/plg/ powerlifting general

End of the shitty, forced OP edition

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Squish PLOP



squish drop!

Squuuisj sploosh splaaaaat







wew Norman khan in the toilet

>Bro Tier (trying hard, having sex, loving life required)
5th Set (great for late intermediates)
5/3/1 (read 2nd Edition, then Beyond or Forever)
-- 531 with FSL/SSL 5x5 (moron proof)
-- 531 1000% Awesome (for early Intermediates)
-- Beyond 531 (training maximally for strength)
-- Leviathan (heavy single every session)
-- 531 for Hardgainers (hypertrophy)
-- Build the Monolith (hypertrophy)
-- Boring But Big (hypertrophy)
-- 351 for Powerlifting
-- Coffinworm (great for strength)
-- Advanced 531 (simple and great for strength)
Westside for Skinny Bastards
Madcow Intermediate (great for early intermediates)
Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis)
Cube Kingpin
The Cube (+ Predator)
Conjugate (max effort + dynamic + repetition)
Spotoshot (bench only)
Texas Method 4-day Split Model from PPST.
Juggernaut Method 2.0 (a more periodized 5/3/1)

>Nerd Tier (must have high IQ)
RTS Generalized Intermediate
RTS Emerging Strategies
Nuckols Average to Savage
Nuckols 28 Free
TSA 9 Week
HLM (Heavy Light Medium)
Blevins Skynet AI
Juggernaut AI
Sheiko (for meet prep, don't break your dick)

>Meme Tier (might work if you love memes)
Hepburn x Sheiko Blend (Tan Slacks blog)
Candito 6 Week
Texas Method 3-Day
Texas Method Trappy Version (homo)
The Bridge
Smolov Jr.
Bulgarian/Bugenhagen Method
Slavic Swole
nSuns 5/3/1 (written by a 1200 lb totaling Redditor)
Hepburn "Power and Pump"
Programming 2 Win (by Jack Black)

>Optimal Tier (for gay, contrarian nerds)
Barbell Medicine

>Retard Cuck-Tier
PH3 (need a tourniquet to choke yourself, and it has a 100% injury rate)

*all of these programs work (except PH3), but the effort and attitude of the athlete is most important

Have sex


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Calidthenics powrt

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Got 3 weeks before a push pull comp. I entered last minute and have been doing a generic push pull split up until now, what should I do up until then. I can comfortably bench 120kg for a single and pull 190kg most days of the week. I'm 75kg.

kys zoomer


> SLDL X8 @7/8/9/-8% back off sets until @9
> back off set is @9 after first rep

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If a 2pl8 OHP is comparable to a 3pl8 bench
What is a 2pl8 z-press comparable to?

0 wilks points

Wilks can suck my ass

bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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Bench press has no real life application. No one EVER gets down on their back before lifting things unless a car drops down on them or something

You use your pecs to lift things above the waist close to your torso. So for carrying a girl or holding her in the air while your pp is in her it helps to have a strong bench.

You know what wont help? Ohp squat and deadlift cause those fuck your spine up

That scenario is never going to happen anyway lmao

The bench press is for building upper body mass and strength. It allows a large amount of weight to move through a relatively decent range of motion, and it is easily loadable.

It is not a functional movement, but most pressing isn't anyways (you fucking autist)

I accidentally lifted heavier than I planned on doing. What should I do?

Instead of benching 116kg for 2x3, I accidentally loaded up 118,5kg. I still got both sets but it felt surprisingly heavy. After deloading the bar I realized my mistake.
I'm on 4 day TM and put 1kg on the bar every week. Should I just continue running it out or drop to what I should be doing next week if I hadn't done the mistake and try to get it for five? I'm worried that I might stall soon if I go on from todays bench

t. weak little faggot with a shit bench thinking that posting an absurdity will somehow absolve him of his impotent shame. post body/stats, midget.

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A 3pl8 Larsen press.

>I'm worried that I might stall soon if I go on from todays bench
Seriously find a new hobby.

Is it ok to 5/3/1 without doing deadlifts? I just don't give a fuck about it. Also im 67kg. Squat is 130kg bench 95kg and ohp 1 plate. Doing 3/5/1 with SSL and tons of accesories cause i like hypertrophy. cals are around 3k per day. on off days i jog

You're fine, worst case scenario you'll have to increase VD if you don't make progress. Friendly reminder that this chart exists and is extremely helpful

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Lol why. I like grinding out prs as slow and steady as I can

Do trap bar DLs instead.


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> SLDL X8 @7/8/9/-8%
> BP X8 @7/8/9/-5%
> Goblets X12 @6/7/8/8/8
> Leg Extension X20 @9/9/9
> Cable Row X20 @9/9/9
> Rear Delt Flies X20 @/9/9/9
> Triceps X20 @9/9/9
> Biceps X20 @9/9/9

> E: Pancakes, steaks and GOMAD.

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DB curl, reverse-grip ezbar curl, rotary calf raise, GHR, squat press.
Back on diet today, I had a huge lunch yesterday at the Mexican restaurant and it didn't feel good all afternoon. I keep forgetting that my stomach is smaller right now.

>Pancakes, steaks and GOMAD.
Sounds comfy.

Deadlift 1RM
Superset Press + pulldown 5x5
Db shoulder press + 2arm db row 4x8
Db skull crushers + preacher curl 4x12

I want to die.

Increase your pressing™ volume right now

Hi everyone. I realize this is more BB than PL related but the rest of the board is shit now and the only good advice I’ve gotten is from this group of people.

Been lifting since 2013 but am not big (5’10” ~160 lbs ~8% bf) because of the sports I play, specifically squash and golf (walking all 18 holes).

I’d like to get big but I have a fairly serious low back injury so I can no longer squat, deadlift, or row. I have a minor shoulder injury and so I have to keep my pulling work higher than my pushing work by about a 3:2 ratio.

I’m wondering what I can do to work around this. Given that squash destroyed my joints, I’m not sold on a typical full body program and am wondering if I’d benefit from some sort of 5/3/1 scheme but with replacements (eg leg press for squats). In my ideal mind, I’d slowly gain 20 lbs over the next 3 years. Thoughts?

Has anyone tried switching OHP for a bench variation on 531 or turned it into a volume day, i.e. 3x8, 4x6, 6x4?

>squash destroyed my joints

You have two choices to be in this thread with a low back injury:
>The FR path
Do the McGill big three, reverse hypers and rehab low back, do light powerlifts in the meantime while assisting with leg press, belt squat, etc.
>The Sean path
Shitpost all day, never improve, invent scenarios in which your injury is holding you back
Choose wisely

110 kg paused bench, 115 kg tng at 80 kg 178 cm, yeah it's bad, but I'll try to improve

I'm sure they have. There are 531 variations that have today's events frequency and one day of pressing if that's what you're interested in

Hello coach /plg/ what RPE is this? Note I puked inside my mouth on the 4th rep, was aiming for 6.

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nice noodle spine bro

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Does anyone know if you can swap exercises freely in JT Powerbuilding AI? Like could you do something else than squat bench and DL if you wanted?

Might be wrong thread but I don't know where else to ask.

Does anyone have any extended experience with the Juggernaut Method? It looks pretty fun with all that sub-max volume, and with the training max going up after every wave (if you aren't a replet) it's not like you'd be going that long without lifting heavy.

do inverted and skip the 10s week

and add more secondary work

I'm honestly impressed with how you constantly save the rep despite pushing the bar in front of you

Will you be hindered? Yes. Will it stop you? No.
Working around a fragile lower back is really common in BB. Check out John Meadows' videos, he goes over a lot of form tweaks for managing it, since he has the same problem. I'm betting you can find a couple of row variations that you can do.
You'll also want to try out the McGill back rehab stuff, along with reverse hypers, which are magic.
Deadlifts are basically a non-option in most cases, and squats can be iffy (though I've heard of people rehabbing their back with lowbar squats as a primary movement). For legs, you'll probably have to break it up by muscle group (quads, hamstrings, calves) and do a larger variety of exercises to get around the limitation.
Shoulders are a little trickier, you'll basically have to find the angles and ranges of motion that don't cause problems and pick exercises to match. It might help to do a lot of banded stretches or rehab movements.
Look into bodybuilding programs with bodypart splits as the structure. Arnold split, PPL, various three-day splits, DC training, etc. Powerlifting or strength-based programming is generally pretty hard to adjust for lower back problems, and you'll have an easier time if your goals are muscle groups rather than compounds. Besides, your goal is size, so you'll want a program that's geared towards that.

Feel free to come back and ask questions, and just ignore the autists who don't want to help you get stronger and bigger.

>t. user training DC style with a bad back and shoulders

I trained for a while and just kinda bulked from skelly then stopped for a while because work/uni.

I want to get back to it but I realise that I’m actually much fatter than I thought I was and have no idea what I’m supposed to do to loose BF as much as I can other than just defecit?

Not even sure what I maintain at anymore.

Buy a $15 food scale, and track your calories. Get at least 150g of protein per day.

I'd recommend intermittent fasting. I do 20/4, so I'm really only having to track one big meal and a couple snacks per day, so it's not that annoying.

I cut 45-50 lbs this way pretty easy.

Me too

Serious questions
>I forget to take creatine all the time. Is it ok if I take 2-4 scoops whenever I remember it?
>Does creatine even dissolve in water? I stir it around a bit but it's always powdery when drinking it. Even when it's only 1 scoop in a glass of water.
>Fuck whey shakes. Any good protein bar recipe you recommend? (can include whey as an ingredient)

Are you making a new VOLEM qualification list? Is this satire?

God fucking dammit my grip keeps not improving

>protein bar
You mean like, a steak? You could cut it into rectangles if you want.

just hook grip lmao who cares about grip strength

Bryce from Calgary Barbell almost fucking snapped his legs lmao


Check the story looks quite bad

No I am 100% serious.

You know what I mean, retard. Something to cover the role of whey shakes, but in solid form. Something you can get down in a minute without having to cook.
Of course I also eat meat eggs and milk.

How do you not feel tired all day?
How does it not make you weak?
Is this sustainable?

Like a shake?

>How do you not feel tired all day?
You get used to it. I feel fine. I lift at 4am, work all day, and take care of my responsibilities. I eat 4-8pm.

>How does it not make you weak?
It's not best for maximal strength. Fasting has benefits, I mostly use it for convenience and for weight management. I would not do it if I was trying to win a powerlifting meet.

>Is this sustainable?

the benefit is shortening your window you have to eat, that's it. everything else is mostly a meme

>rolled oats
>peanut butter
>honey (optional)

There's some good evidence for HGH release and autophagy benefits.

I really don't give a shit though, like I said I mostly use it for weight management and convenience

creatine will completely dissolve in hot water. This is actually the only way I can drink it without shitting all my gainz straight out my ass.

Dissolvr creatine in hot water, in cold water doesnt work well

Equal amounts, blend together, bake for a while?

And drink hot water? That doesn't seem too nice. I'll try anyway, thanks.

Make tea and dissolve it into that

>not a functional movement, but most pressing isn't anyways

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Good idea. Tea is nice but sipping hot water by itself sucks.

Pulling is in much more functional movement. Much more everyday carry over

Why are you being such a sensitive baby? Food is fuel. Put it down your fat fucking gullet and move on with your life

Buy microlysed creatine or whatever it's called. Dissolves completely in cold water I've found.
Or just tip the scoop straight into your mouth and wash it down with water/milk/oil/petrol etc etc

how do you know if creatine even works

you gain few kilos of water weight

i added creatine on a cut and didnt gain shit

dont @ me

>do very slightly uncomfortable thing
>will presumably keep doing it for a long time
>"why are you looking for a way for it to be less uncomfortable?"
Is this anprim memeball


But why? SBD + isolations +food will give you shitton of mass.

It just shows how soft you actually are. you complain about the heat, you complain about protein shakes, you complain about deadlifting and squatting, all the while gobbling down pancakes with sugar syrup all the fuck over them

Post press

Best strict press is 235, best btn push press is 265

He is a retard.

I'm never estatting again
My ego is dead after trying my actual 1rm's

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>It just shows how soft you actually are.
Fite me cunt. I am a cripple but I'm making slow but steady progress. The easy way out is either suicide, or being a basement landwhale on welfare his whole life. I'm not planning on either of those. I keep trying.
>you complain about the heat,
Because it's fucking hot
>you complain about protein shakes,
I'm looking for a more enjoyable alternative, nothing wrong with that.
>you complain about deadlifting and squatting,
Not really
>all the while gobbling down pancakes with sugar syrup all the fuck over them
How is that relevant?

I want to be fat again :/ lifting while thin is no fun

I don't remember the ratios but you freeze them and cut them into bars

My thumbs are too short

Are you sad that you don't get to bake them and do icing decorations?

this is the truth right here
coffee works too

What's wrong user, did your creme brulee come out like scrambled egg?

What the fuck who the fuck doesn't just put the Creatine Powder in their mouth and then sip water to wash it down

>walking on the golf course taxes me
Blue bood as fuark

My creme came out just right. It dripped out of your mom's ass.

Dont ever use gay baking dessert words around me again.

Youre gonna wanna do some ab work and take 20% off that ohp. I know you feel like its fine but its not.

Dont buy the powder buy the capsules. Put the capsules by your keys or whatever. Its not hard to take creatine every day. Put it in your gym bag or next to your fleshlight and dragon dildo

Deficit deads, Bentover Rows, Kroc Rows, Facepulls, Tricep work
Missed breakfast/lunch. Still pulled 425x5 on a 2 inch deficit for deadlifts though so it's alright.
Blackmore's Night
Pretty shit, teeth as fucked as ever. At least my lifts are during well, though.

You are kind of a rubbermaid bitch user. Well not even user, tripfag... but anyways you should care less about comfort if you want to make it

Sorry that you're retarded, user. Maybe you should take a break from Jow Forums(nel) for a little while.

Deadlifts and pullups
Omelette and meat and coffee
Black sabbath
Shit because i missed a rep on deads but i'll get these fuckers

Salty cunt. Post body you sensitive little bitch.

Old video of him

OK thanks I'll figure it out

Good point. Before snapping my back I guess squats and deadlifts (even as light as they were) were enough to keep my abs strong enough for my spine not to bend like that when pressing. Now I don't do squats or deadlifts besides extremely light, so I should add in something in their place.
Speaking of which, deadlifted lmao1pl8 for 20 reps completely pain free today, which is nice.

It's pretty weird, I remember to take my pills every day, I remember to put powders in my bottle before going to the gym, but I rarely remember the creatine, despite the creatine being right next to the salts.

I didn't say "oh no powdery creatine is absolutely impossible for me to drink its too hard", it's what I've been doing all along. I'm just looking for a better way. What's wrong with you fucking retards