Hello Jow Forums since this joining this board I've been obsessed with my puffy nipples...

Hello Jow Forums since this joining this board I've been obsessed with my puffy nipples. So i recently decided to get gynecomastia surgery. The surgery was preformed a week ago, and my right nipple looks perfectly fine. But the left one looks very concerning as seen in picture. Anyone have any experience or knowledge about this?

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they fucked your shit up my guy!

youre supposed to do periodic followups with the doctor afterwards. that looks really bad but it might be perfectly fine, you need to speak with your surgeon/doctor

>very concerning

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go in for a checkup tell them it's an emergency and you're concerned about thesuture on your left nipple being abnormal looking. They should get you in as soon as possible.

gyno aint gonna go without a fight

Went to my suregon, he said it is still early on. But he dident give me any comfort. Told me to come back for a check up in half a year.

bruh that looks like a tranny's reverse-scrotum hole. disgust.jpeg
Also puffy nipples aren't nearly as bad as even the decent results from gyno surgery. You can always tell when a guy has had gyno surgery because his nips always end up looking like the indents in tufted furniture

I get that it's worth it if you have really bad gyno, but if it's just slightly puffy nipples, going through that is just autism

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thought it was an innie pussy from the thumbnail.

well go for a second opinion

Looks normal to me

It's fine, mine was like that for about 2-3 months. It's fine now just a little darker than the other.

Don't worry mate

Did you do any sort of massaging?

>You can always tell when a guy has had gyno surgery because his nips always end up looking like the indents in tufted furniture
it looks like that if u get a shit plastic surgeon

Nah m9, you can always tell. Better surgeons will do a cleaner job, but you can still tell when the glands have been removed. Unless you're also going to tell me Gordon here was too poor to get a decent surgeon as well.

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Nup, just left it to heal on it's own. You'll be alright don't stress about it

i dont think gordon ever even had gynecomastia??? and i don't think he's had surgery for it either

Thanks user, thanks alot

You should sue your surgeon

>half a year
What a fucking lying retard. Book an apointment with a different surgeon.

Also, remember to regularly disinfect the wound until it has healed in its entirety!

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don't listen to any faggots on here
I had my removed in Feb and now it still doesn't look normal, my right nipple is fairly ok but the left one got a scar right in the middle so it's still puffy but my doctor told me to massage it every day 3 times for 10 minutes with some grease and scars should be gone in 6-10 weeks.
Here's the instruction how to massage:

I takes about 12 months post surgery to see the final results. Stay patient user

>surgery to remove your nipples
why does Jow Forums do this to themselves?

Pic unrelated obviously.

On another note - the "wound-softening cremes" are a meme and barely do anything BUT you should massage the scar with some ointment either way to soften it up so it stays flexible enough.

2 days post op

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Thanks user

last week

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That picture is from longer than a week ago faggot. 2 weeks ago it was 5 days. At least keep your bait consistent

How long between pics?

why the fuck this ridiculous mongolian basket making forum rotates photos by itself?

4 months

seriously, you got scammed, that's not a real doctor.
you should seriously sue.

i want to do the op on my gyno, but i dont know if i have gyno or only the saggy nipples

what did the operation do, if they didnt fixed these lines?

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have you tried talking with a professional?
I don't mean demanding gymo op, but just asking professionals opinion on what's going on?

These lines are your job. It looks a bit better now than picrel and looks really good flexed. It was swollen on the photo as well.

Aren't they supposed to do liposuction around the nipple?

once in a while you get stingy hecks who want to save money and go to quacks

>he fell for the gyno surgery meme


Imagine being the type of person to analyze celebrities nipples looking for people you believe had gyno

imagine being right.


it's fine dude my right nipple got stuck down like that, it lasts for few months but it goes back to normal after, don't touch it or massage it untill like 5 or 6 weeks, i didn't do any massaging for mine

I read somewhere that some surgeons put a small filler thing under the nipple to avoid the deflated look

lmao your mutilated nipple looks like your mom's shit hole after i pulverized it with my monster dick

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Dude they FUCKED your shit up, go back to the doctor ASAP I'm pretty sure he's legally required to maintain your chest for a certain period of time until it heals. How much did you pay for the surgery?

Sue the fuck out of the surgeon who did this to you.

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why the fuck would you get surgery instead of just losing weight you fat disgusting piece of shit.
I hope your nipple never recovers.

What country is this? US you pay so much money for something like this but it’s fucking worth it because you get real care. I would flip my shit if my doc said come back in 6 months with a nipple looking like a pussy

learn what gyno is you fucking mongoloid

This OP. Ignore this guy he's just mad about his fucked up nipple, so now he's trying to troll you into messing up yours too.

show us the other one for comparison RETARD

This isn't normal, and this is coming from someone who has researched gyno/plastic surgeons for years. It will look slightly better over time, but I think this may be botched.

A lot of plastic surgeons now a days throw in "gynocamstia" to their list of offerings/products because it is essentially easy to do especially since they already have the capital for liposuction equipment, but they may only do 1-2 cases a year, if that. Just because they are a plastic surgeon does not mean they have the necessary skill or experience in aesthetics for gynocamstia. Sorry man :/

Looks like your nipples caved in due to them taking the gland out.

Most surgeon leave the gland to support the nipple and prevent what happened to you. Didn't your surgeon talk to you about that?

> Most surgeon leave the gland to support the nipple and prevent what happened to you.

This is wrong, and any plastic surgeon that only offers liposuction with zero gland removal is a fucking hack job looking for an easy 3-4k. Liposuction alone is not enough for true glandular tissue, you will be disappointed in the results 100%.

some surgeons do leave part of the gland directly under the nipple to support it and prevent it caving like OP, its not a large amount and they remove all excess gland around it

>This is wrong
No it's not wrong you idiot.

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> what is chest contouring

wrong. enjoy your puffy nipples dip shit

>Is fridgemode

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your surgeon fucked up
had mine almost two years ago and never did it look like that

this, they don't remove 100% due to nipples caving in
unless you roid it wont come back

haahah just looked through ur before pics, lmao dude you're like 200lbs and 30% bodyfat, ofcourse you're gonna have gyno.

Fatties will do anything apart from losing weight

DAMN, Gordon Ramsay looks like THAT???

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My plastic surgeon stressed the importance of leaving a small amount of gland to support the nipple. He did a perfect job. He put my nipples back to normal and the scar is invisible.

Yours might get better OP, it might not. But collapsed nipple is one of the potential side effects.

>when a boy have inverted nipples

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Like some others said, your surgeon fucked your shit up? I had gyno removal last year so I know what I am talking about.

He told me he removed 4/5 of the gland on each side, and no liposuction.

looks like you need to dilate it

your only hope is go out out in a blaze of glory, wearing an undershirt and extra outer layer of course.

that's the exact opposite of irony you illiterate nog

Trying too hard

is this achievable natty?

you're supposed to dilate it, user.

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