are protein-shakes placebo?
Are protein-shakes placebo?
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yes. your body cant absorb more than ~20 grams of protein per day so unless you eat nothing all day all the protein from your shake is going to go out your pecker. they just make you feel stronger and smell worse.
is op retarded?
I couldn't get to my bodyweight in grams without it. I hate eating so fucking much.
all food is a psyop
you contain all the nutrients you will ever require within your body and consuming more just weighs you down and shortens your life
the only thing we should ever ingest is our own urine for mental clarity its literally in the bible there is no thing as zero and infinity the number line begins with 1 and ends with 10
never do more than four reps
>overweight due to eating shit for five years, despite having an unintentionally lower than average calorie diet
>start eating proper nutrition
>losing weight, gaining muscle
>still having to supplement because I can't increase my calorie/nutrient intake
why is it so goddamn hard just to eat?
>believing this meme
>your body cant absorb more than ~20 grams of protein per day
someone tell the 36 egg whites guy this
based hate eating poster
>me be
>eat whatever I want as long as it's loaded with meat
>two scoops of whey before and after workout
>weight literally doesn't change for months
>lifts go up
>fat on my body slowly going away
>muscle is starting to show through all the fat
I just work out harder to match how much I stuff my fat fucking face.
For years I've supplemented with a high quality whey protein isolate, but I've discovered that real gains are made from eating high quality fatty meat. Here's why:
Meat is much slower to digest and provides your body a constant source of protein, fat, and vitamins and minerals over 15+ hours while getting absorbed by the small intestine.
Whey, on the other hand does not have a long amino acid breakdown and absorbtion time, so you're body will have gaps in protein, fat, and vitamin, mineral availability for protein synthesis and recovery.
To combat this, you would have to constantly consume why protein powder, which is technically not a natural food since it does not exist in nature as it stands, since it is originally from milk, which is a combination of protein, carbohydrates/sugar (lactose), and fat.
Whole milk contains the exact natural proportion and ratio of the above macro and micronutrients for optimal absorption and usage in the body.
Quite frankly, the best overall diet for a human is just fatty meat a la the carnivore diet.
Meat has everything your body needs.
The idea that you constantly need to be digesting something for optimal gains is completely false.
found the vegan
What a stupid ass question op
>a thread had to die for this
Sorry, you have no idea what you're talking about. An influx of a long digesting protein is required to ensure protein availability into the bloodstream.
If there are gaps in the availability, recovery and protein synthesis suffer.
Think of a steam powered locomotive. What happens if you aren't regularly stoking the furnace with wood? Performance will be impeded.
If you're talking about energy availability, in that constant digestion is not required, I would agree, since the body taps into its fat stores for energy once the complex tiered carbohydrate systems deplete.
Protein availability and energy availability are two separate topics. The bottom line is that if you want to ensure optimum muscle gains and recovery, a constant influx of protein is required.
Yes but don't tell the morons who have been conned into spending spend their money on it because they'll get defensive and mad.
Of course dummie
>your body cant absorb more than ~20 grams of protein per day
i mix it with my oatmeal to keep me full longer with more energy. im on a cut
based schizoposter
you're fucking retarded, aren't you?
now this man knows whats up
this might be the stupidest question
you're retarded
there's virtually no difference between slow vs fast digestive protein...
read more than just 1 meme article you found on some powerlifting forum
Hey retard, "cooked meat" is not technically a "natural food" by your definiton either.
Since you know so much, what are the exact distributions of nutrient absorption times in the population? Do you even have an estimate? What is the 95% CI for the difference in absorption rates for protein from meat vs whey?
It's 1.5-1.7g per kg dum dum.
hey that's what I have. 2 5lb pail. going to last em a long time.
No, it is you that is retarded. Do you honestly think that a 12 oz steak and a scoop of whey protein takes the same amount of time to be broken down into amino acids and absorbed?
You need to think before you react emotionally and start resorting to ad hominem attacks. You need to get control over your emotions and stop reacting like a wild animal. This is likely a common motif throughout your personal life as well.
The bottom line is that different types of protein sources have different digestion and absorption rates. If this conflicts with your previous held beliefs, then it is your cognitive dissonance that is at fault here, being challenged by alternate views.
Hey retard -- yeah you. Please articulate how raising the temperature of meat classifies it as "not natural". Temperature variances are not a sound argument against "natural" or not.
What about cold or frozen meat? Is that unnatural as well?
Again, you're getting emotional like a leftist female and reacting like a scared wild animal like the other mongoloid in this thread -- lashing out when their beliefs are challenged, or when they have spark of insight and are quick to respond with personal attacks to try and make a point, and in the process feel like they have accomplished something worthwhile in life.
On the contrary, your response is very weak.
Nutrient absorption times have so many factors to its attribution, that you can only have a mean guideline. Everybody will have a unique absorption time.
When it comes to protein, you need to start looking at its bio-availability -- how much of the protein source that can actually be absorbed and utilized after the digestion process.
Depending on how efficient your intestinal tract is on absorbing amino acids and other nutrients, the absorption rates are never 100%, and if you are consuming too much, any lelf tover nutrients that pass through the intestinal tract will be excreted.
There exists a threshold for inputs and outputs for nutrient absorption which is, as mentioned too variable to quantify. If you could figure out a way to scientifically quantify this and be able to definitely regulate your nutrient intake you would be a billionaire many times over.
When it comes to protein sources -- take eggs for example, which has the highest bio-availability out of all proteins, so I've always advocated whole eggs as a primary protein source, as it also contains the natural proportions of protein and fat working in concert.
The higher bio-availability of a protein, the higher chances it will be absorbed into the bloodstream and utilzed where needed throughout the body. You can do a search online for 'bio-availability of proteins" to see what should be prioritized.
Not that guy, but nobody is disputing different absorption rates you sperg, the fact you think it makes a difference in body composition Shows your ignorance
What on Earth on you going on about regarding body composition? Body composition was never discussed, so you are commenting from a position of ignorance yourself, or have ignorantly misinterpreted what was written.
For the record, I was responding to someone that was disputing absorption rates, so you're wandering into this conversation like a naive child, spouting off personal attacks as if my words somehow manifested themselves into a dagger, and stabbed you in the heart.
Kek you really are top cringe and retard
>smell worse
Please explain
weak b8
Your body only absorbs protein from the amino acids your body cant already produce itself
A lot of protein supplements will claim to have tons of protein but they will spike the powders with the shit your body doesnt absorb to pad the numbers
You’re getting at most 5-7g of aminos your body actually uses per shake
Just take the real food pill and stop giving money to the supplement jew
yes, you are retarded
>react emotionally are you libtard
How come then that eating casein or whey has literally no impact on your muscle gain in the long run
bros. What is the best protein powder in the market? Is it OPs pic or is that a meme? Also recommend me some flavors. I've been out of the game for too long and lost all my gains
How much should I be taking?
Currently only taking one measuring cup after a workout (2-3 times a week) and about half of that after jogging (1-2 times a week)
natural bodybuilders can add 30-50 grams of muscle each day on wholesome diet and a well planned workout schedule
for roiders triple or quadruple that
Sounds like cruvus to me.
Best laugh I had all day
Only if you're a lardass trying to both lose weight and build muscle effectively
Checked and loudly keked
Plz forgiv I am phone poster no image to mfw