Drink milk

drink milk

Attached: rip.jpg (211x244, 11K)

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mom's at work though

me want milkies

Attached: botched_517_highlight_a_286391_560x315_1465437251677.jpg (560x315, 19K)

I'm hard

Attached: 1522529824479.jpg (1081x927, 127K)

>undeniable gains right here
also why does rippetoe insist on keeping that bear pussy facial hair style

Attached: rippletits.png (760x428, 353K)

No. Milk is for babies and I am an adult.

Eat dbol :)


is nassim nicholas taleb too high IQ for Jow Forums


Jow Forumsing that pic of him and rip in a convertible

Bit Rip sir it gives me terrible farts and digestive issues not to mention terrible acne!

grow gyno


there's this bukkake video and I always remember the point where the girl starts screaming DAME MAS LECHE DAME MAS LECHE or some shit

Attached: IndolentMediocreJumpingbean-size_restricted.gif (500x432, 3.12M)

Attached: F219242D-5D43-44BB-A7E3-F83837FF6CB3.png (912x905, 1.23M)

>tons of saturated fat
>13 fucking grams of sugar per cup
Why does milk get so much praise again?

have sex

gomad mems


Brainless way to gain weight

>proven to lower testosterone
>raises estrogen
>causes type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease

People who drink milk in 2019 are retards.

You must drink a lot of milk then

>gomad works even for babies
>i-im special

Saturated fat is good for you.

Yeah and I bet lard is bad for you too, huh? Fuck outta here with that fake science bullshit.

the OP image makes me sad.
It reminds me of seeing my uncle's mugshot and seeing why he was arrested.
I can't lift that feel away.

I know milk is garbage for me but I fucking love it even thought it taste like nothing and I hate my tits

gomad man looks like a wife beater or child moleseter in this photo
I hope it wasn't something bad like that

Nah. He was selling fucktons of heroine to junkies and gangbangers.

still pretty bad but yep not that bad

Only bad shit is the sugar. Use kefir to eat most of it and you got gains city right there. If you worry about estrogen use organic or raw milk.

>that physiognomy
oh no no nononononono