Jow Forums Redpills

Thank you so much for shilling me buckwheat, this shit is amazing

>12g protein
>70g carbs
>Ready in 10 minutes
>Fuckin tasty

Share your divine wisdom in this thread bros

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No amount of muscle or fitness will make up for shitty social skills.

But looks will.
Added that for ya.

looks only get you so far, you still need to talk to them.

Yeah that douchbag with the 85 IQ and zero talking points other than "YEAH FOOTBALL" banging 10/10s is secretly a fucking insightful novelist and social commentator.
Girls hate guys smarter than them! They'd rather have a dog or a dog brain in a Chad human.


In looks alone. Being a shallow, stupid dipshit goes both ways.

tfw when a qt starts brushing her hair back when you're talking about finance

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Kefir. Shit is great and I am getting storr bought stuff. Gonna venture into making my own eventually. My digestion has been so much better... i eat a very high protein diet and the braps have basically gone away since having a glass of kefir with breakfast. Thanks Jow Forums

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I literally don't care about personality other than literal crazy break all your shit or stab you crazy.
Women have no interests and no hobbies other than social media. Shit conversations and not humorous.

>Used to live in London for work
>Greek Bodybuilder/PT housemate, huge
>Would always shill buckwheat and how it's good for gains
>We talk about how there's nothing to eat around here because it's all Kosher or Halal
>He agrees, I say that it's like being forced to give charity
>"No I just fucking hate Jews man"

>Women have no interests and no hobbies other than social media. Shit conversations and not humorous.
Not in my experience. Most of them? Maybe. But there are many, many worthwhile women around.

well he's probably banging some air head bimbos, so not much value to that tbqh.

my mother makes her own. it took her a couple tries to get it down. i guess it's kinda like baking bread.

>blocks your calcium absorption
Heh, nothing personal kid.

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are you successful with women? if not, i hope you're not confused as to why.

>t. Roastie

If that is all that you have found then maybe stop searching for girls at the bottom of the barrel

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yeah this is what i kinda hate about the redpill mentality. i follow a lot of the principles with my girlfriend, as to some extent AWALT. but so many dudes in the community just fucking hate women. which is so strange, because my appreciation for women has increased 10 fold since "taking le redpill"/

>t. brainlet
When do you start blaming jews for your problems btw ?

lmao im a dude. you're just buttblasted because you got outed as a virgin

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Okay brainlet, different user actually
You just talk like a fag then, my mistake
Enjoy sucking up to women while they treat you like shit

I've had a handful of girlfriends that lasted more than a year. They usually leave after they see me drink. It's a problem i have and they were right to leave me. Im on good terms with most of them still. They all say it was very intimidating being around me because they felt stupid. They all are dating guys now who are "yeah football" like i said earlier.

Everybody at the gym is watching you

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> what are antinutrients
> what are empty macros
> what are micronutrients
> what is bioavailabilty
> what are autoimmune diseases

nice projection bud. just because you're unable to have positive experiences with women doesn't mean the rest of the world does

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I have nothing but positive experiences because I don't put up with shit tests, it's the people immediate to me who get walked over by women

>Blocks your path

>330 cals
>10g protein
>77g carbs
>14g fiber
>1.5g fats


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you can have positive and negative experiences with people regardless of gender. i've met women who were sweet, warm and kind, and i've met others who were mean, bitter, dumb and full blown cunty. much like i've met dudes who were total bros and others that were scumbags.
but to address what you said, it's true some women will constantly shit test you and will walk all over you. but like any other toxic person, i don't associate with them

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Post more based food

Barley is better than buckwheat?

I want to buy buckwheat.
Which one should I get?
Raw white? Roasted? Sprouted?

I got roasted, never had any other kind but it was delicious

It's always worse with women because the dynamic is different.
When men interact there's always the possibility to resolve through mutual violence, so even the most shitty behaviour is tempered.
This isn't true for male-female interaction as they're beyond reproach

But this is a separate issue and you may not agree

>There are no stupid questions.
>Until you asked that question


I've heard this before is it Jordan Peterson? Or somebody else?

Maybe I dunno, I doubt he'd say something so on the nose though
Too milquetoast

I wouldn't recommend sprouting buckwheat, you'll be risking fagopyrism (a light sensitive skin disorder related to a toxin present in the leaves and sprouts)

>he hasn't taken the hemp pill
MORE protons
LESS carbs

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Roasted tastes like old cigarettes and depression
Raw tastes like fresh meadows, sort of flowery and like pussy juice

>Autists actually believe this

Is barley sweet?
They feed it to the cows where I get raw milk from and it tastes sweet

He can be surprisingly based when he isn't going full crybaby mode.
I think it's from a long sit down he had with camille paglia on gender relations. It's on YouTube unless they "shut it down"

based and relatable

you welcome bro. i shilled it day and night

The truth is only found by those who wish to seek it my fellow user.
Before you sperg and say "confirmation bias, and people see what they want to see" i know. Kind of the point im making.

Cereal grains are little knobs of sugars so yes.

>sugar is really just going to rot your teeth and put some fat on your body, it's not going to slow your progress

Based get.

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I always thought carbohydrates are stored as glycogen and fat is stored as fat (maybe that's why it's called fat?)
Guess not, fat cells actually store sugar, you always learn something new on this shit board

well i think at this point we're diverging from the original point. i won't disagree with you that the dynamics are very different and the approach to problem resolution is different.
i definitely is more difficult to argue with women because thy come from an emotional position rather than a (cold) logical way of reasoning like men

This is a childlike understanding of biology

>3g fiber
>12oz $40

Barley is dirt cheap
Like 1/4 price of Buckwheat

Roasted ... YES
As is/Cooked ... NO

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Setting tinder to both guys and girls boosts your visibility because guys like you a higher % of the time thus raising your like to pass ratio, this qualifies you for their front page super like top profiles. Shit is noticeably helpful.
This is all the wisdom I have tho

Real low-IQ hours

this video was a huge breakthrough for me

Quads of truth

Buckwheat and pumpkin seeds every morning is the breakfast of champions.

how so?

Owen has completely lost his marbles now it's great
Not like normie crazy because of the political stuff, I mean he's genuinely batshit

Hmmmm... I might have to try this.


Not the original poster, but can you use half-half to make kefir instead of whole milk if you want to lower the carb content?

i wouldn't know honestly. i never liked kefir. but i don't see why not. i'd give it a good. cooking is just experimenting

le anger phase newbs sperg out the most

>all these seedfags
Enjoy your plant estrogens and carb-bloated guts.

Kefir is always made with skimmed milk
I don't know why, but maybe there's a good reason not to use anything else

No need
Kefir feeds on suggar
So if you want 0 carbs you can just let it go for a bit longer
It will end up really sour though
Most people don't like that way though and then end up adding suggar/fruit

Traditionaly kefir is made with whole raw milk

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Guess I've been spoiled on the imported Polish drinking consistency stuff
Now that you mention it, I visited warsaw and the kefir there was more lumpy and less pourable/drinkable than the stuff I get in the UK

>only 1/6th of the calories come from protein
No thanks, hon.

A lot of women find smart guys a turn off unless wealthy, as they arent as easily manipulated and have stronger boundaries.

The ho's taking the dingus chad warehouse workers are simply digging & have more than one supply source.

For me, it's ryazhenka

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>A lot of women find smart guys a turn off
Why would I give a shit about those women? Why would I intentionally make myself stupid in order to appeal to stupid women?

HARD cope.

I dont argue with children for the same reason I don't argue with women. Its stupid