but basically none when you are at the bar, but also feels good.

Same here. I was probably just using too much assistance but negatives ended up working much better for me. The assistance machine didn't help me progress at all.