Reminder that this is achievable naturally after 3 years of hard work and you don’t need to pin ass

Reminder that this is achievable naturally after 3 years of hard work and you don’t need to pin ass

Attached: FFD67949-664C-4818-8169-82A987215401.jpg (1610x2618, 543K)

i looked like that in high school before lifting, just running track.

cute belly button

Sure you did buddy

oh forgot to mention i was doing a bunch of push-ups, crunches, and shadow-boxing while watching DBZ in my room.

dyel tho?

Literally achievable in 3 MONTH naturally

Of course it is you fucking twink

I have body dysmorohia from being in fitness so long, do normies consider this jacked?

Attached: 71KG8de6PJL._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 12K)

Post body so we can laugh at you

Post body