Looking for apps to track my lifts

>looking for apps to track my lifts
>sum1 recommends Strong app
>it costs $100 or $5/month forever in order to use all the features

Are there any good apps not made by Jews? I don't mind paying $15 one time but no way in fuck I am paying $100 or a monthly fee just to track my lifts.

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Use Samsung Health.

I have a good app for you

It's called pen and paper, you stupid fucking zoomer

Based boomer

strong app is that expensive?
i got in pretty early and got free premium lmao i dont even use it anymore

any notes app

I like WorkIt. Easy interface and free if you don't care about tracking your body measurements with it.

I use one called simple workout log that's free and works pretty well.

>pen and paper

how about any default notepad on your cellphone grandpa

I am studying java right now and hope to make a fitness app. What are some things you guys wish apps had/ didn't have?

how about stop relying on a fking app u globohomo technerd

poo taste tracker

Sounds good. What kind of attributes would you like to see for this? Rating scale? How solid it is? Color? etc.

I've had no problem using the free version of strong app? It tracks my weight and reps of previous sessions what more do you need

Isn't jefit free? If you're that bothered surely you can find a premium apk online somewhere

JEFit is the right answer

Fitnotes you fucking cretin

>using Java to make apps
Hope you’re not serious brah

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what else would you use?

I just use the 5/3/1 app since it's the same function as the Strong App except I got the paid version for free through Apitote

App Store: Xcode
Android: C++ for performance, C# if you’re a newnigger.

Just because it’s widely used doesn’t mean it’s any good, retard.


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Honestly user it doesn't matter what the hell you use as long as it works and doesn't have memory issues. Half the software on these retards computers runs java, they just never realise it because they only care about the end result, not the path to get there.

FitNotes is based. Offers a lot of shit for free with no ads but it's only on Android.

Hell fuck it, you could code the entire thing in python over a weekend and export it and they wouldn't notice. Everyone shitting on you for using java for android dev is retarded anyway since it's running native hooks and not a jvm like programs on a computer, hence why it android apps don't slowly eat up all your memory

>Loads quick, doesn't have horrible memory leaks
>Open forms remember past entries, most of my lifts, reps and meals are gonna look the same week to week
>Automatically calculates both going up and going down according to the BlackIronBeast Big But Boring routine.
>Rest Timer
>Option to change background into a hot chick or ripped dude
>Rep counter, so I can easily remember if I'm on rep 3 or 4

Oh yeah one more thing
>Basic diagram of lift, or basic tip that I might forget. Ex: posture for olympic press, so that I never get sloppy

a notebook
whatever note app came with your phone
google docs

fucks sake