Why are (You) lifting?

Why are (You) lifting?

Attached: psaz15hen7731.jpg (634x501, 60K)

To prevent frogs from escaping jails.

To compensate for my short stature.

to compensate for being 5'11"

to compensate for being 5'7 (without shoes)

to bend my gender

To strength mogg people in the gym.

To full fill my destiny as ogre overload, dispensing the brutalist of moggings

So if any filthy french "man" ever steps up to me i can beat 7 shades of garlic reeking shit out of him.

Best answer so far

to compensate for being 6'1 (in the netherlands)

So I can murder a muslim family walking by with my bare hands in uncontrollable random fit of rage if need be and then bathe in their blood that sprouts out of their thoraxes to glorify my good deed until cops come to take me to place where people get three nutritious meals a day and some peace to read. If I'm not strong enough that rage would just be slapping and disgrace. Ripping out their throats and stabbing the fuckers with their own ribs now that would be cool.

to compensate for being bald at 22
im not gonna gros beard for reddit cope so I need to be jacked

To get strong and for those legendary endorphin rushes

To compensate for my autism

Healthy body, healthy mind

To supplement for my being 6'2"

Your fate will not be a pleasant one sale raciste 7nzir

I have bipolar disorder and lifting 4 times a week is the only thing I've found that balances my mood swings. Plus being strong af makes life easier when you work a physical job.

that picture sounds like bullshit but i believe it

to compensate for being a virgin (at 37)

>that story

To get paid by (((them))) for making up ridiculous lies about punching nazis, when the reality is they all meekly went to the slaughter.

what a gigapierre savage

For world domination. Slaying men and knocking up their women.


So I can be rude comfortably when need be

for dubu

Attached: me and my korean girlfriend.webm (1280x720, 327K)

why do you r/asianmascuilinity cucks suddenly started to invade this board

i don't know what that is and i'm white
go back to r*ddit

Attached: dahyun (72).jpg (905x1200, 90K)

I wish that man were my grandpa

I can smell gook from one of your chink reddits from mile away tenda

It's okay to punch nazis

*leftists too

Leftism died 100 years ago. Liberals are a cunt hair to the right of conservatives and that's as far left as it gets thanks to the good ol' CIA.
Btw, punching them isn't impressive.

wtf is that cringe file

Attached: rekt.png (539x623, 550K)

Obviously meant to the left of conservatives.

to get strength

To live longer. The story in the picture isn't true, btw.

Attached: 416E4559-67F1-43F7-B347-218A724BFF73.jpg (736x414, 34K)

>its another imaginary """"history"""" episode
keep trying kike

Totally real (((story))) goy. Thanks for sharing.

I’m supposed to believe a human being “bent the bars to escape” like some fucking cartoon?

I actually worth metal all day. And the idea just seems retarded. This just seems like one of those zany WWII claims that people like to repeat because it sounds cool.

This. 6'1 in the netherlands almost makes me feel like a manlet. Luckily lots of turks, niggers and mocro's here to drive the avarege down though.

To fuck better looking bitches

There’s a Dutch dairy farming community in the panhandle of Texas and Eastern New Mexico that I am part of. I’m a 6’2 male that feels absolutely dwarfed by the rest of the men when there’s social gatherings. I swear to God the absolute tallest bastards left the Netherlands to farm out here.


isn't the average dutch girl 6ft


To tear apart lying Jews.

Oh piss off, average height in the Netherlands for men is 6'0" and for 5'6" for women.
You're just insecure and selectively biased. Stop larping.

Manlet detected

It's okay to kill you

to honor my ancestors.


Where was he around nazi guards if he wasnt already jailed?

To be a big guy 4 her.

Attached: 74092261_p0.png (1024x1400, 1.11M)

I'm 5'7" and swedish.

Attached: Dafeels.jpg (1113x787, 102K)

to protect the people i care about

To love myself :'(

BASED warden.

>have sex

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to survive and maybe reproduce

Very funny, everyone knows that France is the best country in the world and you faggots are just jealous

To satisfy my future wife and to be a role model for my children.

>Why are (You) lifting?
I have my reasons

To forget the fact that I‘m a fucking khv loser with no notable achievements living with my parents and not having any fucking goals because I don‘t have any talents

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he was smaller than me, therefore a fucking dyel

Out of habit mostly. Got the confidence, got the gf, got other hobbies. Bodies not looking as good as it used to when i was an obsessive fitness autist, but im not going to stop. Is getting boring tho.

isn't France currently overrun with sand-people looking to either kill or rape?

What will your new population rename it?

That'll be a big oof for me, chief

Lifting cured me of my depression.
Now I'm lifting for my waifu.

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To beat up Nazis and commies. Not in that order though

Based and MikuMiku-pilled.

Fuck off back to the desert and die.