What caused you to get Jow Forums in the first place?
What caused you to get Jow Forums in the first place?
I wanted to fugg sluts. Now im old and chubby but i still lift for the routine
became single after a 5 year shitty relationship and got bored of just drinking every night. decided to lift and eat right instead and now it's habit.
to stop hating my reflection
i wanted to look better. also my gf dumped me in the middle of losing weight so i stayed with it for 8 years
Exercise makes me not feel like complete garbage all the time.
My wife left me and I was drinking myself to sleep every night. My only thing I have going for me is getting fit and bjj. I also want to post a shirtless pic on tinder and have the thots hitting me up first.
Because i am 6’3 and have a BMI of 17 atm
I feel and look like a weak bitch
I should be a minimum of 200lbs
Many reasons
>skinny faggot
>to fight in the race war
>make my dad proud
And mai waifu, of course
To become the man I wish my father was
we're gonna make it user remember that
Football and wrestling in highschool. Girls in college. Now living in a different college town where girls reset their tinder twice a semester. So I got to have fresh shirtless pics often.
Summer is painfully slow, but I'm getting back into fishing. Caught a tiger trout last weekend. Never saw one before.
I started lifting primarily as a means to relieve stress from university. I didn't have much time from 1st year to 3rd year so I went only around 2-3 times a week and little progress.
In my 4th year, I had more time to lift and I ended up taking it seriously to the point the only reason I like coming to school was to workout. Only here I made real progress compared to my first 3 years of lifting.
Working out is firmly cemented in my head and no matter what I tell myself, I always find excuse to go.
Now that I'm cutting, I became conscious with what I eat. I now avoid eating outside of my regular meal not to save money but to avoid unnecessary caloric intake.
I remember watching rocky 4 with my family when I was 14 and my Mum and Dad suggested that I should do boxing as exercise. I ended up training and enjoying it. I never did a match but I started participating in school sports and I did pretty well there. But we all know that once you start getting fit, you're never fit enough.
Unironically because I want to look like dudes in martial arts movies and be able to do similarly useless, flashy moves.
Often compared myself to other kids who were having better experiences and were complimented on how healthy they were. Teased by everyone for being skinny. Later the noise everything was generating developed into me wanting to become like the Superheroes and the guys who win in all of the novels I used to read. Started to seriously get Jow Forums during middle school. Just stuck with me ever since.
I became borderline suicidal about depression and being a fat fuck and decided to end my destructive cycle of working and getting fat
when i was 16 I used to wear jumpers in the middle of a Queensland summer because I hated how my body looked and was scared I would get bullied for having man boobs. My mum didn't like seeing me that depressed she signed me up to a gym and bought me PT. Nearly 10 years later I haven't looked back and have even been a PT in that time
To give my mom grandkids since i was few months ago 105 pound and depression finally loose it grasp on me so i feel comfortable. Im 21 btw i know i need social skills but on step at a time
I thought it would help me start liking myself. Instead it showed me that under that wall of fat was a bad person.
>senior year of college
>never lifted before, skinnyfat
>on a study abroad trip with about 20 people
>develop huge crush on 9/10 petite asian girl
>we become friends and get closer over time, i thought i had a chance with her
>one night we're alone together chatting
>another dude from our school shows up and joins us
>he looks pretty good, clearly lifts
>kind of annoyed, since he ruined the moment
>he hangs out for a while and then goes to bed
>girl turns to me and starts telling me how hot that guy is, and how she has a crush on him
>heart status: shattered
And so I decided I needed to stop being a doughy faggot and start lifting. In retrospect the guy wasn't even that big, but he looked jacked to my normie self back then. That moment changed my life, though it really fucked me up for a while.
At the end of every day I want to be able to say I tried my very best at something during that day. Obviously, you can do that without lifting or being in shape, but I found exercise to be the thing that I could push myself to point of not being able to continue and really managing to feel satisfied after doing so. Things just kind of progressed from there.
Actually Im not even sure. I just felt like it would be shame to be old one day and lament that I never tried getting fit. Also being healthy never hurts
To mog eveeyone in this thread
>unironically like my body despite DYEL Auschwitz status
>detest my face from profile
I am deeply fortunate cannot stare at their profile in the mirror
>8 years old
>best friend is mega athletic gymnast
>calls me fat all the time, I call him short
>become insecure
>cry to my mom about it
>”oh it’s all right user, you’ve just got a bulkier body type, you’ll be able to put on a lot of muscle later
>Decide that I’ll become Jow Forums or die trying
>Join Wrestling
>Become Mega Fit Autist
>Become known by everyone I know as the muscle guy
>Still Lift everyday with Ex-gymnast friend
>Become the School’s resident Gym Chads
>Develop Extreme Body Dysmorphia
>Reject any interested Roasties because they're all chubby piggies in my eyes now
>Only have eyes for Mega Fit Amazonian in one of my classes
>slowly go insane
It was all worth it bros
That's a big oof
i can tell that you're a manlet
>never been fat, just been big as I played rugby since I was 8
>date the love of my life form 14 until 20
>get a place together after school, my family's dog is with us
>he's getting old now but he's my best bud
>she has a bunch of cats, they love him but she hates him
>she's not going well at uni, end sup dropping out and working a shitty job
>try to help her but it just leads to resentment
>find out she's cheating on me with some guy at her work
>go home to confront her, massive argument and she starts screaming
>neighbours call the police, she claims I tried to rape her and assaulted her
>my dog's going crazy seeing me being taken away
>spend the night in jail, parents pay my bail but not allowed to go back home
>she's claiming the dog is hers just to spite me
>life is in shambles, uni has suspended me due to the allegations
>months of claiming my innocence, she finally admits that I didn't rape her
>has thrown away all my stuff, my dog apparently had stomach cancer and she just took him to a vet to get him put down
>won't tell me where he's buried
>finish uni and start hitting the bottle, pretty much just getting drunk at home every day
>go out one night as I have no booze at home, meet a guy called Tom who's been lifting for quite a while by the looks of it
>maybe I was alone or vulnerable, I don't know
>we end up kissing even though I'm not gay, talk most of the night
>tells me about fitness and lifting
>search on the web, find Jow Forums
>click on the link, instantly become gay
I've always been, so genetics I guess. Natural inclination to running, diving and wrestling.
Tell me where that bitch live, I'm going to fucking kill her user
this story isnt real, right user? please tell me you made this up, haha?
I was running home from work one day and noticed that my stomach was jiggling and i was losing my breath very quickly.
Weeks later we got new shirts at my job and my stomach was visible in my tight shirt.
I don't work there anymore but i keep working out because i tend to get frequent mires
Motivation for my weightloss(lost 50 kg 10 more to go)
Was running a 3.0 D&D game and wanted to spice up an encounter, the players would be fighting a mercenary band of ogres and orcs inside an old crumbling tower so they would have to watch their steps because of old rotting floor etc. While I was preparing the notes for the upcoming session I calculated the players weight with their armor and gear to see who would have to watch their step and after that I also went and checked the weight of the orcs and ogres. I found out that the average large ogre weighed the same as me. Next day started cardio,CICO and later started lifting,vowing never to return to that state, every time I start to falter I remind myself that fact. Weird motivation but hey it works
The fact this cartoon exists is the reason why faggots shouldn't be allowed in the gym.
Just desperately want to feel comfortable in my own skin.
Recovering from a knee fracture and realizing how lazy I'd become during the recovery period. Before that I'd never worked out before, just lived a decently active lifestyle with a physically demanding job. I'm still in my first month, but it's been awesome. I'm learning so much and it's genuinely rewarding.
That's fucking awesome, dude. Good shit.
i started lifting because i was scared of losing my gf and tired of being a skinny faggot. i got fit and then she left me anyways.
got depression and lost all gains.
got fit again and got another 9/10 gf
she left me too and lost all gains again
now 3 months into the cycle again, except this time i've learned that the most important love is that which you have for yourself. don't lift for girls anons
You're 600-900 pounds?
that's 3.5 edition, in 3.0 monster manual they were 300 to 350 pounds. You could say I was ogreweight
The reason you decided to change things is pretty based tbf
Heartbreak and spite.
holy fuck user, you basically improved your life by not wanting to be Shrek
>I found out that the average large ogre weighed the same as me
Glad it worked out for you though man. Also shows you still had some sense of self-reflection unlike a lot of fatoids that get really far gone.
>t. Seething
Post body
a mirror
To have the right to shitpost on mongolian horse breeding forum
i was playing a video game and my wrist started to hurt so i stopped and started massaging it and as i looked at it I saw how skinny it was and i was like i should get bigger wtf so i started with forearm exercises
so you fap... hurray to you good sir
Based haha? poster
To be at least a little happy with myself
My fat loss.
When I finally went from 150kg to 81kg I only felt I was halfway there (skinnyfat DYEL) so I started weightlifting.
>9 feet tall
>300 pounds
so just a bare skeleton then?
Got stranded on my university's campus and was like fuck it I have 2 hours might as well go check out the gym. 3.5 years later hit 275x4 on bench. Not the greatest lifter in the world but I've come a long way. We're all gonna make it
Based and Jow Forums-pilled
I think the original idea was to make them lanklets or somebody didn't think enough just how would a 9 foot creature look with just 300-350 pounds (it's obvious they spotted it was bullshit because they changed their weight in the 3.5 edition to 600-900 pounds)
Because everytime I do anything, I end up failing and not progressing, whether it is school or work.
With working out, I can see the numbers of my lifts go up and I feel like I am progressing in something finally.
I was always skinny and sporty but people think you are just a skinny fag and wanna test you if they look at your body. When you are young this isn't a problem because you just proof that you are stronger by figthing them. But you can't do that at work.
I still do
Looked in the mirror. Didn't like what i saw
Puberty hit me like a sack of greasy, socially awkward bricks and I put on a ton of weight when I was about 11-12. My dad still had his bench and weights from years ago so he dusted those off and we'd lift every other day. This went on until the alcoholism started to catch up with him and he eventually died from liver failure when I was 16.
I ended up putting down the weights for most of high school and college for a ton of reasons. Picked em back up again after I got my bachelors and noticed office work wasn't doing my physique any favors. Been back at it for 2 years now and I sometimes wonder why I stopped.
Miss you, dad.
I still hate myself everyday when I look in the mirror
Make him proud user.
I want to snap someone’s every finger then be able snap both arms then will knee cap that person that gives me the extra fire in workouts
i thought my dick wasn't getting hard enough or some shit when fucking prostitutes, so i thought that lifting weights might help my testosterone, but actually enjoyed lifting weights. i don't know what my goal is now, i guess i want to lift 300kg to some crazy shit
Post the one where the wolf knots inside the twink pussy's bussy and leave him a gaping mess dripping with food and cum haha
I have Beckers muscular dystrophy. If I got 45 years I'll do my best to make them count
Every time I go out in public, every time I go to school, every day at work, every time I even step outside of my apartment my eyes are assailed by degenerates of every kind. I live in the fittest state in America and every single day I see obese, disgusting goblinas, weak cowardly twinks and worthless retarded boomers and it drives me fucking insane. I had to be better than these people, and be around better people more often. I had a few friends that were gym bros and so I started going with them and never stopped.
I want to be able to wield a large slab of raw fucking iron
I wanted to look hard to rape
being strong enough too endure the coming times.
Same reason, i started boxing and reading non-fiction
I realized a change had to be made when I couldn't even move a fucking mattress.
Also lifting is probably the only thing that prevents me from literally ending it all. Going up in weights feels good af.
You arent entirely alone, unironically I realized most of my characters have had qualities and traits that I aspire to have myself, one of those being that they were in good shape.
I started working a different job and no longer had time for rock climbing. I had done strength training for 1-2 years when I was 20, and at 29 I started again with the old bench in the basement of my parents, bought a new bar, some new weights, and a squat rack. At first I thought I wouldn't want to get so big that people noticed that I lift, but then I really started to like it, and now I'm near 2/3/4/5 (I don't do singles) at 114kg 189cm. Feels good to be strong, has definitely positively affected my outlook on life and my confidence, also my knees hurt a little.
I needed an out for the aggression that was fermenting in my head
Unironically just because I started browsing Jow Forums. I had always wanted to be stronger for aesthetics and functionality, but my idea of a workout was 30 min of cardio and 30 min of Nautilus machines.
Combo of these two. Was skinny fat for most of life, started working out to feel confident in myself then kicked it to high gear after I ended a 3.5 year relationship.
Keep it up bros, we're all gonna make it.
I wanted my body to reflect the person I want to be.
Then I realized I have contempt for that person, but I kept lifting anyway.
It never goes away. When you look in the mirror you'll still see that appearance you hate. Even when people are telling you that you look so different.
I honestly have no fucking idea. I started to do 100 push ups and crunches a day at 12 years old and then kinda never stop working casually since then.
When I decided if I was going to be fat, I was at least going to be fat and strong. Then after I started working out regularly, I realized I didn't have to be fat and started working on my diet.
I lift because the world ain't gonna save itself.
To feel normal.
When I was 12 I was an autistic, disgusting chubby fucker but at the moment I thought I was slim until one day my friends at the time started to make jokes about my man tits, I cried that day but I make a promise to myself to get fit, and I did, years later I was the Chad in said group of friends
you sound still autistic tbqhwy bredren
So I can be a top instead of a bottom.
The first reason was I wanted to get my weight down to the airforce weight requirement. But talking to the ROTC officer I just lost all asperation for wanting to join. Now I'm just doing to to improve my health and this
i bump
I used to be fit in high school. Not buff but super lean. I then quit football and got a job to make some money and lost all my gains. About 3 years later I was told I looked “fat” by a co-worker(I used to be fat as a young kid before I hit puberty) so it struck a nerve. A week after that I hit the gym. Now Im stronger than ever and I do it cause I love it