Martins Licis Appreciation Thread

This is the worlds strongest man, Martins Licis.
Say something nice about him Jow Forums.

>Martins Licis the 2019 worlds strongest man winner said "I like hentai and im not ashamed of my waifu!" after winning the title on Sunday

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He fucks hot black chicks and that's totally cool. He makes blue haired roasties mad that he won't fuck them.

This commie bugchaser would get dabbed on into oblivion by Grizzly
Why won’t he compete

you're telling me hes not dating that trogdolyte?

Martins is my favorite anime protagonist.
Weeb game strong.

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Watch his Arnold's Classic video from March. The black chick he's with is the same one in Jujimufu's tightrope video that he was hitting on hardcore in September.

Literally a different black queen in each one of hid videos

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Based and also quite redpilled as well
I'm glad he won WSM

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I was sick of seeing those two retards with no personality

He gave up his aesthetics for his dream. Admirable desu. Also enjoy the anime references in his youtube videos.

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