What's for dinner, Jow Forums?

Bachelor's pizza here

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Why nigger

Had a bowl of ground beef and eggs, seasoned with garlic powder, salt, pepper, Korean red pepper flakes, and Tabasco

Your poor asshole

Learn to cook.


14 oz of salty beef marinated in lemon and onions sauce, fried with half a bell pepper thrown in just before it finishes

1oz of black label Gorgonzola for /desert/

Sea bream, a bowl of rice, and some cherries to cleanse my palate afterwards. OMAD is hard, but I just threw up everything else I ate today besides dinner.

some ground beef with tomato sauce and pasta, and a good wine

fermented edamame sauce

that actually doesn't look like a bad attempt
however I'd say less cheese next time
and also throw it in the oven not the microwave
let it get a bit crispy brown on the cheese and grab it out

new dishes are created by necessity so one of these days someones going to hit gold on one of these type creations
not everyone likes the same thing remember

god I love cooking at home for myself sometimes

I know how, I just didn't have fresh ingredients and it was late.
Jelly of my tasty za? It was good and I wish I had another.

I'm hungry now
make me another and bring it over
though like more like I wanted and bring the mustard

Junk food gains

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What the fuck is that.

Anyways I had a pound of pork tenderloin with a side of homemade scorpion pepper hot sauce cut with Tapatio and Valentino hot sauce and 1/4 cup brown rice, 1/2 corn, and 1/2 cup peas.

>a bit crispy brown on the cheese
not with shredder cheese
the starch doesn't let it melt together evenly and it releases all of it's oil

>eating more of that

what the hell is that

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American cuisine

fish fillet
cheddar cheese
hotto sauco
what's your favorite hotsauce?

>Not having a loving fiance to cook for you

I had chicken curry over brown rice tonight.

Half a rotisserie chicken mixed into some wild rice with fresh lemon and black pepper
Baked zucchini slices on the side with some black pepper
An entire 2L of diet Coke because I had a weird craving for it

replace the bread with french, put the herrings on top of the cheese and bake it and you'd be okay

>Fish and cheese and ketchup
It’s an example of a disgusting foreigner trying to mimic the American diet but still doing it wrong.

Crystal baby, all the way. Perfect flavor, texture, and heat. Although that's jyst deen sauce in the pic

I hardly buy that but the block stuff instead
either way it's gunna be a bit cheesey
greeezy so it goes down eazy

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Was that steak frozen at some point?

My nigga

Water. Fasting, and on the track to abs, bby

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Chicken & rice, same thing I've had every night this week.