Should I just buy a power rack?

I'm a complete noob and want to start working out. I don't want to go to the gym though. Should I buy a just buy a power rack, a bench, a barbell and the SS book? I mean what could go wrong?

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The worst that could go wrong is you don't use it

>The worst that could go wrong is you don't use it
Yeah this is what I'm thinking too. But as it is a bit of commitment in regards to money I hope that will help motivate me

Benching alone isn't a good idea, but sure if you can easily afford buying all those stuff do it.
Having access to a cable machine is pretty important as well though.

>Benching alone isn't a good idea
But with a power rack the need for a spotter is eliminated, right?

>Having access to a cable machine is pretty important as well though
Is pic related what you mean by a cable machine?

Attached: darwin-powercage-lat-03_600.jpg (600x600, 38K)

it's a pretty expensive investment and will take up a lot of space for something you don't know that you will keep up
If you wanna take the plunge that's up to you, but the vast majority of people who buy home gym equipment without having a few years behind them end up using it as a coat hanger

I have the room and the money, but I guess I'll at least start with a few weeks of calisthenics before pulling the trigger.

Worked for me but I took everything pretty seriously and worked out every day. If you are going to make the investment don't let it go to waste. Also buy used plates if possible to save money.

All the cages I see that's reasonably priced is too low for me to do overhead press in. Would it be possible to just build up the cage about 20cm with a bit of wood?

What program did you start with?

>Would it be possible to just build up the cage about 20cm with a bit of wood?

You gonna die doing that

Just buy a 1 month gym membership man it'll help you feel things out see if you'll stick to it and also scout out future purchases.

>Cable machines

These are great but a good set of dumbbells or adjustable olympic dumbbells plus in the future some resistance bands will be fine as a substitute

Are you just starting? I spent 4 years consistently going to the gym (I lived in New York). Then I moved back to the Midwest and had plenty of space. Because I'd proved my commitment to myself, I knew I would keep the habit up and wouldn't let a home gym collect dust.

Best decision I've made honestly. I only do compound barbell movements, and I pull-up/chin-up on the bar above, and recently bought a dip attachment. It's enough.

Check craigslist. You can find good used equipment that's less expensive.

You could.. but you would need to be really good at carpentry because you'll be loading 300 pounds on wood, or 500 pounds, obviously that's pretty dangerous.

You can just do OHP outside the rack, that's why they have holes on both sides of the bar for the pegs that hold the barbell.

No shit OP,

If u are new to all of this Fitness shit. Just buy something like pic related.

Pick one with 125kg . The smaller ones are shit. It will work for you for maybe 2 years, are cheaper than the rack ect. and don't need so much place.

It worked well for me.

Attached: 81S2SOtwgKL._SY450_.jpg (308x450, 22K)

Wait, you don't already have one and a bench? Why are you even here?

Ive thought about building one using unistrut and rigid pipe. Seems safer than wood

this is a meme do not fall for it

If you can, absolutely. I've been lifting for 7 years and look forward to getting my own rack.

That guy is stupid, cable machines aren’t important. They’re a nice luxury, but you can do just fine without.

Jesus fucking christ you guys are all lost. OP, yes, you should buy a power rack. Here is a list of everything you need:

>power rack
>some horse stall mats
>flat bench

You don't actually need a full power rack in most cases. I would opt for a half rack instead which has the exact same functionality. You can get a really nice one for about $700 brand new which includes spotter arms, pull up bar, j-hooks, etc...

I like these guys:

This is what the setup looks like. Any of Rogue's generic power barbells will be completely fine. You can squat, bench, OHP, do pull ups, and deadlift all within the same 6x6 space you put it in. You can get a solid flat bench from Rogue for $200 or so.

Attached: image0.jpg (4032x3024, 2.09M)

And whatever you do, DO NOT BUY chink garbage racks from Amazon or any other meme sites. There are tons of well established fabricators in the US who do this for a living and have figured out all the nuances required for an effective and safe power rack.

Both of the racks in these posts are manufactured by people who have no idea what they are doing. There isn't even any UHMW plastic on the safety bars or j-hooks

Attached: image0 (1).jpg (4032x3024, 2.3M)

It's what I did, I bought a power rack for like 250$ and got weights all free from a family friend who bought a bunch and literally never used it. For me it was an amazing investment since going to the gym after work is so time consuming. Now I can come home and just work out immediately.

I'd try to get the weights used like the other guy said

Personally I would get a gym membership for at least a couple months to make sure you test out the workouts and understand how to do them before buying. Just a trial run to make sure that you'll put the stuff you buy to use. Just my two cents

What a shit advice

What would you recomand

Those machines are mediocre at everything and good at nothing

what the fuck is this retarded 1990s website and why is there a baby on the page you linked to but no half racks

The power rack is the last thing i need to complete my home gym. I would have one by know but i signed a one year contract with anytime fitness that drains 35$ a month. Thank god it ends this september :) OP BUY THE FUCKING POWER RACK

Thanks for awesome advice. I was starting to get convinced not to buy a rack, but now I probably will. I half rack would be much better as it's cheaper and takes up less space. I'm just concerned it might not be as safe?

Nice. I'll see if I can source some cheap used equipment

Yeah I know I should, but I wouldn't feel too comfortable in a gym. Maybe I'll pay for a few pt sessions

This is encouraging and it looks like I will. Will maybe go for a halfrack as suggested by the other guy.

I'm also a bit torn on what starting program to go for. Right now it's between SS and Greyskull LP. I'm reading a lot of things about LP.

If you haven't even done a beginner routine then please get yourself some cheap dumbbells or kettlebells and make yourself work out at home for a few hours a week to see if you like it/are disciplined before you drop $1k on a power cage and bar and weights. Otherwise this is the equivalent of people who go out and buy the most expensive gear for a sport when they've never even played the sport