
Todays my first day of cycling clenbuterol and albuterol, with ketotifen to be added around week 2 I think. I've done my research but anyone have any personal experience with the stack or clen in general?
Anecdotes, tips, & things to avoid would all be appreciated. Is it safe to drink alcohol while cycling it?

Started today at 30mcg clen and 10mcg albuterol dosed 5 hours ago, so far so good. Just had first meal and no nausea so far.

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Also I'm only using a couple SARMS in addition, not cycling any gear and intend to stay that way.

imagine taking this shit to lose some fat

I mean a lot of /fraud/ swears by it, seems safer than something like DNP too. I've been eating at deficit for a year, would just like an extra boost

Dnp is king and is safe if you don't do silly amounts

From everything I've read over the years both here and on reddit i really don't think i personally could handle it, especially in the summer. The mechanism by which clen helps with fat loss makes more sense to me than putting your body into a state of shock as well

Imo the sides from clen are far worse than on dnp and the results are not as fast

Have you personally tried both? DNP sounds like a LOT of sweating.

So far despite only being on a beginner dose I'n only feeling energetic with a mildly elevated heart rate

Have run both a on a few different occasions, low dose dnp in summer you hardly notice it. I work in construction and an usually only run clen and high dose dn[ in winter

Took that shit for asthma, doesn't it make you shake and your heart beat like crazy?

If after 4 to 6 weeks of this I'm not satisfied I might look into it at low doses. At least it was readily available to purchase whereas DNP would take a bit of digging to find it seems like

Both drugs (and stimulants in general) will usually have those side effects before your body adjusts to it, they can be mitigated somewhat with things like magnesium but it does come with the territory. Its very important to stay at a healthy (for you) dosage and not go crazy with it

isn't clen anabolic and dnp just a stimulant?

"Hey kid, wanna buy some rubbing alcohol I put into little vials? I'll label it whatever ya want... clen, albuterol, whatever muh dude."

I'm thinking of doing a 3 week dnp cycle to help lose weight in addition to cutting and exercise. 125mg days 1-7 and 250mg days 8-21. I think the dose is low enough that the sides won't be that bad and can still do my training.

Attached: dnp-dose.jpg (728x577, 94K)

I took clen after suffering a serious bout of asthma at around 17.

Never, ever again.

Shaking like fuck, little sleep, felt like shit all the time, no appetite, spewed up randomly with little warning.

Not worth it OP

I've found 250mg gets plenty of results with minimal sides. Have run 750mg blasts but the sides aren't worth it.

>this current year
>using clen

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If you're not prepared for the sides it will definitely come as a shock. I think taking it early in the morning and waiting many hours after dosing to eat should minimize the insomnia and naseau. As for the tremors I'm just gonna suck it up.

Clen is indeed mildly anabolic, it preserves muscle while cutting and MAY increase gains by just a smidge.

>eat clen, tren hard, test yourself, anavar give up
Its a meme for a reason.

Btw jacking off on this shit feels fucking amazing

Lol, you're doing things with way worse side effects than steroids, for a fraction of the results.

? :/
Feel free to explain your reasoning. Clen has been used and studied for decades.


what to google search and how ______ name of web site to get legit dnp?

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Why yall DN(igger)P fags gotta derail the thread

From reports of guys that have used it apparently it is very easy to use too much and almost die.
There was a big DNP push here some years back but most users reported that the side effects and near death experiences convinced them not to do it again.
Obviously we have no way of confirming how many of then may have actually died

why are u using so much shit? lol its not hard to lose fat

Its just a natty stack. SARMS have negligible effect as it is, really. I won't be purchasing them again

user no!!
Drugs are for losers!!!

Literally everyone in CBTs aka 60% of this board uses drugs. At least mine aren't injected