Is pic related the best protein powder or just a meme?

Is pic related the best protein powder or just a meme?

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Yes it's a meme, buy unflavoured in bulk

w-what's wrong with double chocolate flavor???

Less protein, costs more
Sweeteners and flavourings
Do whatever you want though fren

It's fine. They make a version with no artificial sweeteners as well.

20 kg oh man

yes, it's what i'm using atm, but the vanilla icecream flavor. Add it to muh oatmeal every morning.

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Just use what works for you.
Not a fan of whey myself... I prefer pic related

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my boyfriend cum is the best protein

I wish i were that bag

Shoo shoo tranny

How is the taste and smell? Ive read somewhere that some unflavoured whey proteins might taste like thick or old milk and smell like dried milk. Mirin arm gains

Taste and smell is fine, I just knock it back as quick as possible anyway.
Tastes like watered down milk I guess, little salty too which is odd
>Inb4 cum

i'm a boy, not a tranny

One of the best. ON is a division of the cheese maker Glanbia, their whey is a byproduct of their own cheesemaking. If you have a costco membership you can get their 3.5lbs bag of isolate for $40.

ON is the best. Don't be fooled

Eat real food.

For free or for a fee?

god i want you to strangle me
please be in europe

>they don't use True Nutrition

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for those who haven’t seen it

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thanks trump

Attached: 2019-06-30 00_26_55-Amazon.com_ Buying Choices_ Amazon Brand - Solimo Whey Protein Powder with BCAA (916x363, 65K)

I get the kind from Aldi because I like the taste.

>Contains milk and onions

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>44 servings
that doesnt seem right

The other one is loaded with bullshit and filler, i bet the serving size of that cheapo one is 2 scoops. While having the same amount of protein. You are paying the extra to have a clean whey isolate devoid of the extra bullshit and cheap chemicals they throw in the cheapo one to make it seem like a better deal

What does Jow Forums think of pea protein?
>tfw Lactose intolerant

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Its fucking trash dust from chinese factory floors. Now foods 10lb bag of unflavored whey is the best, non-negotiable

Absolute fool, enjoy your unsealed fillers out of heat-warped plastic tub.

ON gives me diarhea i got the cellucor peanut butter and marshmallow flavor and its breddy good desu

Protein powder itself is a meme. It's been shown many times that they are full of heavy metals, they have no real nutrition in them other than raw amino acids, and it's easy to meet protein requirements from real food. The whole obsession with macros at the expense of micros is a fad that is thankfully dying.

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What about protein i use?

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shhh user you're not supposed to shill the good stuff

Beef protein powder is best

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>misread as "Anime Whey"
>got very excited for a split second

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Is the GNC brand ok? The whey isolate. Anyone tried it?

>muh fart powders

How many scoops are you guys taking a day? Im taking 2 ON whey and 1 nu3 vegan protein. Can I take more or will I fry my liver and kidneys?

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whey causes cancer and heart disease

Fry your liver and kidneys? What the fuck? Stop believing everything you read on the internet. You should be alright. The amount of scoops isn't important, focus on the amount of protein you need per day