This is the worlds strongest man, Martins Licis.
Say something nice about him Jow Forums.
>Martins Licis the 2019 worlds strongest man winner said "I like hentai and im not ashamed of my waifu!" after winning the title on Sunday
This is the worlds strongest man, Martins Licis.
Say something nice about him Jow Forums.
>Martins Licis the 2019 worlds strongest man winner said "I like hentai and im not ashamed of my waifu!" after winning the title on Sunday
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He fucks hot black chicks and that's totally cool. He makes blue haired roasties mad that he won't fuck them.
This commie bugchaser would get dabbed on into oblivion by Grizzly
Why won’t he compete
you're telling me hes not dating that trogdolyte?
Martins is my favorite anime protagonist.
Weeb game strong.
Watch his Arnold's Classic video from March. The black chick he's with is the same one in Jujimufu's tightrope video that he was hitting on hardcore in September.
Literally a different black queen in each one of hid videos
Based and also quite redpilled as well
I'm glad he won WSM
I was sick of seeing those two retards with no personality
He gave up his aesthetics for his dream. Admirable desu. Also enjoy the anime references in his youtube videos.
oh my...
imagine grizzly trying to do farmers walks or carrying stones lmao
Fucking weebs
I just like him because the first time I saw him a few years back in an Arnold deadlift challenge vid he tried really hard and was super respectful. Cool dude
hahahahahaha a weeb is the strongest man in the world you twink beta cartoon watching BITCH!!!
that fat fuck can barely move
Weeb autism is peak performance.
Damn she's a qt3.14. Where the fuck can i find a mixed gf
>thread full of non lifters
>idolizing a fat fuck
>all love weeb shit
The absolute state of this board.
Post body.
Is that fatness supposed to impress us?
Show me how lean you are then ;^)
Remember, 415 is my bench max.
wow he probably was so strong... he could not deny his destiny.
6'3" and he's mogging all those giant
>tfw Martin will never manhandle you like a sextoy and hold you in a full Nelson while brutally pounding your prostate as you uncontrollably leak cum out of your flopping cock and ahegao like a cockcrazed retard
He moves slowly to conserve power. He has more than every man in your bloodline combined desu.
Who’s his waifu
>he cute
swole user
Why does he look like if jason genova never had autism and was a chad
She's cute. Imagine how they watch anime together hehe
Martins cucked Larry Wheels and she broke up with that manlet roidcel nigger lmao
he fucking mogs you irl
lol you just know
want to hear something to make this image even better?
the biggest face you see on his sweater is a boy. i'm not kidding.
Prove it.
Our Bloatlord couldn't bend over to tie his shoes, let alone pick up a 200kg stone
This is yet a another negress Martins seduced. There's a new one every month!
Do you people actually watch his vids? Thats miss america or some shit, she posed with all the strongman.
Show me 1 other strongman she made that face to. If you dont know what that face means you really are a faggot.
This is now Mateusz Kieliszkowski thread
Lindsey pls go.
Mateusz is a cutie
you don't even lift
If Matty K gets his deadlift squared away...
I've liked him since that road to the Arnold video where he buys a shitload of donuts. The interviewer or cameraman says he got enough to share and he just scowls at them.
So how long until he ends up on a Japanese talk show OHP'ing the host and hostess? That's all I think about when I do OHP.
I love these guys.
They don't like weebs in japan either
>turbo cocks
why are powerlifters overwhelmingly incel freaks?
fatty bobatty samefaggy shmotaggy
Nigga is 25...
>roiding for this
A twink won WSM. What is the world coming to?
seething in every way possible
There's a gay softcore vid of him in speedos on Muscle Beach getting felt up by twinks. :(