>claim 6'0
>I'm actually 5'12
Claim 6'0
>Claim 4'11"
>See the look on 6'4" skellies get visibly mad
>still using the retarded imperial system
>even NASA ditched that shit years ago
>Claim I’m 6’2”
>actually 5’14”
Delightfully devilish Seymour
Uh retard it only goes up to 11. So you ARE 6ft. Americans, not even once.
you're talking with a population that sent 7 trillion dollars and their own sons to fight for israel in some arab deserts thousands of kilometers away
dont even bother
is this reverse reverse bait?
Stay mad, niggers. There is literally no reason for the layman to switch outside of matching all of your cuckold countries, and nobody in America gives a fuck about that lmao
>im retarded lol EPIC TROLL
send more americans to die for israel, dont forget your billions of dollars as well
stay cucked :^)
Post country
>Tell people I'm 5'11" to make 6'0" guys look like insecure liars.
fuck off redittor
>Tell people my 1RMs online
>I'm telling the truth
>Decide to embrace manletdom by telling people I'm 5'8.5"
>manlets shorter than me claiming to be 5'9" or 5'10" btfo
I do what I can
>claim 5'10
>don't even know how much 1,81m is in inches
>tell people i'm 5'10
>actually 6'1
love seeing people quiver and try to tell me otherwise
>claim tree fiddy
>actually a 50ft plesiosaur from the Triassic era
Your country is America’s bitch
Lo siento, ¿podría repetirlo en español, por favor?
>claim 5'11"
The sweat, the terror the fear and sudden realization of helplessnes of manlets when I stand next to them and mog them but say that I'm 5'11".... It's what I live for.
>be me
>out with /fraternity brothers/ and assorted groupies last night
>pregaming for a table at a local club
>talking to this girl, she asks how tall I am
>I'm 6'4"
>I tell her I'm 6 foot, maybe 6'1" on a good day
>my /brother/, 5'7" standing right there
>visibly shaken
>b-but user I'm 5'9" and you're way taller, y-you must be 6'5"!
It makes them so distraught. I love it.
sanjaj ameripederu