I am a weak as shit 18y/o skinny fat (pic related) who just started a month ago, and wants to mainly lose fat...

I am a weak as shit 18y/o skinny fat (pic related) who just started a month ago, and wants to mainly lose fat, get abs and build some nice chest + arms

Monday, Wednesday and Friday are lifting. Tues and thurs are cardio, (30min running sessions)
Rear lat pulldowns 4 sets of 10, 45kg
Bench press 4 sets of 10, 20kg
overhead press 4 sets of 10, 2x 5kg dumbells
rear chest fly 4 sets of 10, 2x 5kg dumbells
Split Squats 4 x 15
back extensions 4 x 15
sit ups 3 x 15
leg raise 3 x 15

What do you think Jow Forums? good start for a complete beginner? Should I add or remove any?

Attached: y43dzwN.jpg (960x1280, 110K)

just to be clear pic in op isnt me, just have similar body

I think that you should work on getting progressively stronger on compound lifts until you're not such a weak cunt. At least squat and bench your own weight in plates for 5+ reps before moving on to something else.


>rear chest fly
>rear lat pulldowns

Seems like you’d get better results just running 6 days a week and eating a calorie deficit

I guarantee you look worse than that pic

tell me whats wrong with these

post body

What is a rear chest fly?

guess its just a chest fly

I consulted a coach at AIS who trained with olympians and he gave me this program

Your program is shit. Look up 3 day split on google and do it. Don’t do full body every single time at gym

Just curious, but why is that?

Olympic trainers are specialized for the sport which they train. This Olympic trainer did what exactly? Are you trying to become a skier?

read the fucking sticky
> read the fucking sticky
read the fucking sticky
> read the fucking sticky
read the fucking sticky
> read the fucking sticky
read the fucking sticky
> read the fucking sticky

Like a reverse fly for shoulders?

Probably just the first exercises he thought of after fondling op in the locker room

Just do pull ups and bench you phaggot

>rear lat pulldownzzzz
The less movement on unnatural planes (especially in positions of shoulder impingement) the better, at least til you get to a stage where you look less like a dyel

>rear chest flies
What the fuck cunt, explain

To be specific we are talking sports scientist, not exclusive olympic coach.

>projecting this hard
its okay if you like sucking cocks and taking it up ass just be more honest about it

what's a sticky???

didnt think so faggot

The dinosaur.

Im currently too fucking weak for pull ups, and as pathetic as that is thats why im doing lat pull downs.
What would you recommend for benching and how often

Kek you are overhead pressing 10 pounds and talking about me taking it up the ass. You are 12 year old girl weak, and have a terrible workout routine. Please tell me you are dirt poor too

thanks for the advice, will look into it.

ICF 5x5
Bulk (TDEE + 500)
Don't ego lift

You're welcome

>asks for advice as a beginner
>gets a gatekeeping closetedcocksucker
As i have mentioned several times im weak as shit and just starting so yeah im not suprised im weak, try using that retard brain for a proper insult.

Elaborate please, I genuinely dont know what you mean by ICF or TDEE + 500

Also >egolifting

>Elaborate please, I genuinely dont know what you mean by ICF or TDEE + 500
Have you heard of the internet?


There is a difference in ego lifting and being that weak as a 18year old male. Has to be low t

>no squats
>no deadlifts or clean-pulls
It’s trash.
Just do SS

>room temp iq mouthbreather thinks he understand testosterone because of weak shitposts
honestly just fuck up cunt, we get it, you dream of being molested.

Doing some simple split let’s your muscles get taxed hard and gives them time to recover. Working out full body every time either means your muscles aren’t fully recovered or they aren’t being taxed hard enough.

In all honesty tho if doing that program keeps you in the gym just do it. You being in the gym is the most important thing. Getting a better program doesn’t mean anything if you quit in 2 weeks. You can always change it later

thanks for a genuine response user, appreciate it.

>all these DYELs bitching and moaning at OP instead of giving actual advice.
Pic related.

Anyways OP, your routine looks fine. I would personally drop chest flys and split squats and do normal squats in a squat rack. After awhile once you really start getting in the groove of things, switch up your routine by adding deadlifts, pull ups, and even leg press. Don’t shy away from machines, they’re useful for shaping yourself into a sexy cunt. Cardio can just be treadmill and stairs machine or you know, just go outside and run. If you’re gym has a vertical ladder machine, that’s even better. Keep weights at a controllable level until you’re ready to move on to more. I hope this helps and keep your chin up. You’re gonna make it.

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The program is fine for beginners, calm down.

Why are there so many faggots in this thread shitposting instead of helping out?

>Bench press

Attached: 1557292523591.jpg (504x389, 27K)

Atleast he’s bench pressing you faggot. He’s already better 80% of the population

Do GSLP or ss or sl5x5

I know, i respect that and i hope he keeps it up.

You are such a white knight faggot, 20kg bench would be beaten by the majority of untrained males, and by the majority of trained females.

Squat 3 sets of 5
Bench press 3 sets of 5
Deadlift 1 set of 5

Squat 3 sets of 5
Overhead press 3 sets of 5
Deadlift 1 set of 5

Squat 3 sets of 5
Bench press 3 sets of 5
Deadlift 1 set of 5

Squat 3 sets of 5
Overhead press 3 sets of 5
Deadlift 1 set of 5

And so on.

Every new gym session you add 15 lbs to deadlifts, 10 lbs to squats, 5 lbs to bench press and 5 lbs to overhead press. If you're not able to complete the 5 sets exactly as programmed than go back to previous weight until you manage it.

Sorry, i meant complete the 3 sets of 5 reps

Or 1 set of 5 reps with the Deadlift. This will give you the strength you will need to do whatever workout you want later on

op don't do this, it's just a shitty meme and people who do it look like shit and aren't much stronger than people with normal routines.

Post body

no u

But in all seriousness you'd be better off eating a caloric defecit and cardo to ditch the puppyfat then move up to about 2600-2700 calories (depending on intensity) while doing basic calisthenics: push ups, planks etc.

Please god do not do this unless you're a skeleton. Just eat your proteins

Squats n oats

Post body

If by
>fine for beginners
you mean
>will produce better gains than doing nothing
Then yes it’s “fine”, because a total novice could make gains doing literally anything.
But as actual lifting programs go its fucking garbage

Why don't you do bizeps curls?

Broscience. The post.

Full body workouts are GOAT idiot. Low volume high frequency is literally the most effective way to build strength.

keked a little

Holy fuck, Thank you bros, I appreciate you coming by and sorting out the shitposts

My bench press is so low because I used to use a smith machine with about 40kgs not including bar until i was informed that smith machine is shit, and now I am just getting used to the stabilization of free weights. I shouldve mentioned this earlier as i looked like a mad faggot

Thanks so much for the encouragement man, this thread was a trainwreck of gatekeeping shitposters and im glad you real fitizens sorted these fuckers out.
My bench is so low because of my previous smith machine experience, im doing the cardio treadmill and i was afraid to do deadlifts because I thought i had a bad back but i saw a physio and they told me it was just back fatigue due to growth spurts. I will be getting on to pull ups as soon i build up to it through lat pulldowns, (unless im wrong here idk)
Im determined to keep going, Thanks for the encouragement, really appreciate it.

No, don't do SS. Do StrongLifts + Arms program. Its more balanced and the app tells you exactly what to do, very nooby friendly.

Attached: SL5x5+MoreArms.png (731x303, 17K)

I shouldve been clearer in my posts, my 20kg bench has been the first week with free weights learning stabilization, for the past month i was doing 40kg without counting bar, its certainly not a boast but should be mentioned.


Good thing you stopped using the smith machine, it will fuck your shoulder up really bad.

Also, when you say 20 kg do you mean only the bar? Or ten on each side? If you are only using the bar, put 2.5 kg on each side, it will be easier than just the bar because it's easier to control

For the last week Ive been doing 10 either side plus a lightweight bar just to get used to the stabilization. Tomorrow (Monday) i will up my game and add more because ive gotten used to the free weights and have learnt to control it. Its such a weird change from the smith machine but im glad i did it.

Just add curls and chins to SS, the extra volume is unnecessary imo. Still a decent option though.

Are you writing everything you do down?

No, ive just been recalling it for this post.
I assume its a good idea to keep it all written down?

Absolutely. I used to go by memory alone but once I started writing my workouts down I saw the biggest gains. Weight, reps and thoughts on form should all be on paper. I wish that I knew tracking progression was so important from the start.

Thanks user, I will start doing that.

Not as bad as most people on here.

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