What am I supposed to do between sets. I don’t want to be that guy who’s always on his phone but I also can’t superset literally every exercise.
What do during rest at gym
Drink water, listen to music, look at the ceiling. Are you really that fucking addicted to your phone that you don't know how to spend 2minutes without it
Bring a Rubik’s cube and and work on your speed solves between each set
i usually look around, but if im on my phone im usually reading fitness related things between sets.
if doing internal rotation excercise do facepulls.
if squatting of diddlying do calf raises.
if doing iso excercises drink water
Just browse your phone retard
Do not do this.
Rip ass in your hand and give someone a high five
Shitpost here obv
On main lifts? Just go on your phone.
On accessories, you shouldn't be resting so long that you feel the need to browse your phone.
I change music if necessary, flip through music, check texts, or stare straight ahead in the mirror and stretch my arms. If there are hot girls at the gym I'll look around in the mirror and find some hot bimbos for extra test boost.
>*screams internally*
Bring a skateboard into the gym and practice tricks between sets
I usually give my falcon a treat in between some sets
I usually learn German on duolingo
sniff braps
stare at the ground and clench your fists, think about how you fucked up your life and how much you want to punch that certain person in the face.
that's what i do at least
Watch gun videos to get me feeling like John wick badass
Bring a book to read between sets, brainlet
>he doesn’t have videos of himself shooting uspsa to binge watch over and over instead of doing something more productive
this guy is going to make it
Don't cut yourself on that edge
chimp out to my hardcore music to keep the blood pumping
Listen to music, podcasts, radio shows etc faggot
I pace around the gym, usually back and forth. If the gym is crowded i do circles/figure 8s where I can
Jst stare in the void of ur sould than snap back and do another set do you want instructions on how to breathe next?
This desu
Yesterday there was this girl who looked like she thinks she is muscular, but is actually just fat.
She did rows and i was near her and everytime she finished her set (she did like 8 sets or so) she grabbed her phone and started typing, and this movement of her was so fast and hectic that it genuinely pissed me off. She put more dedication in grabbing her phone than in actually lifting her stupid 10 kg for 20 reps for 8 sets. I seriously considered saying something to her about being obnoxious, but i decided to just start doing really high weight and grunting to scare her off. It kinda worked because she then went to the opposite side of the gym to a squat rack even though there was one only a few feet away from us.
So that being said, don't be the asshole who is constantly on his phone.
read Infinite Jest
Check'd. Kek'd. Respek'd.
hat verstanden
yikes !!!
You are not german and will never be german
monolingual american spotted
Run to the center. Whatever you do, do not stand next to other people.
Do kegels.
I'm german, virgin
you dont want to do something almost everyone does between sets?
just listen to audio books or podcasts or something
do do this.
Stare off into the distance contemplating the mysteries of life and
>tfw no gf
Stare into the void until the time for the next set comes.
Checked and based
1.) Lift until you can't anymore.
2.) Lower the weight and lift again until you can't anymore.
3.) Lower the weight and lift again until you can't anymore.
4.) Move to another exercise.
This is what I do. Is there a name for this? I literally don't rest in the gym.
Yeah it's called stupid.
Explain how it is stupid.
turkroach spotted
Use Babbel
Way better
Interrupt somebody’s workout by critiquing their form, routine, diet, gym gear, and supplements
How about you just be bored for literally a minute and don't constantly bombard yourself with stimulation?
Listen here punk ass bitch wigger, i am not the one learning german, i already speak it.
>the virgin who speaks brags about speaking german is a Jow Forumstard
wow what a surprise
>t. actual monolingual ameritard who has to use apps to make himself believe he speaks more than one language
What’s wrong with using your phone between sets? Do none of you peons have constant email and texts to deal with?
I don't have friends and >tfw no gf and i hate my work so i would never, under no circumstances read an email from my work or my boss in my free time.
What I do:
Queue up songs on Spotify
Drink BCAA and creatine mix
Watch videos on good form
Pace around like a madman
>What am I supposed to do between sets.
stretch, you idiot
>Do none of you peons have constant email and texts to deal with?
GYM is a sacred place, normie
Pray. Have a phrase you repeat for focus like buddhists.
Chant a few our fathers. In l]Latin preferably.
Recite a powerful nasheed.
solve a 7x7 rubiks cube
That would be incredibly based
you niggers dont actually do this. get on my level
I look at the ceiling and breath
I can't even solve a 3x3 rubiks cube
>Look at the ceiling
My guy, we gonna make it
you can do 3x3. i memorized it in a few days
>i already speak it
Dann lass uns auf Deutsch schreiben.
Wetten, dass irgend ein gebrochenes Kauderwelsch daherkommt jetz?
I listen to pornhub on my phone so in between sets I just close my eyes and visualize the scene to help with the test boost
ja gut
>Not watching sportscenter while trying to glance over at the cardio bunny without her noticing.
isn’t it too pretentious if I do this?
>criticizing an American for learning German despite not being German
>learned English despite being German
Only active stretches
"Irgendein" schreibt man zusammen. Netter Versuch, aber du wirst trotzdem niemals deutsch sein, Mr. 56%
The difference is we had to learn english in school, while he is learning german to larp as a german and because of >muh german heritage
i want her to notice
i am a sexual tyrannosaurus and she needs to know that
I normaly have the book im reading on audio so between sets i just get my breathing in check and listen to my book. Always be gaining knowledge.
Clear your mind. Learn meditation. Don't drown out the noise with more noise.
i cant stop pacing like an idiot in between sets
Ich will auch gar nicht Deutsch sein, denn Ich bin Bayer mein Freundchen.
Komm, spring ins Wasser und mach dir ein Fischbrötchen, Sören.
>Ich will auch gar nicht Deutsch sein
pic related is probably you and your "bavarian" friends
>Er versteht nicht das Bayern Separatisten Miehm
Hast dich gerade als Ausländer geouted.
Hör bitte mit dem LARP auf.
This guy is LARPING and doesn't know the first thing about Germany or German culture.
Probably some Wehraboo Pole or some shit.
pacing is alpha. don't do it the whole rest though sit down for a bit and breath then pace and bang it out
You are trying too hard user...
This is really getting embarrassing
Sorry, meant for
based retard
under8ted & based
>sip water
>write down lifts
>add weight
>sit and stare into space
>pace around angrily
>lie down
>watch my lifts I just video'd
>watch videos of other people's lifts either to pump myself or learn technique
I do those.
The school teaches you English so you can larp as people whose opinion matters.
>that guy who sips water
be that guy
A fellow anger chad.
Life is lonely and hard. Why not get mad?
No friend.
Be that water.
Found the roastiekike
cause it will only increase your own suffering and that of others?
Let go of the anger.
Put ebooks on your phone if you don't want to look pretentious while reading.