How do I incorporate olympic weightlifts into my routine?

How do I incorporate olympic weightlifts into my routine?

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Just do muscle clean + push press
If you want to do the lifts properly get coached

olympic lifts are just a skill/technique lift, they don't actualy put on any muscle or size or strength on you. To get those they just do a powerlifting routine like they back sqaut, bench, and deadlift.
Weightlifting is a skill, not working out

This is so wrong I can’t even begin to explain...

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do olympic weightliftesr backsquat, bench/OHP/dip/ and deadlift? yes or no? checkmate

>olympic lifts are just a skill/technique lift, they don't actualy put on any muscle or size or strength on you.

Weak b8

Do them if you find it fun. Triples get my heart rate higher than anything else in the gym

It's not wrong, it's just exaggerated. The hardest part is the technique and you're much better off training each component of the lift separately. No amount of powercleans you do will really help your strength and power off the floor because it's heavily submaximal

well if you want a serious answer, the very first part will be learning the individual movements before you string them together for a full lift.

i suggest complexes, either as part of a warm-up, or as a post workout conditioning movement.

snatch grip deadlift, snatch grip high pull, hang power snatch, overhead squat

deadlift, hang power clean, front squat, push press.

do those in succession, change your weight/reps for your goal. become as comfortable squatting as you are sitting. this should take you anywhere from a few weeks to a few months depending on your mobility.

goodluck OP. the snatch and clean/jerk incorporate the whole body more than any other lift in the gym. there is nothing as primal as picking a weight off the floor and putting it overhead. don't worry about perfect technique, just practice them and build fluidity in the movement before treating them like a main lift.

He is maybe 30 percent correct. The emphasis on skill is huge in Olympic. But to say that you can't build muscle is retarded. Besides the back squat most weightlifters don't do those big excercises, sticking to the competition lifts or variations

Think of them as a "Fast Pull" a submaximal and less taxing deadlift.
As long as you're doing the power versions (Without a full squat) it shouldn't interfere with squats.
A power clean/squat is good to do on a heavy squat day for example
A Full clean/Snatch could be used on a Light squat day or day where you don't squat at all

You mean jerk? I don't think clean and press is in any competition

They do train the deadlift though. They just stop doing ot at all some time before comp to avoid getting taxed. And there's no reason for them to bench but they should be OHPing, or at least pin pressing

Yeah I mean their athletes clearly have no muscle at all.

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You're retarded
If you do cleans will your squat improve?

You shouldn't. Olypmic weightlifting is largely a meme. It won't give you any benefit to your real lifts, it has a massive injury rate, it won't build any size because the rep ranges are retarded and beyond sub optimal, and you'll look likr a giant tryhsrd douchebag doing it in a commerical gym.

Stick to the big four. They are superior for aesthetics, strength, power, and conditioning. Dont fall for the retarded Olypmic meme. Jow Forums has an irrational obsession with the shit even though no one here actually does it.

power is best trained with 50% of your max

push press is easier to learn and unless you want to compete there's not much point doing split jerks

power cleans hit the traps harder than most exercises and build full body coordination which can help a lot of activities

Good job not answering the question

Don't do actual Oly lifts, do the chad version
Clean and jerk? More like power clean and press

Press will severely limit your power clean. Push press would be better

I meant to reply to this guy:

Ah then you're correct, power cleans will get you yoked

Power snatches have better recorded results in fitness training

Makes sense, the angled arm stance activates the traps more. This was found for shrugs though but I imagine it applies too


If you have the data, how much better are we talking about?
I'm trying to understand if it's worth it to learn a new complex lift, that uses a lighter weight.
Not very comprehensive but it's a start

>post-test the power clean group gained .2 inches of height, the power snatch group .1 inch.
so it's proven that manlets should train with power cleans.

start doing them..

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with 2x the improvement on the vertical jump, it IS worth it. Thank you.

>tfw after all years and years I've finally found an Oly gym and it's cheap and 24 hr.

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dont, as has been noted in this thread already, these exercises are very technical and you cant learn them on your own, you'll just injure yourself
dont do them just cause they look cool and you want to feel special, the big four has all the benefits and they work, dont try to reinvent the wheel or be the one special snowflake

>you cant learn them on your own, you'll just injure yourself

>it has a massive injury rate,
Is this true?

I like KB clean and press, and DB snatches. Occasionally BB clean and press, havent tried many other than that though.

no the injury rate like all lifting sports is less than any athletic or outdoor sport.

think about it you are doing the exact asme thing over and over once you have it dialed in there isn't much room for error unless you egolift or something goes wrong.

Think about the injury rate of basketball.

Weightlifting gets a bad rep from crossfitters doing the lifts without putting in the time and practice to do them properly. Also they teach them to people in their 40s and up who have no business doing them if they did not learn them at a young age.

Cool. I'm beginner to Oly lifts at 28 but I'm doing ok so far. Clarence0 says 25 is his cut off for Oly lifts but whatever I have no choice in the matter really just gotta make the best of it.

dont be retarded, go to a coach, and he'll probably tell you to just fuck right off, first of all you'll be doind month of mobility exercises before he'll let you anywhere near a barbell, and no coach wants to coach some 20+ year old that has no athletic background, this shit takes years to learn

You can do that shit by yourself. Your form doesn't have to be 100% perfect to not injure yourself

Thats just gatekeeping bullshit.

My advice as someone who started in a similar place is to focus on behind the neck snatch push press and overhead squat early. Pause for an extended period at teh bottom of the overhead squat. You wan't to get comfortable under heavy weight if you just do light weight snatches you will hit a plateau where the light weight is easy and forgiving but but anything heavier feels very different. Once you get really good at the sn pushpress and overhead squat work up your snatch balance to get comfortable with catching a heavy bar and speed. Obviously continue to do traditional snatch but I think this will speed up progress. I always feel I hit my snatches much better after working up to a heavy snatch push press and overhead squat.

Wish I had done this when I first started. I mainly train snatch as someone who started older like you around 28 also I have read older people eventually ditch the clean as it is really taxing on the body to be doing heavy cleans. If you listen to Clarence he has also said many times if you are learning learn the snatch and the clean will come naturally after anyway. For heavy jerks I go off the rack and do a set of 2 one in front rack then one behind the neck. works well.

this is bench/curlbro cope and jealousy probably did too much bench without mobility work and fucked his shoulder and thoracic mobility and now can't get into a proper overhead squat.

easy way is to find someone that does them at your gym and ask for tips of how they do them there

Sure, but what that 50% is equivalent to won't change unless you also train it close to 90%. Of course you need to train your power, but that won't train your strength, which is also important

Thanks bro. I'll make a point of getting lots of overhead squats in my routine.

Used to do them for fun but so not totally new to them but it's definitely the hardest part for me.

Overhead squats are mainly a core exercise, right? My shoulders get fatigued but my abs get destroyed at 40% of my back squat. Legs obviously feel nothing.

it isn't for strength it is for technique and mental adaptation to heavy load. Also prepares your wrists and shoulders for the load when you catch a snatch.

You do back and front squats for strength. You aren't going to be doing OHS for high volume just intensity.

Do it like this do 3x8 sn push press with overhead squat last rep, then add weight 1x5 without ohs add weight 1x3 without overhead squat add weight 1x1 with ohs.

>bench and deadlift

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They do, just not very often

hes right tbqh

where pls share

>posts a world champion weightlifter who does bench and deadlift

Klokov hasn't been a weightlifter for years. He doesn't train like a weightlifter anymore

the only oly lift you can use as a non-competitor is clean and press. anything else is ahuge waste

Why Press?

to overload the press on your shoulders and get a stronger ohp, nigga

But why bother cleaning? You're going to be severely sub-maximal when doing a press as well

explosiveness can had value to the athleticism behind your lifts. makes decent cardio if you hate running. pair it with press and time is saved to a degree

Again; why press though? Why not push press? That way you can actually clean weight that will do something

you should also feel a lot of upper back

Anecdotally mine did, I’ve started incorporating more oly lifts to my previous powerlifting routine, and my squat has gotten better, I think it’s do to the better quad activation in the front squat, while it’s sub optimal, it targets those muscles really well, plus it’s a fun change of from the slower more rigid movement of powerlifting

My traps were fucking beat, yeah. Shoulders not so much, I basically power jerked the weight up.
Does hand placement matter? I use basically a bench grip, maybe a bit wider. Am I right in saying the wider the grip, the safer the shoulders?

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