CBT - Flex edition

Let’s see them stats
>1.5 years lifting

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Other urls found in this thread:


with or without shoes

now post without shirt

5’9 with work boots
Post body

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>Post body
I just want to know what physique is possible at my height which is 5'7" without shoes

>1year meme lifting no proper diet (first pictures)
>half year of PPLPPL + diet (later pics)

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godspeed user
how much weight did you lose between those pics?

That's fucking insane.

posting natty transformation

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Looking good man, hoping to get where you at soon.
Started out at 194, photo on the left im about 188, left is me today at 167

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Ment on the right im 188 my bad


Lifted for about 6 months before snapping my shit up and having to take a year off. Got fat (220), started getting back in shape last fall. Lost 70 lbs and now bulking. Current weight is 172.

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~2 years lifting, shit diet
1.5, 2.5, 4, 4.5

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yeah that's hella natty for sure bro

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Nah senpai

kek 6 months surely natty

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by far the gayest tattoos i've ever seen

You should see the one on my cock you fag.

Chads greaser cousin, Chuck.

Ill rate 5 because I think implementing that dynamic makes these threads significantly better

Good arms, why is the shirt off?
Nice stats for weight, work on bench tho

Nice delts, work on legs

Incredible progress, very nice physique.much respect

Man this is some nice shit. Congrats.

Pls give shoulder advice

>5'11" 175lbs
> All kg e1rm 75/120/170/190

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2 years
295 bench 375 squat 475 dl

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Good afternoon gents. I *hate* women.

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Recently started cutting.
5'10, 163lbs.
Got to doing 3x5 1plate ohp not too long ago.
Bench 1rm 2plates.
Squat and DL both suck. Will start squatting more though.

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Looking solid my dude

6'3" 188lbs
2 months lifting weights (5 years bulking) with intermittent spurts of working out (2-9 months)

This is the most I've ever weighed lads. Currently +63 lbs from my lightest.

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6' 210 lbs
145 3x5/ 235 3x5/ 275 3x8 405 1x3
what needs work Bros besides a cut? Been hitting my lats heavy but they just won't grow. Recomend me some later and forearm lifts pls.

Nice delts, looking lean my man

Mirin good progress keep it up!

Good physique hit then lats bro

Nice traps and delts keep it up. I know what it's like to visit snap city it suck but looking good.

What up fellow Texas bro, work them obliques.

Mirin lats, what do you do for them?

Your a fucking tank bro mirin hard!

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You got a gayer tattoo than that on your cock? Intriguing.

What's up Texas bro you're my goal body. Lookin stacked

Now this is some inspo material!

>Mirin lats
Thanks bro right now, I dl heavy, I do weighted chinups and I do bw pullups

Nice stats too, pretty similar to mine but your dls and presses are slightly better

Youre looking real thic man, lifting heavy is key

Appreciate it boss, any tips on lats?

3.5 years lifting
S/B/D: 410/275/530

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Thanks bro trying to get thicc

That's pretty much what I do on pull day weighted pull ups heavy dls and power cleans. I'll just have to hit them harder

Weighted pull ups, heavy dl, power cleans and chins. Looking good though keep it up!

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Solid, appreciate it man!

2 years lifting

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Goal body. Mirin'

7 months

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>date written in roman numerals
>bro, this is gunna be so sick

5’10”, 1 year, 168 lbs.
Legs and are lookin good too btw.

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are you using this routine?

Its the only one I can find on google

Yeah that's the magic combo.
Heavy, long rom compound stuff.
I would add cleans if I could fit them somewhere in my damn routine

Mirin that leg vascularity
Very good for 7 months
Decent, more chest work probably'd be good

5'9 175
3 plates bench
405x3 squat
495x5 deadlift with a belt

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>~3 years since I first stepped foot into a gym
>D, Y, E, L

Mirin hard, your lats are insane

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What sport(s) before lifting?

Baseball from 4 yrs old to 12 years old, 1 season of track and field and I got kicked off the track team at the end of the season cuz at the last meet, I punched a fat kid in the face for throwing ritz crackers at me. No sports after 12 years old besides skateboarding till I was 18

10 years of lifting

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(Note that my grading scale is kinda harsh it's to account for those absolute beasts so I'm not just handing out 9s and 10s all the time)
Nice forearm development especially your left arm. It seems like in general your left side is a little more developed. Might want to think about that in future training. 6/10
Cool shoulders 4/10
Week 27 is legit a great body. A little bit leaner and you would look like that 'Hollywood' physique everyone wants. 7/10
Nice job keep it up. 5/10.
Mirin those traps and arms. 7/10.
Legit big good job. 6/10
The cut will serve you well. Not bad mass rn though. 4/10.
Unironically extremely impressive. 8/10.
Very cut. 7/10.

2 years lifting
1.5, 2.5, 4, 5.5

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do i have body dysmorphia or do i actually look really fucked up in this picture?

You are built af looking strong man. If you want a critique you need to focus on chest it looks like the only thing lacking in comparison

I think your just being really critical of you own body you have very broad shoulders that make a good base for getting built.

>tattoos in 2019

You holding your breath and poking it out i think

how does someone as fat as you have vascular arms? i have to get stupidly lean and get a crazy pump to have any vascularity.

your scale is retarded. how in the hell could you give both
and a 6/10?


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>Im pic three mode
god speed user hope to see you soon in the promise land

>185 lbs
trap lookin pretty joocy rn
2 years lifting

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Doing good. Keep lifting.
Gay pose
Good progress user.
Great progress too man
Now time to bulk up my man. Get dat lean mass
Something good always comes out of the pain bro. Mirin dedication. Strong mind. I don’t know what I would do if I had to take a year from gym. Keep pushing user. We all gonna make it
Great job man. Keep lifting and eat your veggies!
Amazing physique if natty. If not youre just another junkie to me.
Gay as fuck get your shit together lol
Don’t cut too much. If I were you i’d continue bulking but since you already started, keep at it bro and best of luck. And focus on the big three instead of shoulder press, it’s gonna be more rewarding long term.
Great progress for a lanklet. Proud of u buddy.
Great physique and good bodyweight. Keep smashing dem weights bro! Nothing more to add.
Similar physique to mine desu. Good progress my man. Keep at it!
Looking big. Thinking about cutting?
Very good physique but gay picture. Good fast progress too. Natty?
Solid progress for a beginner. Keep going!
Same thing to you brother. Keep going and never give up.
Great physique my man. Looking much bigger than 170lbs tho. Thats a good thing. Impressive.
Nice cuts bro. Mirin. If anything, go extra hard on chest. Anything other than that, youre golden.
Good stuff bro. I’d start thinking about cutting doe.
Good stuff. Great BW. Keep going man.
Nice. Natty?
Whats ur dl?

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6' 1"

183 lbs

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Hey guys thanks for the nice replies on phone now so idk how to (you) everyone. From NYR to now i have lost 14,5kg

My routine is as follows:


3x8 weighted pull ups
3x8 pendlay rows
3x8 weight neutral grip pull ups
3x8 australian pull up
3x8 lat pull down
3x8 incline dumbell row
3x16 hammer curls
3x16 seated hammer curls


3x8 dbl benchpress
3x8 dbl shoulderpress
3x8 weighted push ups
3x8 cable flies
3x8 tricep pull downs
3x8 tricep extensions

Leg and abs

4x8 squats
4x8 ab rollout
3x8 ab leg raises
3x8 oblqiue excersise forgot name but u basically stand still and hold a weight in 1 hand and go up and down from the side
3x8 leg press machine
3x8 calf raises machine
3x8 leg extension

Thanks again guys for the nice comments i am almost at my goal weight of 70kg and hopefully that will fix my lower belly flap, WE ARE ALL GONNA MAKE IT!

Godspeed user

No wonder you back is like that, your pull day is fucking packed.

Yeah i have been trying to progress on the pull ups so added some accessoires like australian pull ups and lat pull downs

Whats ur dl?

>Eat your veggies
Haha of course my man.

Pls give calf tips, my calves are anus

After yesterday's workout. I'll admit that the lighting helped a lot.

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Pls rate other bro

Get fat as fuck.

Been lifting for a year, still dyel but I love it.
>5'8 135lbs
>started at 120
>1, 2, 2.5, 3.5

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160 lbs
7 inch peen

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You got a mire here brother!

DAAAMN that vascularity, literal goal body for me im skinny fat tho. Be my pt?

Did you get surgery on one of your pecs?

What program?

I run push pull with squats on push and diddlies on pull. Have been lifting for 6 months, did calisthenics before that.

Pic related

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post peen

6' 182
6 years lifting
200, 335, 365, 510

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I like the inclusion of the Sonnenrad, stay based user.

It's a blue board motha yar! My peen is tiny like super tiny when flaccid though. And I lack girth feels bad man. Fellow pencilbros unite.

traps a bit too big, gives you slender looking shoulders, i'd try work on them a bit less to get that nice inverted triangle look

Traps are insane.

>slender shoulders

Not really, imo. More just the angle in the first pic I think. Also, had just finished heavy deadlifts. Bit of a trap pump.

Damn forgot pic.

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post imgur


Genuinely 6 years natty, but I always get roid accusations on here.

What's the point? All the aesthetic pics are roiding frauds. You can't be at once young, have decent muscle mass AND visible abs, natty. All your inspos are cheaters.

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Am I retarded or is this physique something reasonable for 6 years of lifting natty?

You look great man. Goal body.

If you actually are on roids I take it back.

Am I natty? is me.

Thanks man, I appreciate it. Honestly natty. Lucked out on genetics, of course, and those pics have filters, angles, and lighting going for them as well.


Finaly some truth.
>For anyone else who thinks these guys are natty
Look up WNBF (World natural bodybuilding federation) these comoetitors have been training for 10+yrs and have great genetics. Your telling me the guys in this thread with 3yrs of lifting or less are natty? I can see beginner gains for some of the guys not a yr in.

with or without shoes

13 months PPL, IF

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How do u get your chest to growww mine just looks like it’s been ran over

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Very aesthetic

your wrists are small and that gives you a very aesthetic look, as a wristlet it gives me hope
have a tomboy

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also what are your favorite arms exercises pls