
What are some example meals if I'm trying to eat clean to get low bodyfat%

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rib eye steak, salt, and water.
or if that's too expensive get the leaner cuts and butter.

I've been at a stable 10% bodyfat since high school and my #1 bigboy meal is 3 eggs, an avocado, half an onion, 0.3 lbs shiitake mushrooms, and lots of butter. try that.

I also drink lots of 50/50 carrot/orange juice with a splash of apple cider vinegar, and use garlic, ginger, and fresh tumeric very liberally.

What's generally considered to be clean foods I know chicken and brown rice but what else are some staples?

I dunno your definition of "clean," but chicken is "dirty" to me because it's pumped with estrogen (big breasts = more profit), unethically raised, washed with peroxide (claimed safe because it breaks down to standing water ready to be immediately contaminated by airborne bacteria absent any competition), and if you don't cook it thoroughly, you're fucked.

these days I eat maybe 90% vegetarian and get most of my energy from fat. main sources of fat include
- eggs
- avocados
- butter
- nuts
- seeds
- high-quality lamb/veal/beef

and actual glucose comes from complex carbs aka polysaccharides, mostly from
- mushrooms
- yoghurt/skyr
- nutritional yeast
- seaweed
- whole oats

protein is more than accounted for by the above (nuts, meat, mushrooms, yoghurt, and seaweed especially)

vitamins come from dark legumes, fruits, vegetable, and misc. specialty foods like
- spinach/kale
- blueberries
- peppers
- bee pollen
- sauerkraut
- honey
- polypore mushroom tea (reishi or chaga)
- lichen and evergreen tea extract

so sometimes I eat weird stuff but it's all good, just take some acid and listen to MM.. FOOD by MF Doom. you'll get the picture

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>evergreen tea
*evergreen tree, e.g., young pine needles extracted in everclear and added to mixed smoothies based on forest flavors

Thanks for the list, if anyone could provide me with clean food that contains lots of calories I would greatly appreciate it

Keto but everyone is going to scream it's retarded solely because it's popular. Works 100% of the time when people actually do it.

This. It's legit too easy to just go home and cook bacon and eggs, breakfast sausage, steak, or just cutting up some salami and cheese. Fucking impossible to over eat on such a high fat diet.

I've done keto mostly but this is for my girlfriend whose trying to clean eat

np. for what it's worth, calories are a lie. there's no universal measure of energy that you can abstract away from the actual food, and have it still be meaningful. eat a big mac or eat your bodyweight in raw garlic, same calories, different effects.

just eat exactly what you crave until you're 2/3 full, then stop. if you're currently a fatass, you might need to consciously manage junk food cravings with, e.g., dark chocolate and almonds instead of twinkies or whatever the fuck fat people eat.

but in time you'll start to crave better food as you associate the dopamine/serotonin/GABA neurotransmitter cocktail with honey nuts, bittersweet antioxidants, and savory fungi/allium salads. the only reason eating feels good is because brain had to evolve a reward for the organism and keep it eating/being alive long enough to reproduce

I think a lot of people have initial success on me to because it makes you cut out the processed sugar and fast food, but I can't see how a diet that severely limits fruit and vegetable intake can be healthy longterm

I've exposed myself as a mobile poster fuck

yeah. one of my friends has been on a 100% steak/eggs diet for several months now. he's no longer fat but he also has clearly defined breasts, teardrop shape like a woman's and everything. probably a 34B if I had to guess. also fairly weak.

veggies, fruits, and lean cuts of meat with some whole grains. if you want to be autistic about it and have money to spend on it, go for organic, non-GMO plants and non-factory farmed meat.

LOL @ skelly vegans giving diet advice. OP please don’t listen to this moron.


>impossible to over eat on such a high fat diet
You are an idiot and a pussy

keep pretending that I didn't eat 2 burgers yesterday and can't carry more compost than you uphill. go take your protein supplements

>calories are a lie
Imaging being this dumb

it's an abstract measurement of the energy required to heat water. in abstract terms it doesn't matter if you use charcoal briquettes or propane to heat the water.

in concrete terms, it matters very much what specific molecules your body derives its energy from, because these determine what metabolic pathways your cells use, what proteins they can produce, and what biochemical reactions these proteins can catalyze.

so if 2,000 calories of mcdonald's =/= 2,000 calories of vegetables =/= 2,000 calories of whole grains, what does it mean for your diet and health?

I guess it provides a rough measure of one big mac being "equal" to a truckload of kale in a sense, but that's dumb. "calories in, calories out" is best seen as a slogan to get fat people to stop eating so much garbage.

Didn't get it

Not that guy, but tldr cico is works for weight loss but is terrible for overall health

It's not a great insight that some foods are healthier than others.

forgot pic, this should explain it better

tl;dr calories were made up in the 19th century without food in mind, and apparently without knowing that the energy required to heat water by 1 degree isn't consistent across atmospheric pressures or even different starting temperatures

dietfags use it as a so-abstract-as-to-be-meaningless substitute for the supposed energy value of combined macronutrients minus fiber

basically this. if you need someone to stop shovelling fast food into their stupid pig mouth, tell them about CICO and force them to exercise

if you're normal and want to be healthy, just ignore calories completely and eat whole food ingredients until you're satisfied

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Lately I have just been buying veges at the market and eating them raw.

>Spinach is the new potato chip
>Radishes for that crunch/when I want some balls in my mouth
>Celery for crunch/mindless snacking
>Bell peppers when I need to tear something open and eat it like a monkey

I like to wrap up chicken or eggs in some green leaf lettuce, cabbage, what-have-you and eat little rolls like that. Nuts (almonds, pecan, walnut, cashews, macadamia) are great. Fish, poultry. I'm cutting back on my red meat eating and probably just going to stop eating pork unless on very special occasions (pig roasts, carnitas tacos). Fruits are great - I'd say you can just get a whole honeydew or pineapple once a week and that is plenty. Berries to go with the nuts for snacking.

Thats what I've been eating for the last few months and I feel amazing. I have good skin, full head of hair, and my smile seems a bit bigger lately. Cumming loads, working out hard, getting after it. Lots of water.

Calories are an indicator of weightloss/gain. Not an indicator of health. They've never been advertised as an indicator of health

I lost 7kg in one month including water weight by eating high quality eggs, cheese, beef, pork and some tomatoes
keto makes you shed fat like drugs just because you can skip meals without lowering your energy output

Don't forget to eat liver.


Can't digest most of that shit and they are high in oxilates phytic, phytoestrogens and antinutrients


Literally sugar water.

>learn cuts of meat

How the FUCK are still falling for the "fats R bad!" meme?

All you need to make it is beef, sardines, chicken liver, salt and water.

Based and ketopilled

>onions fed chicken periods dont contain estrogen


Seaweed is mostly protein though, and Y
yoghurt has more fat and proteins than sugar