Claims to be natty

>claims to be natty
>cycles creatine

*sigh* give me back your natty card

Attached: HandItBack.jpg (526x340, 12K)

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Blow it out your ass nigger

>it's okay to supplement creatine in higher amounts than what's normally found in the body
>it's not okay to supplement testosterone in higher amounts than what's normally found in the body

When you take extra creatine you don't fuck with your body's normal creatine production.

>claims to be natty
>openly goes to a gym and performs unnatural """exercises""" that serve no useful real-world function
*sigh* give me back your natty card

>claims to be natty
>eats meat, which contains naturally-occuring creatine
*sigh* give me back your natty card

>claims to be natty
>wears clothes, shoes, lives in a house instead of out in the open, uses transportation devices instead of walking everywhere (barefoot, of course), and so on, and so on
*sigh* give me back your natty card

I only did it for a month, I swear!

>lifting man made weights
I sure hope you dont do this while claiming to be natty, anons

>claims to be natty
>was born in a hospital with medical assistance
*sigh* give me back your natty card

>claims to be natty
>needed medical vaccinations to survive to adulthood