Is 6 inches enough for these thots in 2019?
Is 6 inches enough for these thots in 2019?
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Its enough. The important thing is to have a foreskin.
Due to the error in your logic you now have to hand over your foreskin privileges, get nae nae'd nigger its never enough for these thots
Cold, yeah
Why did this post make me laugh
Not with all the blacks around
Most women can't tell 6 inches from 8, or 8 inches from 10. If you have a good body and a 6 inch dick most women will be literally in awe of your dick.
6" is better than 78% of men in America. It's nothing crazy, but it's definitely above average.
Ya those prosthetic penises are really brainwashing women
haha, lol no
>tfw 7 inch hard
>flaccid dick so large and balls so big and low hanging i get uncomfortable wearing jeans that are even a little tight and have to wear boxers
>incel past mid 20s
life aint fair
>less than 1" 21 votes
>less than one inch
Is this even physically possible?
Nice self-reported, sourceless, online survery with a tiny ass sample size. Such science. Many stat
>More people less than 1 inch than 1-3" combined
Ah yes, that seems highly accurate.
>tiny ass sample size. Such science. Many stat
>tiny ass sample size
you might wanna look up the sample sizes of your "proper scientific" studies
report back with what you have found
1 in 100 seems about right
So what you're saying is you both don't have jack shit for information on this?
Well either way this study has over 15,000 participants that are measured by health professionals.
5 out of every 100 men has a dick longer than 6.3 inches
>Well either way this study has over 15,000 participants that are measured by health professionals.
also: how did the "health professionals" measure it? did they suck the dicks of the participants until they reached maximum size and measured then?
Went and did the math to find the necessary sample size given a margin of error of 1% and a confidence level of 95% you'd want to at least double the sample size. Factor in the inherent bias of self reporting, and selection bias given that it seems to be a strawpoll, you're figure should be way higher to get anything statistically useful.
Why do people assume we have 12 inch dicks?
I imagine that that didn't happen and the guys probably jerked it to porn before being measured. Kind of like when you donate sperm.
>such science, many stat
Fuck off r//eddit
>caring what thots think of you
Not gonna make it
The study he linked describes the methodology. I(the person you initially replied to) don't actually have a counter study to offer. I just ran it through a T test.
It's just mentally deranged literal cucks on this board. That and a handful of trannies.
9mm is all they need.
Didn't doge start here? Either way, that meme is so fucking old it shouldn't even matter.
Porn and racism, unironically. Not that there's anything wrong with racism.
I’m mixed and I dated this Nigerian girl, she said it was a myth
That's a metastudy - meaning a collection of different studies. So basically a clusterfuck of different methods, most measuring flaccid streched penis length.
scroll down until you see "Study Characteristics" and let the bullshit under "Reported measurement details" sink in
I'd rather trust people self-reporting than that pseudo science crap.
If you don't then what else do you have to offer white girls?
Why is it you are so determined to beleive everyone is walking around with 12 inch dicks? Do you have a micropenis that's making you self conscious?
Maybe he has a cuck fetish or something.
>24, ottermode with a 6.5 pecker, erect
>tfw still virgin
I’m keeping this dick all to myself h-hahaha
the poll I posted, clearly states that 85 % of men who participated, fall into the range of 5 to 8 inches
>I'd rather trust people self-reporting than that pseudo science crap.
I agree that flaccid stretched isn't 100% optimal but there are many many studies that show that for most cases flaccid stretched=hard length. Flaccid stretched also generally removes the need for performance.. which can be hard to get in an testing environment.
Trusting self reported anything is retarded.
Don't disagree with me im 150 IQ btw.
because porn.
they just hire big dick freak niggers because there is no such thing as an attractive negro anyway. size is the only reference point when it comes to the slave race and this kind of work.
this means we only see big nigger dicks and think its the norm.
of course its not and these chicks are going to be disapointed if they date a normal guy from the streets.
but they let them cum inside anyways and end up as single moms.
most bitches cant take anything past 6 inches
Most men including blacks are between 6-8 inches. Anything more and you are in the top 98th percentile
who cares about the "scientific average"?
I don't give a fuck if chinese rice farmers have a 4 inch dick and push the average down
I care about the competition - the dude in the club. The dicks that might have been in the girls I would like to get into.
my friend who just got her 3rd bf was telling me he's the smallest shes seen. Asked how big, and she said if she grabs his dick with both hands, only a little bit is peeking out of the top. She has normal sized hands. I estimate that the dude is probably the same as me, 6.5 inches.
Seems like 7 is the new average desu. Which is fucking bullshit.
this is a trap and if you fap to it you are gay.
>using the T word
fuck off edgelord. thats a boy.
See, that's what I mean. Who gives a shit if the scientific average is reported the be 5 inches. That includes guys who never seen pussy IRL.
Chads who fucked your gf before you, were probably bigger.
Virgin. You'd be right if you said ~7-8. But even the most petite women can handle 6. I'm exactly 6 inches erect, i've been with 12 women, and the only cervix I ever hit was on a girl who was 4'10".
Generally speaking, yes. But many have either spoiled themselves on big dick or novelty dildoes, or just convinced themselves that 6" isnt big enough because their eyes are bigger than their vagina, so to speak.
>6 inches erect
>he measures it from under the balls
ok pajeet
>>he measures it from under the balls
keep coping
That dildo is like 7 inches.
youre nowhere even close to that little boy.
>tfw 7.5
>tfw can never go balls deep in my gf because she's tiny
Now what?
>now what
Kys normie
>Virgin at almost 21
At least I wont get laughed at haha...
>tfw only 12 inches
you don’t need to be good at sex if you are only fucking these girls one time. If I’m fucking a chick that I know I won’t talk to again I just put her in my favorite position and bust in 3 min and leave.
Cool story. Just kidding, take your cuck fetish shit off this board and never come back. In fact write a big long cuck themed suicide note and neck yourself.
I was going to make a post but it just sounds like a larp. Instead I'll just say find a girl who's not a whore and you don't need to worry about your dick size. Maybe if you have a microdick or something, but if you're near either side of average you'll be fine.
There is no pride in their way of life, no real joy
Nobody cares about your shoelace dicks, it's all about GIRTH
I have average girth but I grab my dick at the base when it’s inside and vibrate it with my forearm and become a vibrator
>I'd rather trust people self-reporting than that pseudo science crap.
literally anything is more reliable than self reported you brainlet
6 inches wont make them happy, but most wont be disappointed so that’s a start
What will make them happy
a meaningful emotional connection
thot's don't deserve an inch!
A six inch dick is still illegal loool but if i were you those stay pressed jeans are a no go.... would repel even the most ardent dick riders
best comment
Go Japanese.
Money and sparkly things
I'm 7 inches and they all complain about it
seems repressentitive
Size does not matter, seriously.
t. 30-something manlet dicklet with good record with women, two kids and loving wife
I wouldn't believe myself either 10 years ago but that's how it is.
I'm six inches and two girls have told me that i'm small until i stuck the dick in them.
Then it became slow down you're too big or them having to stop to adjust to my dick again mid sex.
One told me she would be happier if i was longer and i told her to gtfo because she can hardly handle me already.
Girls save and screen shot my cock when I send them snaps of it
Either they really like it or they’re saving it to laugh behind my back
if you are not packing at least a foot in 2019 just give up
Trips confirms
Pack it up boys were staying solo forever
>tfw when 6ft3 slav with 8 inches
god it feels good to be a dicksta
Are you doing that bone pressed shit?
>6" length
>but 4.5" girth
no because my pelvis isn't going into the girl
then you must have a pencil dick
Run me through your thought process buddy
i've got no clue how you came to that conclusion
>using a strawpoll as evidence
Do not disrespect me.
tf are girls so cruel man
Same but untrained and 7 inch.
>did they suck the dicks of the participants until they reached maximum size and measured then?
Yes OP, how do you think your mother got that money?
Spoiler alert: vagina's differ in size too. If you're small dicked, just go find a girl that doesn't have a wizard sleeve for a vagina. Just as with dick length, height is often a poor indicator of how hollow the vag is gonna be. Just have to try sex with different chicks until you find one that suits you well.
Hello brother
Leave his mother out of this bro. What the fuck is wrong with you?
>sex with different chicks
yup that's me haha
i got like 5.9 and i've never had a problem so yeah. 6 inches is fine
Can you teach me?
very clever, very clever
I sucked a 6 incher once and I choked on it, I'm sure a girl with a smaller mouth would have a harder time. You're good to go, user.
That's nothing. I'm 7.5x4.5, just
8” is too much for most women. My women can only handle a good fucking once a week until they recover from the soreness.
>have 6 inch penor
>is harder than diamonds can barely move it around when hard sticks out completely straight