The cute girl saw my erection while I was benching

>the cute girl saw my erection while I was benching

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Did she smile?

she probably frowned

it is an ultimate fantasy of mine to see some sweaty bearmode dude lifting who lets me come over and suck his cock while he finishes his sets

t. actual non-tranny woman (even though I know nobody will believe me)

Do ladies enjoy giving oral sex?

post feet

Depends. I like it. Some don't.

Do ladies reach their climax like men do or is it different? For men when we're done, we're done.

Hard to say since I will never experience a climax as a man. I think overall female recovery time is faster though. I can climax 3-4 times in a 5ish minute span no problem. Diminishing returns on the orgasms and the last one is usually less pleasure and more pain.

You just said you were an actual non-tranny woman.

I am, hence why I said I don't know what a man's climax feels like, so I can't really compare. What's the issue?

>3-4 times in a 5 minute span
Jesus. Guys usually call it at twice or three times a DAY.

Never mind. I just read the post too quickly. Thank you for this information.

Are you really a woman?

My wife says about the same thing. She could just jerk off all damn day.

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Some more than others.
P.S. eat more ananas. Makes swallowing a more pleasant experience.

It's pretty fun if you're bored. 3-4 times in one go with maybe like a recovery time of 2 hours before I could do it again. I doubt I could maintain that pace for more than a day though. I haven't ever tried

As a woman, do you take steroids? Also, do you vape?

No, and once. It was ok.

are those clit orgasms though? I don't think they are the same as genital orgasms which usually put a woman to sleep

>For men when we're done, we're done.
Lol speak for yourself

>when you going for a bench PR and your peepee shrinks because the blood flows to your muscles after all your warm up sets
>but you're in some basketball shorts and everyone sees while you're laid back and people are staring because you bench a lot for how you look (~160 with a 295 bench press, on Monday)
kek that's my favorite. I like to believe these people think "lol cope" about a stranger with a higher bench press than them. I don't care if they're laughing at a stranger in the gym who happens to be me, but I like to make people laugh.

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2 hours later and I'm still browsing Jow Forums, I'm truly ngmi. Yeah they are clit orgasms, and with a vibrator which is way different for me than masturbating with my hands. I need to be really turned on to cum with just hands and I can only manage 1 climax at a time doing that. I've never been able to cum from penetration alone. It feels good but I need clit stimulation. I'm jealous of women who can cum from just getting fucked.

>not working out with an erection constantly for all to see
what are you, a faggot?

hey, please stop de-railing my thread. I appreciate your original input, but please stfu sweetie.

>2 hours later and I'm still browsing Jow Forums,
download firefox and monestary
it will help you not be such a faggot.

Your thread is garbage

Enjoy blacking out mid set faggot

what, you don't have enough blood to support both? bloodlet