Realistically speaking would the average modern male who goes to gym 3 times a week have a chance against a viking ag...

Realistically speaking would the average modern male who goes to gym 3 times a week have a chance against a viking ag shield maiden?

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in unarmed combat? decent chance in either striking or grappling. advantage in physical stature due to proper nutrition would be difficult for her to overcome.

> advantage in physical stature due to proper nutrition would be difficult for her to overcome
she literally fought all her life though and likely spared with her brothers since she was very young, I don't think size would matter as much as you think

doubt it. look up Dritvik stones. You had to be able to lift the heaviest 150kg field stone to qualify as 'Fullsterkur' just to become crew on a fishing boat.

Unless she was a very talented fighter she’d get battered

Assuming they existed:
With a bit of weapons training sure.

>tfw raped and pillaged by viking gf

>I don't think size would matter as much as you think

you must have very little to no experience sparring/rolling with women if you think a size advantage on top of the biological difference won't mean much.

Definitely. 9 mm would be enough to defeat most of them. If they are archer or something then guns which runs 7.62 would be suitable.

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>assuming they existed
What is Suontaka Princess

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The real question OP meant to ask was how many shield maidens to take down one brock lesnar

>he thinks shield maidens actually fought

lol, fucking historylets

Sources say they existed why would you assume they didn't?

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There were no shield maidens.

existed =/= actually fought

"shield maidens" were more like the militia to defend the community when their raiders were off somewhere else

that said these broads were from the viking age and so were probably tough (not strong) and would bite a chunk out of your arm without hesitation

Can't lose against a fictional character


I would just pretend to fight until she beats me and makes me lick her pusy haha

Because women are extremely weak and fragile.

Attached: strength differences.jpg (579x588, 103K) movies and anime............!

I absolutely refuse to believe any man would ever lose a physical combat scenario to any woman, BARRING freaks on either side (either a massive woman or a tiny man). Although I do admit, as more technology/weaponry is added, the odds to become significantly more even.

Sorry feminists.

Only in this modern cucked society people beleive women can go toe to toe with a man in combat.

Dude you don't know shit about history sorry.

>My grave with female corpse and sword
>Muh anime
>Muh Vidya
>Muh fantasies
Female warriors never existed outside of a handful of outliers


>Now out of the town of Sle, under the captains Hetha (Heid) and Wisna, with Hakon Cut-cheek came Tummi the Sailmaker. On these captains, who had the bodies of women, nature bestowed the souls of men. Webiorg was also inspired with the same spirit, and was attended by Bo (Bui) Bramason and Brat the Jute, thirsting for war.

Yes I could fight an entire army of snow niggers who only ever attacked peaceful villages full of normies. WE WUZ VIKANGS

The """"""""""""sources"""""""""""" are literally wives that got buried next to exalted slain husbands.


Who are the:
All of these cultures have history regarding warrior women.

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I would unironically chose these "weak sheildmaidens" over the average Jow Forumsizens in a shield wall.

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>shield maiden

nice meme

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notice how they remark how unusual they are, even in the myth

>shield wall
are you an expert or something?

And they were all shit at battle.
They're just fodder.

Oh yeah, and I fucked Aphrodite.

>All of these cultures have history regarding warrior women.
yes, and there was a lot of them right? like every army was at least 10% women right? it's not like they where 1 in a 1000000 right?


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>t. failed 2nd grade reading comprehension

Given the fact that the average height of male scandanavians in 1000 AD was 5'6, probably

>delets your shieldwall
Nothing personnel vikangs

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>cavalry charging a shield-wall from the front
game of thrones level tactics

This is how the Normans defeated the Anglo-Saxon's army at Hastings. They threw spears at the shield niggers and killed some guys in the gaps, retreated and repeated, picking the wall apart bit by bit

vikangs are overrated, basically snowniggers that pillaged places of learning

they would've won if harold hadn't been in such a rush and if the retarded fyrd didn't fall for the feigned flight

fuck off retard

Not entirely true, half strength was often sufficient though still somewhat impressive for the average dude.

An eloquent response, fuck yourself



>le everyone in the past was a manlet meme
fuck off you fat american

You can't compare like with unlike. Are both armed? Then the shieldmaiden takes it. Swords are hard to use, skill and practice are everything. Strength and reach is overrated in fencing.

Unarmed? Man takes it with ease. Nutrition and testosterone are insurmountable.

>shield maiden
This is total fiction. sorry to burst your bubble OP

spoken like someone that's never got in a fucking fight. strength is helpful but it's nowhere near as important as experience.

i would rather fight a roided out chad gorilla with retard strength that's never been in a proper fight vs. a frail 5'4" 9lbs soaking wet woman that had years of bjj experience.

Sarmatian women are the only ones in history that participated in wars consistently, it's where the legend about Amazons comes from. 25% of Sarmatian warrior graves consist of women. They also had to kill a man in battle before being eligible to marry, and because of the nature of Sarmatians being steppe people who had to go on long campaigns the women had to be battle ready to fend off enemy tribes if they tried to raid them.

But you're mostly correct, the women were on horseback and probably filled the role of skirmishers so they used that advantage to go toe to toe against men.

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Holy shit you must seriously be memeing

>le strength is overrated
Oh ok then go send the most highly skilled current UFC fighter, take your fucking pick, against a male chimpanzee in a room. Smack the chimpanzee in the balls beforehand for an even better show you fucking brainlet.

Strength is HUGE and the main reason sports are separated by gender and fighting sports by weight categories.

This kek, even the biggest feminists arent trying to make women compete with men in sports, but want the female leagues to be more important.

>against a male chimpanzee in a room
This is completely fucking retarded, they're two completely different animals built completely differently.

Chimps have fucking massive teeth they can use to sink into your flesh, their agility is completely different, their whole lives are spent fighting each other (in the wild) and their lack of morality and societal structure makes them fight based entirely on instincts. Their aim to kill you without a second thought.

I don't even know why I've replied to such a stupid fucking post but you got me you cunt.

if he knows BJJ then yes

But I thought BJJ womyn would be able to handle such an adversary with their power of femininity and sisterhood.

Damn who reminds me of that

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What? A comparison of man or woman vs chimp is fucking retarded based on the points I made That said, surely BJJ would be the worst fighting technique for taking on a chimp considering it relies mainly on locking human biology and not chimp limbs.


This user has the right of it, the 'shieldmaiden' burial that was found recently was most likely the spouse of a man who died and whose body was unrecoverable. To wit we find children buried with war axes, do we believev that 6 y.o kids were going into combat against seasoned fighters?
If we analyse the sources of the Sagas, Tacitus, the Byzantines, Ibn Fadlahn, archaeology, and the Eddas, the truth of it emerges. Shieldmaidens were the wives sister and daughters of the fighting men who attended their men and carried their arms before battle, resupplying them if necessary (Sagas). Not only that but their presence at the battle made the men fight harder knowing that if they lost their women would surely be raped (Tacitus). It is likely that these women recieved some understanding of self defence, and in absolutely dire situations would take up arms, as attested in a Byzantine source where the bodies of women were found amoung the dead Rus after an attack on a settlement- the surprise and wonderment of the historian shows that this was a most unusual thing to occur.

good post

>shield maiden

Fuck off American. No such thing existed and anyone who says otherwise is a jew.

Shield maidens were women who carried the shields of men when they went into battle, hence the term "shield maiden". Assuming they actually fought doesn't make any sense whatsoever, considering that women are the most valuable resource. The myth of female viking warriors come from female historians trying to inject their GO GURL power fantasies into history.

>t. an actual Scandinavian

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>implying horses actually charge men who stood their gtround

>women are extremely weak and fragile.

t. smelly faggot incel. you'll never get laid, soiboy.

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>No argument found.

Roasties are incels once some chad gets the word out about the curtains. Its why theyre so angry.

one good punch to the head is all you'd need on the woman, you're literally retarded. BJJ is not fighting, it is a game that mimics fighting. Specifically, punches to the head from a standing position are not applicable to BJJ, but will end most fights if they land.

that's not what Sarmatians looked like, they had blond or red hair

>comparing modern age bitches who moan about everything to viking shield maidens

you're retarded yes?

>comparing women who's only job was to carry their husband's shields to battle and motive them to fight to said husbands who actually did the fighting
you're retarded yes?

Modern man gets mogged completely. Humans were much stronger back in the day. No ammount of a better diet and steroids can even hope to bring them on the same level, contrary to what retards on here might say.
Humans have been getting weaker for ages because they are focusing on evolving the brain instead of the body. It makes sense for physical de-evolution to occur. A good thing or a bad thing? You decide.

And yes, even the females could probably destroy modern man's weak ass.

Historical illiteracy about what land belonged to what kingdoms and what genetic pools crossed modern day national borders. Nice.

god damn you are retarded


ah yes, the extensive amount of evolution the human race has experienced in the past 1000 years will surely be the deciding factor.

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>they would've won if harold hadn't been in such a rush and if the retarded fyrd didn't fall for the feigned flight
Absolutely correct. Harold and his forces just forced marched halfway across England after BTFOing the norse scum. Had they been at full power it would've been a victory for sure.

nice argument

>the battle would have been won if the commanders of the winning army weren't able to use better tactics
>he can only lift more than me because he has a better diet, programming, and lifts more often

You are massively retarded



You literally never fought a single person seriously in your life.
If someone screamed at you to punch them in the face full force you couldn't even bring yourself to do that.
It would take you probably a year of training to be able to punch someone in the face full force, as a western coddled civilisation person.
You are so fucking delusional thinking your luxurious housewife training would help you fight whatsoever.

You must be a big pussy if u think a woman who knows bjj has a chance against a man


As soon as you introduce human intelligence to selection, stuff can happen VERY quickly.
I could make an entirely unique dogbreed in a few decades.

t. never fought anyone seriously
skilled fighter > you (internet fat ass)
100/100 times. Man woman child. Whatever.
Post body.

>Real question
How many shield maidens could an auschwitz mode destroy in hand to hand combat

probably 4-6