No matter how many times I deload I can't seem to get my bench above 130 lb. what am I doing wrong

No matter how many times I deload I can't seem to get my bench above 130 lb. what am I doing wrong

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The exercise itself. Look to do the form right.

I think I'm doing it right though. I follow every checkpoint that anyone gives on how to do it right and I think about them constantly

Eat more . Gen enough sleep

Eat more, sleep better, make sure you're warming up properly. Maybe get pissed off a little, that helped me break a couple prs.

130 for how many reps

I'm doing sl 5x5

im 2 months in, was stuck on 140 for like 3 weeks but i’m up to 155 since last week. just stick with it

How much you weigh?
You're probably not accruing enough volume as opposed to doing too much
I think it sucks for beginners on bench, you need to generate stress to get stronger, but you're not strong enough to generate much stress with 3x5


You give me hope
I'm 159.5, 6 feet. If I'm going to do more volume do I need to deload a lot then? Like I said here I'm doing 5x5 currently

>6 foot
Sorry, you have to move the bar like a mile through space with your long fucking arms
Make sure you're retracting you shoulders and squeezing your chest out

>do I need to deload a lot then
No, keep at it if you're not regressing
You could cycle volume, so 5x5 then 5x6 before increasing weight
Maybe alternate with OHP on Wed
Or do 1-3 heavier reps on Friday with some backoff sets instead of the 5x5

Many options available

In addition to other comment suggestions, you might benefit from isolation exercises to boost the lift

Yes, and/or feeder exercises

So you can't hit it for 5 on your last set or what?

Regardless, next time you go into the gym do your warmup sets and just press 135. That will give you the confidence to break through your plateau.

try switching to ramping sets aka madcow

>So you can't hit it for 5 on your last set or what?
It varies. Sometimes I can't hit it for 5 on the last two or three sets. Sometimes I can't do 5 reps on any set

lifting is 80% mental

Just do 1pl8 OHP for as many reps as possible and then rest and go back down to your workset weight.

Your problem is not in the gym but out of it. Are you counting your calories? Are you getting 8 hours of sleep? when are you exercising? Try to go when you have a good amount energy. Also if you do, stop drinking, I can bench 255 for reps but a night of drinking before hand I struggle with 225. And like the other anons said keep at it, and it never hurts to gain a little more mass.

Not counting calories but I know I'm getting enough because I've gained 5 pounds over the past month and a half. 90% of the foods I eat are healthy and I get plenty of vegetables. I'm not getting enough sleep. And how much drinking is detrimental? I had a beer last night but that was it

>I'm not getting enough sleep
Sleep is the most anabolic thing you can do
6-8 hours pls

Retract the scapula.

Thanks for the advice. I'll use it and break through this wall
