ITT: lanklets getting mogged
ITT: lanklets getting mogged
Are short men now attractive? When did this happen?
Manlets have always been the superior race, Jow Forums just brainwashed you to think otherwise
> haha, i made a thread to make my insecurities more tolerable with internet validation (you)
cope harder manlet
Are those two things mutually exclusive? No.
lads i want to kill myself
i could have been born a 7 foot giant like connan but i'm just a tiny piece of shit manlet
i swear to god these memes where manlets are superior make me want to neck myself even more
attractive men are attractive. height is just another factor contributing to overall attractiveness
The only ones I see with insecurities are lanklets who jump the gun and label others manlets.
You are all pathetic regardless.
It’s prob the least factor. From my experience it’s always been:
frame (that v shape is what ladies dig most) > muscles > face > height
and before I get called a manlet, I’m 5’11 and former lanklet
you can't be a lanklet because you're 5'11
literally smack dab in manlet territory
keep coping though faggot
5'6-5'10 is the best height range for the domination of social situations.
This is because of the "subtle alpha" aesthetics the shorter man always gives off. The shorter man will always dominate through his "style", his "sleekness" and most usually through his intellectual power. Taller men can not pull this off, so they have to dominate in a much "in your face" and "raw" way.
Sorry to hurt your fee-fees mini-me
You can still have worth by becoming a trap and servicing Chads.
nah i'd rather kill myself f a m
the memes are cope
do what other manlets do
>get built because it's easier for shorties to get muscular
>replace your sadness with anger
>ape out like a nigger at the most insignificant slight, like someone giving you a weird glance.
>if anyone even mentions your height rip their face off, especially if its a woman
>if you cant beat the shit out of them (on the internet) write a giant screencap worthy autistic tirade of insults
that's all there is to it
as far as actually meeting women goes, face is always most important, frame only matters if you have a
>just become a meme of the napoleon complex
life is suffering
that's literally completely the opposite
why do you think the napoleon complex is such a trope
it's because manlets compensate by getting in your face and actively try to be alpha
if you're the mountain you literally just have to exist and smile to be alpha
>starts "lanklet" mog thread
>has no real world examples, only drawn fantasies
So this is really a manlet cop thread
is that dylan mckenna
Women don't give a shit
Just be taller than her
Who left the pit open? and when will learn?
Men are +6ft, sorry kids.
this, women are dumb as hell and they'll believe anything you tell them, as long as you're a good few inches over her, you can say you're 6ft and she'll believe it
At least you're probably short and light enough to hang yourself from a ceiling fan if you go that route.
i don't have a ceiling fan
i'm not a mutt
could try to do it from the ac unit though
You don't get it
They know, they simply couldn't care less
It's all achievements (manly ones like army or sports), not being a socially inept neckbeard, being fit and decently interesting
And dick size, sorry but it's true
lanklets are the most insecure group on the planet
Just after manlets
Who let them out the pit lads
Why is it always lanklets autistically screeching in this type of threads, never mantlets
Ive got a 6 inch dick, am I gonna make it?
to most people except GoT tards, the mountain is just a dumb meat head lol
you become a WSM winner by being low IQ
It's not that bad, about average in most countries
Me and you know it's not true. Being manlet is pathetic, I wish I was tall...
what does it matter if i got the biggest cock in the whole world if i can only get erect to lain?
That's the spirit.
i don't understand your post
i mean i have a pull up bar bolted on my wall that can do the job perfectly
it even has a loop for attaching a boxing bag
why couldn't i just had been 3 inches taller
being 5' 11 is suffering
40 comments in and there still hasn't been a post of a "lanklet getting mogged."
stop slurping gay cancer filled cum and eat a big load of shit
this didn't help
neither will your mom with your erection
RIP king of manlets
Thinks 6 feet is some magical benchmark for being tall because of his retarded measurement system.
>190cm BTFO americunt
All yuros do is sit around drinking onions milk while thinking about america.
burgerland subsidizes onions farmers
i have never even eaten a grain that wasn't wheat or oat
i've eaten corn a couple of times but have always hated it
It's funny that it's Amerimutts who are the most obsessed about height yet they're turbomanlets compared to Europeans on average. Even the """"White"""" mutts are manlets, barely taller than South Euros on average, Italians are 176.5cm for comparison.
>tfw dinaric master race
feels good laddies
Can you imagine having to tilt your head upwards to talk to a woman haha. That'd be pretty pathetic haha
>being over 5'8
>getting pussy
Choose one
Woman here I prefer
>been called short by girls
i dont understand how you 5'7 fags cope
>manlet larping as a woman here
>i prefer small dicks with asymmetric facial features and poor hygiene
Delete this.
i prefer not to
Lmao bro it’s so opposite
Little man syndrome is such a thing, not saying all manlets are like this but a lot of the biggest douche bags and compensating men have been manlets , who try to gain attention/dominate anyway they can
5'7 isnt manlet, manlets are 5'6 and below
manlets are 6ft and bellow
this is established and written in stone
t.5'11 manlet
I've contacted one of the admins so you know what's coming.
This, its unironically alpha as fuck. Is 5'8" short enough to go for it?
>not a single lanklet mog itt
damn it i knew all it takes to mog is height. Manlets coping hard
>Getting salty over a pasta
Hmm looks like the lanklets are out in full force today i see
Woman here. Tall guys make me blush :) manlets fuck off
prove it you lying bitch
have sex little man
get a job
fuck thats some pure autism
wow i can right click and press "inspect element" too
lying lanklet fuck
>not a single photo of a tall guy getting mogged by a short guy anywhere in the thread
This alone is proof that it's eternally over for coping manlets
post body so we can laugh
chill the fuck out retard the second and fourth ones were me, meaning its 3 anons.
lmao at all these low test lanklets who think they can compete with robust manlets
>only wins because he sucker punched him
Manlets are so inferior they only stand a chance if they do dick moves like that
>sucker punch
>entire thread for this
yikes, how long did you search for that gif little man?
Left handed. People don't see left handed punches coming very well, some studies out there regarding left handed combat.
If he had been a manlet he would be tough enough to take the hit like a champ
>first fight webm I see where the nigger isnt the one suckerpunching someone
>its a little person instead
manlets confirmed sub-nigger
>the virgin lanklet
calls his manlet brothers "little man"
>the chad manlet
does not care for hateful thoughts, respects his lanklet brethren
i unironically think the left guy mogs the right guy and im 5'7"
yo thats my boy top ramen. slurp some pussy
the guy on the left is probably only 5'7
your penis is probasbly only 5'7
Day of the ceiling fan approaches lanklets.
None of you even comes CLOSE to how unattractive I am
>168 pounds
>horseshoe bald at 23
>back and face acne
>-8 eye prescription