Can a fat person be Jow Forums?

Can a fat person be Jow Forums?

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When did this board become so shitty

Look at the World's Strongest Man, Martins Licis.

High bodyfat? Difficult to be fit and healthy
High muscle mass interspersed with bodyfat like a sumo? Thats strongfat and they only look fat, they'll still have potential heart problems though

They can be Jow Forums, but not fit.

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>High muscle mass interspersed with bodyfat like a sumo? Thats strongfat and they only look fat
sumo fighters are just walking blobs of fat, they're incredibly weak for their size. They do 0 strength training, they just eat a lot and wrestle for one or two hours a day

Like 5 years ago

my dick is confused

Why would it be confused? They're hugs tits stuffed into tight bras. Are you usually turned on by men?

through their wrestling, strength is trained

she has no talent cant dance for shit

>implying that video is meant to showcase a talent or skill

yes, bloatmaxxing is the true Jow Forumspill

they can be strong (men) but not fit. girls cannot they are fat.

that I can see. it's everything else that's offputting as hell.

Yeah that's pretty accurate. It was starting to get shitty a touch before that with the constant IF and IIFYM spamming. But it's gone severely downhill since.

No, they can't, by definition.
They can be strong though.

if that were efficient olympic swimmers would just swim, sprinters would do just sprints, boxers would do just sparring, etc

when did moot make the site mobile friendly?

jealous roastie detected

I am a male btw, I dont like how the video is sped up either. her tits arent that nice, shes a creature

A fat person can theoretically be fit. There are so many BUT WHAT ABOUT things to check that they'd all have to pass, that there is probably a hard threshold that no one above it can possibly be fit. The idea is possible and there are probably some powerlifters that could stand to lose a few lbs etc that are a true rarity. They work out hard and get pointed to by every obese motherfucker as proof they're healthy too.

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Look at those maasive fucking jugs
I'd give anything to be able to cram my dick right between those milkers

nice eyes


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Those are some big ganglydangs.

Pic related

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>fat tits
>hazel eyes
>brown skin

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