Hi, I’m back, Jow Forums. :3

Hi, I’m back, Jow Forums. :3

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Youre not dino tendies so no one gives a fuck discord tranny.
>in b4 you cared enough to reply headass

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lol im not even trans i just like to look girly sometimes dummies

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doesn't make you less of a faggot

Are you unable to grow a beard or just good at getting a close shave?

>just like to look girly sometimes
do you have a picture of that?

be a man, this is pathetic

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rude :(

right now i do look more boyish tho :3

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show your dick, fagnon

idk, prob one like this? i have some more though i already posted them in previous threads here

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Post bulge.

yeah that


post pictures of you bending over and showing your buttpussy you dainty little faggot

Post your ass or go away.

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I'm 6'5 230lbs and i would destroy your boipucci

I'm honest, you're a faggot but I would have sex with you

kys faggot. its only because the elites who control the media are totaly degenerate you maybe think you are accepted among ppl. you are not. most normal people are deeply disgusted by you.

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6'3 275lbs hairy
Want to fuck you

i’ll only post a little lewd

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that makes you a faggot too.