Fuck you Jow Forums fuck your obsession with milk and squats and oats...

Fuck you Jow Forums fuck your obsession with milk and squats and oats. You told me squats will increase my test and make me huge. My girlfriend told me her friends mock me behind my back. You ruined my life

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Breathes in*

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it was funnier in the other thread without a Jow Forums filename

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holy shit i didnt realise squatting did this to your body.

Attached: da3.png (1036x1154, 244K)


Is it fucked that this body shape is actually super sexy to me?

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Put on her clothes and post pics.

>tiiiiny chest and arms
>THICC ass
Wtff lmao I hope this isnt you

You're supposed to do the opposite of what Jow Forums says.
You've been played.


imagine the smell

I can squat the weights but I'll never squat the shame

This body unironically looks good, the lower body at least. His chest and arms are the only problem, they don't match.

photoshop is a hell of drug

No way a person could have that shitty of a back after squatting legs and posterior to that state.

Please sit on my face. UwU

look on the bright side user, at least if youbare incarcerated you'll be under protection of the prisons alpha nigger. at a price...

Behold the results of starting strength


This just means SS and gomad is patrician tier for women. Sorry, OP, but I guess you made a good test subject. Now women know what to do to get thicc.

Hahahhah another victim of ss+gomad
>not doing a brosplit kekek


just become a trap

damn you really just stole this pic from the other thread.


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Youre supposed to add accessories after phase 2 lol

top kek. looks good.

t. rippletoe

I don't even know what gender this is

how do you have no back development lol



What are you??

Squat at least works the back, why is there no development there annon? Why is there also no upper body development either? Chest and arms are super important, its the most visible thing to women and men...

>got twigs for arms, disappointing.

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breh my upper back is legitimately toasted after yesterdays squats
oh jk i did reverse flies

>he fell for the SS GOMAD meme

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Laughed so hard at this thread that I got hiccups. Hasn’t happened in years. Good deed lads

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Ayy caramba, no one said you're not allowed to train your chest.


when Jow Forums told you squats and oats, it didn't mean ONLY squats and oats, senpai. You're still supposed to train the rest of your body as well.

Look at this T.Rex.


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You do know that there are bench, ohp and upper body accessories in SS right? You look like you started squatting and never stopped.


This is actually a combat strategy.
You wear baggy pants and undertrain upper to lull opponents into complacency.
Then you kick them to death. Ostrich style.