Reminder that this is achievable naturally after 3 years of hard work and you don’t need to pin ass
Reminder that this is achievable naturally after 3 years of hard work and you don’t need to pin ass
i looked like that in high school before lifting, just running track.
cute belly button
Sure you did buddy
oh forgot to mention i was doing a bunch of push-ups, crunches, and shadow-boxing while watching DBZ in my room.
dyel tho?
Literally achievable in 3 MONTH naturally
Of course it is you fucking twink
I have body dysmorohia from being in fitness so long, do normies consider this jacked?
Post body so we can laugh at you
Post body
Thats muh goalm body now
looks pretty good
wtf your bellly button though
I'm more interested about the hair
how did you grow it out and by any chance did you cut it yourself? I think I might pull something similar with my hair style
I have a fade with super short sides but im sick of it
Me in highschool after lifting for like 3-4 months
you're deluded if you think you looked anything close to the OP laddo
looks better than op
Those pictures look like they could have been taken on the same day
You're right. He looks better. He's not as big, but he has a better frame and proportions. He will better in three years than 95% of all men. Genetics are cruel.
1) lmfao that's not you
2) cool angles and lighting, there's a 100% chance you don't look like you lift irl, in know this because i know you irl
hows that's sub 1000 pound total?
huh? what you mean that's not me. and my total is above 1200 lol
been out of hs for like 15 fuckin years dawg
Keep lifting and keep eating dem veggies brother. U got this shit.
Ty bro. No I didn’t cut it myself. I grew it out from a fade as well. But when you grow it out when its long enough, invest in a bottle of hair spray or foam.
You gotta pull your hair back and spray it hard so that it stays back. Then, you put a har on that hair to keep it in place.
When u keep it for an hour or two like that. It should stay all the way back throughout the day.
But if you want it to go to the sides like in the main picture, you just need to mess that hair up once you take off the hat. It should naturally lay on the sides of your head. Pic related this is me with a hat on and hair back.
Sometimes I’m too lazy to do that and i walk around with a justin biber faggot hair all day but I don’t mind.
>huh? what do you mean thats not me?
pftthahaha wow
Not impressed
>Keep lifting and keep eating dem veggies brother. U got this shit.
Thx, but I'll the veggies, not that I don't eat fruits and salad, it just isnt my main thing
You could do that in 6 months
Who are you talking to
Op or highschool guy or the dbz shadowboxer?
What was the routine op?
Giga cope
Measurements? Waistline and shoulder length?
this is honestly not impressive, so many people look like this before even lifting
I can take an angled picture and act like ahit too. Here twink
I’ll continue saying it. Keep talking shit kiddos
Unironically SS. After that 5/3/1 until I hit 555lbs deadlift and 4.5 pl8 squat. Right now I cut down in weight and I’m looking after my health. Powerlifting won’t get you far.
Try eating it religiously. I’m not kidding. Veggies will keep your metabolism in check and you will feel amazing. I didnt eat veggies in the beginning too, but once I started - its a life changer, man.
Kek fuck you guys
are these even the same person?
>stands straightforward facing the camera
they were taken like 2 seconds from each other
thanks homie but I'd say my genetics are pretty poor aside from having a somewhat small waist and decent delts.
I'm not the shadow boxer who ran track so idk if you're talkin to me or not.
In case you are, the pic is actually me and you're right, I don't look like I lift irl and my total is below 1000.
I hit 1/2/3/4 and then stopped caring since I'm not a powerlifter, if I did then I'd just do sheiko for a few months and get up to 1000
those were old pics from when my waist was 28in, now it's more like 31ish I think, idk shoulder length
More like 10-12 months
nibber you look 4x as big here.
Yes. Taken a few days in between. It’s just angles and light.
I meant angles as in “good light” and posed
How long have you been lifting in general?
That’s the point my nigga. 99% of people here have body dysmorphia and all it takes to change their perspective is to post a different picture, in a different (better) light.
Been lifting for like 3 years now, didn't know what I was doing for the first year though and never ate anything
thats just the sad reality when it comes to muscles/bodybuilding in general. You have to be really massive and be some genetic freak to look impressive from every angle and unflexed.
Heck even some fitness youtubers look mediocre if they dont flex. I guess everyone should be content with the fact that they can look decent at all given certain circumstances (lighting, pose, angle).
Whats your height/weight?
What do you ask for at the barber, unironically
>he thinks people roid for that
You look like your max bench is 2pl8 for a single. Disgusting.
I bet you can't even squat 3pl8 for a single, why would I want a dyel body like that
Why dont you just show the barber OP's hair?
I look bigger than that and all I do is a little bit of yard work every now and then
Jesus Christ you're basically my lost brother, same hair color, same type of hair, same insertions, same facial hair type, same jaw
Do you happen to be 5'11 too or close to it?
You are fucking delusional kid. You look like you maybe bench a couple times a week during gym class, the fact that you would compare yourself to op pic puts you in sub 70iq territory
lookin good, mate.
Why you belly button look like blownout butthole
Because that's weird
it literally looks like a prolapsed anus, ur so right lmfaoooo
You can achieve this in one year literally nothing impressive about any one body part and your shoulders are especially shitty
post body.
Who gives a shit, it's not like he's your pimp
if you are skinny this takes about 4 months of lifting 6 times a week.
> using roids for that
I can see your traps and shoulders kid
natty but just got lucky delt insertions and had them grow fast, didn't train traps at that time
That's the body of a junior varsity athlete, fag. You don't get out much.
Very good body OP.
People are delusional here about progress and lbm.
What is your height and what is your current routine?
>3 years of hard work
SS claims another victim
What about me then, 3 years of SL/GSLP
What exercises to get my abs to pop out like that? I've got low enough body fat % where I can see my abs from the side, but when I take a frontal pic I don't see any visible separation.
Need to cut to see your abs more
u look like the before picture
>photos are all shit, and at differing angles, different lighting too
>primary difference would appear to be loss of adipose fat tissue
>guy in the middle 4 month mark could be argued to not be you
>difference between 1 month and 4 months would suggest usage of compounds
These pics are shit and you should post stuff that is more consistent in lighting, angles and height. This does more to confuse your case then support it.
>3 years
3 months ftfy
why is your belly button a prolapsed anus
That's a good physique no doubt but it shouldn't take you 3 years if you have a good base to work with.
Just focus on increasing weight with high rep counts, you'll get there eventually.
is right to an extent but most people won't have the core development to really make them look like they pop out, you'll be able to see them sure but unless you have awesome lighting untrained abs on low bf will look weak and subpar. If you can see your abs already then you're low enough body fat
Achievable in three months disgusting faggot please kys
My height is 5’10 and 180lbs
Where were you born?
kek fucc me
Not naturally this would take like 6 months on steroids
Put them on the nipples too
Fuck it, can we make power armor with it?
What's your nationality? You're handsome af
fucking kek the vegetarian looks better
What's your ig
Based krajan looking good
Nice, built like a woman. Show bobs & vagene pls bby I love u.