
To shave or not to shave?
Better aesthetics
it's exhausting to shave every few weeks

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>Every few weeks
Are you 12?

>every few weeks
If you're not sprouting hairs after a couple days maximum you're probably low-T

>Shaving your chest

At most you should shave your face and shaft of your dick

>hairs on the shaft
thank god I'm not alone

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want to know how I know you're circumcised?


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should I shave my back?

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I was circumcised but I have a foreskin now.

Trim down with clippers. Shaving body hair is very effeminate and twink mode.

Yes actually


It's truly the worst curse.

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You're never alone
I'll always be with you

show pics guys

Up to the penis head, all 6 inches are covered in hair. Pretty mad.
I don't even shave it anymore, since that makes it sharp kek

>chest and arms and shoulders
>pubes and shaft

Wow that's unfortunate

i trim my balls / dick, armpits because of sweat.
i shave my beard because i cant grow a good one
rest is kept in peace

>Up to the penis head, all 6 inches are covered in hair. Pretty mad.
send pics

So this is why other boards think we are gay uh?

I looked the internet through this but I never found anything, good thing u bros got it too.
i noticed those hair sacks since i was like 12, thought it was some std

>doesn't know how good a baby smooth balksack and dick feel
Lmao fag

Fag? Me? I'm not the one strutting around being proud of how good shaved dicks feel while fucking him

Trim it at most you humongous faggot
>having t levels so low you don't grow chest hair
Shave dick and balls for gf

Fug, i share your pain anons

I have thick pubic tier hair in the first 1.5 inch of my 8 inch penis and sporadic long thin hairs up to the heda

You are allowed to shave once sub 10% bodyfat, so no Jow Forums doesn't shave

I shave. But when not going to expose myself Ill keep body hair trimmed down. My barber trims my chest, back and ass. I HATE hair notting between my ass cheeks. It impedes successful wiping. You get dingleberries.
So to have my ass hair, especially my ass crack trimmed down to a perfect length that will keep the dookie cookies at bay for a couple weeks AND not get itchy is amazing. He also doesnt nick me when shaving. I got a shaving with a waxing and the bitch shaved my balls with just water and a razor. Needless to say i got razor ramon bumps the next several days. Handjob not worth it.
Get yourself a dedicated barber or stylest.
Dont be that nasty fuck who has a jungle down there and bitches about a girl having stubbly pussy.

Don't shave anything. Smooth isn't a good look, and it doesn't last. Plus bumps and ingrowns!
>get a trimmer with standard guards
>follow this guide
>every 4 weeks, same day as your haircut
I just made this. It's now canon.

Attached: FIT Body Hair Trimming Guide.jpg (928x1300, 243K)

Yeah you probably should if anything.

exact same routine to mine
I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks or how "gay" is that, all the body-hair lovers are usually some wanna be 'tough guy' kids with 0 body or facial hair

Post pics

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Today I've learned that other anons share this.

Also fyi girls only notice if its prickly or super long.

Other than that just let it grow bois.

shave. most guys can't pull it off and it looks disgusting as fuck

I literally need to shave my dick from base almost to the head, once every few weeks. Since I have no gf it's mostly before I go on vacation / chance of having ONS.

I'm not circumcised and I still get hairs on the shaft. Not thick pubes, but enough hairs that you can see and feel them.
Shaving your groin just entirely is a patrician feeling. I will probably never enjoy anything more than masturbating with my lubed up and completely shaven cock and balls.

>tfw hairy ass

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go away
youre italian / italian ancestry?

I leave most of my hair where it is. Calves/legs, arms, armpit haven't been touched by a razor in my whole life and they're fine. Shave clean all pubic hair because that smoothness feels divine, and if you don't fuck it up, no bumps or razor burn
I do shave my chest, though, because the only hairs that grow there are a thick line only on the sternum and the nipples, and that just doesn't look appealing to anybody

>better aesthetics

Wtf i thought i had some type of mutation,
are hairs on the shaft that commom?

>his gf doesn't absentmindedly play with his backhair whenever she cuddles with you
Not gonna make it

This is pretty much what I've figured out myself. I like it.
Once a month is probably to rare. I like doing it every 2-3 weeks even tho it's takes up some time to do.
Shoulders not hairy, nothing to worry about.
Just get hair clippers bro...

1/8inch way too short. i do 1/2inch on pubes and the rest of my body hair is fine as is fortunately

I trim. If not my whole chest, usually just my nips. Haven't trimmed in a while so hair is actually meeting.

na dude i dont shave anymore
i actually like the hairy look and the girls i date dig it too
i shave my armpits though and trim my pubes

also back hair is a pain in the ass
thetr is no way that shit looks aesthetic and i cant get fucking rid of it myself

I have nothing to shave above the waist, just a few single hairs around nipples. Should I check my test? I'm 27.