Cheat meals and kryptonites

Post your favorite cheat meals and kryptonites. I’ll start with the most obvious, pic related.

Having my first cheat day coming up next week. If things keep going how they’ve been going I’ll be at my midway milestone for this cut, and I’ve been pretty damn strict so I’m eating some pizza, but depending on what foods get posted here I may change that.

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Boneless wings make me go bonkers

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Your moms pussy haha


>cheat days

normies get the fuck out

kek every day is cheat day and yet i lose weight

God damnit I’m always the one to post this when these threads pop up, now that I made one it happened to me. Well played, here’s your (you)

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Cope. Making these kinds of posts actually doesn’t help you despite what you think. You may think if you post this shit it will help you stick to your goals and accomplish shit better, but the reality is for those of us with our shit together who already stick to our diet plans the occasional cheat meal is fine.

You post “post body” and your family is getting raped by Mexicans with small pox

So long as my macros and micros are met I don't care. I had pizza for breakfast today, but the rest of my day will be rice, broccoli, fish, and chicken mainly. I have a hard time getting enough calories without a little junk.