5’11” and still wouldn’t. Admits she’s poor - that’s the worst thing anyone can be in life lmao.
>unironic and tasteless use of emojis
>not 420 friendly
her opinion is worthless
t. 6' 2" manlet
fuck people like this so much. im 5' 3" and i know i can provide more for her than any 6' 9" meathead retard. im really against insulting women since we already have so much power and privilege over them but she is a major b*tch
Do most men really care how much money women have? Men are supposed to be the providers. Who cares if she is poor. Better than being in college debt.
Oh bubby you will always be my little big man! You'll find the perfect woman for you some day. Just focus on improving yourself and the right girl will come to appreciate you for who you are.
You’ll be singing a different tune when you get divorced and your trad wife takes all your shit because she has no skills and no money.
>inb4 but I’m in love
don’t sweat it pimp focus on you
my younger brother is 5’4 and he has a hot ass Latina gf, ngl my younger bro is a charismatic person, everyone likes him. Just work on yourself pimp strive to learn new things and get cool hobbies
Yes, you want her to be intelligent and have a decent education, or you've just saddled yourself to a child for the rest of your life.
God, I would match with this girl to tell her just how fucking stupid she is for writing a bio like that.
This. If a man is attracted to a bimbo with no skills, he's attracted to children.
>implying she will give you a like back
She’s 21 lol. I was making like $11/hour when I was 21, eating $1 box of pasta with some olive oil every day. Who tf isn’t poor at 21?
Me. Dropped out of high school at 15 and started working with my father as a plumber. Worked my ass off, 14 hour days every day except Sunday (praise God) and saved more and more money. Started taking classes at a local community college to truly understand my trade and learn how to work properly.
23 now making $27 and hour with a lot saved in the bank. Should be able to open up my own business in a few years.
Idk, have parents that had their shit together and made money during the 80s when literally everyone was getting paid? If they didn’t, that doesn’t bode well for you given your family traits
If she’s poor, she’s dumb. If she’s dumb, she’s worthless. If you’re able to date dumb chicks and not want to blow your head off, I’ve got bad news user: you’re also dumb.
Where do you live? $27/hr is not a livable wage in most costal cities
>men are suppose to be the providers
We provide for our families. If a girlfriend needs to be provided for, she’s a leech. If she is not the mother of your children, there’s no reason why she shouldn’t be working to support herself.
(((Coastal cities)))
Also if he's working 12 hours a day that's 93k per year. Fuck off crab.
Not the replies, but why would anyone live in a coastal city lol
You can buy a house and raise a family on $27/hr in Pittsburgh
She’s 21. Her parents were in elementary school in the eighties.
>just slave away 50% of your life only for goldstein to dole you out a measly 93k/year bro!
$93k/year is good money dude. I make about $130k but there’s no real lifestyle change in anything over about $80k
My you sure are salty.
>not a child
Pick one
Because then you would live in fucking Shittsbugh. It’s a dump.
Also, nice cope, flyover faggot. Good luck building a high-powered career in bumblefuck Indiana.
>this is what midwest fags actually believe
Pittsburgh is a great city. Whitest major city in the US, stable housing market, some of the best healthcare in the world.
Money is a scorekeeper. If you’re not playing to win, you’re a loser desu
Pittsburgh is also the center of the robotics industry in the world. What do you work as a fucking lawyer or some gay shit?
Lol whitest city. Dude West Virginia is all white too and look at how shitty that entire state is. The only reason Pittsburgh is on the come-up is because of CMU and the pajeet engineers at its robots lab. Fuck off back to the boondocks you hillbilly incel
Engineering takes brains, but it’s also for nerds. I work in finance, but you’re correct, I have my JD
> poor
> dismisses outright the possibility of her making an effort to come to you
> women enabler
> men trashtalker
> narcissistic (take cute pics of me)
> writes like a moron
> overuse of emojis as a young adult
> not 420 friendly
She better be smoking hot to qualify for an "ejaculate & evacuate" otherwise anyone considering swiping on that hot mess is either a fool or desperate. She sounds like I'd rather fuck a beehive.
Dude take a look at any of the staff of any of the big robotics firms in PGH, it’s 80%+ white.
This is a cope.
Me, poorfag. I already had 30k saved up at that point because I'm advantageous and not some retard like you.
I've met 1 50 year old man who's like 5'5'' and he's literally the laughing stock of the whole village, I honestly can't imagine being smaller than 5'7''
>living in a village, while laughing at others
keep sucking nigger cock city faggot
I'd find a way to fuck her. Just another goofy bitch.
What does she look like though? Fat and unattractive women cant afford to have a 6 feet cutoff
lmao no, you can always get a job or get money, but you cant grow up again fucking manlet
What if I'm a 5'5" manlet with social anxiety? How will I ever make it.
“I’m not coping; YOURE coping!”
Yeah, well, you’re neither a financier nor a well paid engineer. Latch onto your complexion, loser.
t. 6’0 white and moneyed
Poor planning and saving skills indicates deep mental and emotional issues.
I'm a man with a lion's heart. My girlfriend provides for me, and that's how it should be for everyone. Women have to prove their worth.
I’m 6’2”, 200lbs, own land, make $130k/year as an engineer
I'd squeeze and grind against your pipe anytime mister plumber
overcome your social anxiety pimp
it’s all in your head
Dont worry buddy you can do it :)
Talking to people is really hard some times, but you really just gotta believe in yourself
All in your head.
You’re pathetic for even bringing any of those up. Do you think anyone gives a fuck?
Why cover her snap and Ig
do you fucking live in a steel shack
She talks like a fucking retard.
Hard pass.
>tfw 5'7 so make the cut
later virgins
just be a good person and you'll find a nice lady one day. dont let other people tell you what you deserve in life because everyone is just stepping on each other to get what they want. girls like this mariana bitch are a dime a dozen. this girl is 21 yo and doesnt even have a car. shes just a useless entitled piece of shit
its 2019 fool we out here respecting bitches
>I'm columbian
Easy pass.
Dont even give a care man there is too many fish in the sea and if you truly belief in youre self you can achieve!
Just be yourself guy and youll find your sweetheart
>looking for a guy over 5'7 to drive me to the gym and take cute pics of me for my insta cuz im a useless entitled slut
wow what a catch
why are women so stupid and selfish these days? do they have no self-respect? don't you know you're not supposed to take whats given you? wouldnt you want to end your life knowing you contributed more than sucking dick and getting jizzed on? pathetic. no wonder men dont respect women
:( I like to practice my cold adds though
People really communicate like this?
Like... Shouldn't she be institunonalised for being retatarded/brainTumor or whatnot?
I-is this normal?
And why would anyone care about opinion of "people" who think this is proper way to present themselves to strangers?
I made like 90k a year at that point. It isn't hard if you are willing to do manual labor
I'm 170cm. I don't know at wich point someone "makes it". But I got serious depressions and social anxiety since I was like 10 years old.
Now I earn like 110k a year, got a gf and I'm preparing for a threesome today everybody can "make it" just keep pushing.
BTW skinny and no muscles at the moment 110lbs
>Do most men really care how much money women have?
I don't know about most men, but I certainly do.
I'm not her provider, I'm her partner. She better be financially literate, intelligent, ambitious, has a positive net worth, and is also a good mother.
You don't just get to be a woman and boom, no man judges you outside of looks.
If it's one thing I know about most men based on intuition from being a man, is that if you don't have any of those qualities, he's most likely just in it to fuck you. A man looking for something serious will absolutely look at your life and make a judgment.
>Do most men really care how much money women have?
I married a woman who made more than me at the time and it was the best decision in my entire life
I had gone years of fucking starbucks barista whores who had no real ambition and were in college for so many fucking years just because
god women are such a fucking meme
who keeps photoshopping these pictures of joe lol
>$27/hr is not a livable wage in most costal cities
You're fucking retarded holy shit
it isn't livable in San Fran, Seattle, and New York, but it is livable almost fucking everywhere else that isn't cuck city
>Yeah, well, you’re neither a financier nor a well paid engineer.
I am a well paid engineer living on a coastal city and I'd 100% prefer to live in a whiter area
why the hell would i want the mother of my children being a a child herself? i want my children to have a good role model. not some dumb ass desperate house wife bitch who leeches off of others and thinks her looks are the only thing that matter. that same bitch would probably cheat on you and then try to take the kids in a divorce and try to paint a bad image of you
These people are fucking retards.
>boo hoo the rest of the country should subsidize my decision to live in a city that's why we need a $30/hour federal minimum wage
wheres the "let me cum on your tittes and i'll give you a $20 starbucks giftcard" guy
we need a chad tinder thread again