Let's have one of these

Let's have one of these.

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3/5 I like the body and style.
Will rate the next ten posters.

Attached: fit ideal templ8_6.png (992x994, 1.06M)

jewish pussy is best pussy

kinda gay desu



Not bad but too soÿ

the only correct answer

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I don't really have a goal body but a simple trick to attain McGregor's physique quicker is to reply to this post or your mom will die tonight

Good taste, though I'd dress more fancy.
Nice, but the bodies of both the guy and the girl are too cartoonishly curvy.
I'd want a girl with enough dignity to stay on her feet when she respects me.

Attached: ideal.jpg (901x930, 475K)

kek best one in this thread since it doesnt have the gay zoomer haircut

Based as fuck, especially the women

As a Jew girl this is the first time I’ve seen someone into Jew girls

based latinum merchant

based and acquisitionpilled

Not OP, but I'm super attracted to Jewish girls and I can't decide if it's because I like smart girls or because I was sexually abused by a Jewish teacher when I was nine.

As psychoanalysis has shown, early childhood sexual experiences have absolutely no effect on the subject's desires later in life.

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When I finally decided to lift for my waifu I ended up gaining at least a plate on all my lifts. Do it for her, Jow Forumsbro, she won't betray you.

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>early childhood sexual experiences have absolutely no effect on the subject's desires later in life
Are you sure? I was sexually abused by my babysitter's daughter when I was young, and I realized I have a "thing" for girls that look facially similar to her.

I think he was being sarcastic, psychoanalysis is sort of based on that idea. Still, just about anything Freudian is bullshit. Read Culture of Critique, it was literally created to subvert Western culture. Probably one of the only valuable things he ever did was establish that humans have a subconscious.
That being said, I could definitely see it in the same light as faggots who become faggots after being molested as kids.
I think it's more about cognitive dissonance than anything. You are abused as a kid, and to reduce the cognitive dissonance (I went through a sexual experience but did not want it), your brain starts convincing you that you enjoyed it and enjoy sexual contact from people like the one who abused you.

based jew fucker

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good body everything else meh 6/10
Good everything except for thew anime shit, but a real girl like that is good so 9/10
7/10 are you that black fetish guy?
Rate mine, but consider its quite incomplete

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Smiling merchant
I guess you like Star Trek
Tattoos are gay

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Good body and hair, okay style and girl
Everything is fine except for girl, and not because she's anime
Aesthetic body, everything else is questionable and strange together
Good but girl and tattoo ruin it
Good girl, okay everything else

Attached: myideals.png (1000x1000, 1.1M)


How come you all put women in the bottom right corner when you're clearly all homosexuals?

that tattoo is unironically the gaudiest thing i have ever seen

>hehe you mean figuratively

i don't

Who is this? Natty?

imagine having this opinion

Monika takes black cock every day

I came in here to rate and get rated but I realized that I can not for the life of me manage to give a fuck about any of your ideals. Most of you look like boring fucks that I wouldn't want to trade places with, even if you achieved your goals. It's like I'm somehow peering into another dimension and seeing the platonic form of 'fucking generic and uninteresting'.

Then it occurred to me that that's how I probably look to most of you. I think an overwhelming majority of the people that post in these threads are just giving the minimum number of token responses necessary to get people to reply to them. Nobody actually cares about each other's goals, we're all just here to get attention, farm (you)s, and get people to say "Hey, I like that thing that you like". Is anyone here not indifferent? Does anyone ACTUALLY give a shit? Or is it exactly what it looks like, a bunch of anonymous dorks sitting in their rooms trying to come up with enough shallow things to criticize in others so they can pretend to not be nobody for a few minutes?
>Umm... okay, I don't like his haircut very much, and this guy's ideal woman is too tall, there... I'll post that. Okay, good, now everyone can look at ME!

Why are we even here? I can see everything unfold already. We're going to have mostly cyborgs aspiring to be normies that look like they were just cut and pasted from People magazine, a few self-unaware tradlarpers who buttfuck a bunch of northwestern European cultures together and call it an aesthetic, a few people ironically posting unfunny joke ones, one or two women or black people that for some reason nobody can believe is here, several hermits that make a big deal of how much they don't care what society thinks of them or their appearance like that somehow makes them better than others, weebs who want to look like aloof anime boys, twinks that want to dress trendy and get femdommed by art hoes, on and on and fucking on. You know you guys are getting older all the time, right?

Attached: gay ideals bullshit that nobody actually looks at nor cares about.jpg (1000x995, 325K)

Sorry goyum, she circumcised you with her mouth?

Kinda too reliant on celebrities but 7/10
Cut and dry + anime oof 4/10
10/10 I have nothing to add
Decent body, edgy fashion 8/10
Kinda too generic but good taste still 6/10
Honestly I can get behind it 9/10
only 5/10 on the Goose meter
Edgy m8/10

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Friendly reminder that this user did nothing wrong

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pic was unrelated dude

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I know.
She is my tower of light.

kek niggers