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Suggestions for something with ground turkey for lunches?
We need a veggie version of this thread
baked turkey meatballs with baby spinach and boiled carrots
you could make some chili
The way I make my ground turkey:
Cut up some auberigine, some cucumber, maybe you want some onion or some peppers in there too.
Grab a skillet, give it a light coat of something (I use a teaspoon of olive oil).
Put the cut (I dice it) veggies into the skillet, and cover for a couple of minutes, stirring every now and then.
Once veggies are starting to get cooked, spice it up. I don't add salt, but do so if you need to, so I use tumeric, ginger, paprika, and similar.
At this point add the ground meat as well, and start stirring all of it together until the meat is nicely browned.
Serve with some rice if bulking, or by itself if cutting.
Portions are up to you, but I usually do 150g veggies per 100g meat.
Thanks guys. I'm shit at cooking but these sound doable.
Ground meat is the king of flexible cooking, senpai.
With a similar setup to the above:
Grab the pan, bit of oil, cut up some garlic and some onions.
Put the garlic in, brown it till golden but not burnt.
Take the garlic out of the oil.
Add the onions and cover.
You want low heat for this.
Onions will go translucent, then start to brown.
When that happens, add a bit of water and you'll see it go shiny and crispy.
Add the meat, and brown.
Re-add the garlic, and add spices if you want. If you like it spicy, it's time to bust out the red pepper flakes.
as a fellow shit cook, chili is retard easy. brown the meat, throw in onions, peppers, tomato sauce, tomato paste, beans, whatever spices you want (I don't even measure them) and hot sauce. let simmer for at least an hour, and bam you got 3 meals ready and you only used one pan. bonus points if you overload on beans and have to take the ol 'corporate' dump
Oh, another thing. If you can afford one: slow cooker. So much effort saved, so many meals, excellent for prep.
Cooking your food is retarded
Eat your meat raw
Trust this user. This has never gone wrong.
Most people around the world eat raw animal products
>eating raw salmon
have fun getting salmonella retard XD
Most people around the world are Chinese or Indian. What's your point?
>fried cucumber
1290 cal 61g protein delicious breakfast
1/3 of a pack of jimmy deans hot sausage. this kind is good af and has a lot of calories
(spice with whatever, usually pepper and tiny bit of garlic)
3 eggs
(spice with pepper and a very tiny bit of salt)
1 plain bagel with 1 tbsp of butter
2 cups milk
easy to get down and taste good
Meant courgette
>recipe for egg and cheese sandwich
How fucking retarded does someone have to be to need a recipe for this?
You fell for (((government))) rules.
There's no proof salmonella is bad for us
Stir fried cucumber is great
Germans eat mettbrochen (raw pork)
Italians eat carpaccio (raw beef)
French eat steak tartare (raw beef)
Japanese eat raw chicken (chicken tataki)
You are just brainwashed
I like mixing ground turkey with some Bush's country style baked beans, it's great
Here's what I eat every fucking day:
Minced chicken meat, marinated with whatever spices I can find (fuck you and your "muh salt" conspiracy), fried in a pan.
Rice cooker makes the rest, which is brown rice and frozen vegetables (broccoli, asparagus, carrots and whatever else I have).
Mix that shit into containers. Eat one, Put away the rest.
About 80g protein per serving.
About as retarded as you have to be to think that artifical, overly processed, reduced fat food substitutes like low fat cheese and egg beaters are somehow healthier than whole foods. They don't know that reduced fat dairy products are accosiated with higher risks or cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and death from all causes than full fat dairy, as nature intended.
Would eat
>eating meat
seriously, no wonder you're all fat
Post your best low calorie recipes
Budget bites easy burrito bowl is gud. Also the spaghetti with vegetable meat sauce.
salmonella is bad for you. it is not in the raw egg but on the egg shell that has been improperly handled. germans and the rest can eat raw pork because their food health and safety is fucking god-tier, while ours is absolute dog shit like pic related
burg patty, 10 stalks of asparagus, quarter stick of butter
one pan no carb
Whomever shills that salt is bad and should ve avoided is a fucking retard, theres literally worse problems if you dont get it enaugh and it only becomes a problem when you salt the shit out of every meal
Probably people who get their source's from magazines and still think fat is linked with diabetis, cholesterol (tho that too is a meme) and heart disease
You can use a lot less oil than this too. It's no bullshit and delicious. Takes a little experimenting with how large to cut the chicken, how long and how hot to cook it but it's not bad.
kek, don't bother user, that svergnigga ain't gonna get it
In skillet, brown 1.25lb ground turkey with salt, pepper, basil, oregano, red pepper flake, thyme, onion, garlic and bell pepper.
Spend $1.09 on a can of the best pasta sauce that you don't make yourself (pic related).
Nutrition at link.
Put a couple or three cups in a container, sprinkle with parmesan or mozarella. Heat it up at work and eat with a spoon. The meat to sauce ratio is high so it will be very thick. Lots of protons, some carbs, simple ingredients.
of course, forgot pic.
Even better would be to just buy a can of crushed tomatoes (much less sodium) and put in dried/fresh basil, garlic, rosemary, thyme, parsley while it cooks.
chili is the easy meal prep option for ground anything
post vegan recipes if you want to I think most people here just eat their mix of veg each day.
I do broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and spinach